Global Climate Change and its Policy Implications
Global Climate Change And Its Policy Implications To Be Addressed
By New Research Program At RFF
WASHINGTON, DC -- Resources for the Future (RFF) today announces
the launch of its Climate Economics and Policy Program that aims
to increase understanding and knowledge of the complex issues of
global climate change that must be addressed to design appropriate,
cost-effective policies in the United States and abroad.
RFF's new program responds to both the ongoing debate about climate
change, and the specific debates surrounding the negotiations being
carried out under the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change. The Convention involves an agreement among 154
countries to develop programs and cooperate in slowing climate
change, and to consider climate change in its management of
Earth would be about 0 F.
But human activities are causing some greenhouse gases, such as
carbon dioxide, to build up in the atmosphere. Whenever fossil
fuels such as gasoline, oil, coal or natural gas are burned, more
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. The resulting
temperature changes will affect rainfall, sea level and other
natural processes. These changes in turn could have significant
social and economic consequences.
The publication of the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change has signaled the beginning of a
broader agenda of research and debate. While there is still
Integrating the various aspects of climate change with a
substantial amount of ongoing and future research at RFF on energy
markets, water and forest resource management, air pollution,
environmental regulation, and sustainable development, RFF's
Climate Economics and Policy Program focuses on five main areas:
The economic and environmental consequences of climate change
and policies to deal with climate change.
Domestic and international policy design issues.
well-informed public, RFF will provide regular reports of its
climate change activities to the news media, post program updates
and activities on RFF's internet home page (A HREF="">,
and provide educational materials for lay audiences on the
economics of climate change.
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