where to send old journals


A couple of weeks ago I posted a message asking for information on clearinghouses which would ship older, unused journals to institutions in need of them. About seventy responses later I'm finally getting around to summarizing what I heard back. I've organized the list into three groups: clearinghouses which will distribute journals (and usually equipment too), institutions in less developed countries (LDC) which have limited or no access to ecological literature, and "Other" requests, from field stations and small and/or new institutions which want to beef up (or create) their libraries. In the interests of saving space, I have not included requests from individuals.

Shipping seems to be the big bugaboo. A little known option was pointed out to me by Mike Swift (mswift@carleton.edu). With the mail bag option of the USPS, you pay a low per pound rate for surface shipping which varies with distance shipped. To get journals to Poland, Mike pays ~75 cents per pound. Check with your local P.O., as limitations per bag apply. Also, within the US, fourth class rates (book rate) is a lot less than that (~ 25 cents per pound or so). This may also work for APO addresses overseas. As a point of reference, 5 years of Amer. Nat. Weighed about 50 lb, which would not make for outrageous postage, even overseas. I've indicated where the person contacted said that their institution would or might pay for shipping. The American Geophysical Union has a policy of distributing journal collections belonging to retiring and deceased members to institutions in Latin America. None of the ecology oriented societies I contacted (ESA, Ent Soc Am, Amer Soc Nat) had such a program, although ESA does donate subscriptions to individuals who cannot afford them. Perhaps they could be persuaded to cover shipping as well.

There is a real need for "old" journals out there. There are researchers out there trying to do research in an information vacuum. If you have issues of journals on your shelves which you haven't looked at in the past 3 or 4 years, consider donating them to institutions where your colleagues could be putting them to good use. If you have a library within a 10 minute walk which has the same back issues, you won't be missing much besides some head-clearing outdoor time.

Thanks to all the people who responded to my query (and put up with my pesky questions). Any boneheaded mistakes in the list below I apologize for in advance. Please e-mail me directly if I've got mailing or other addresses wrong.


Mike Kearsley         Plant Ecology / Vegetation Analysis
US DOI BOR                    Northern Arizona University
Glen Canyon Environmental Studies     Department of Biological Sciences
mkearsley@gces.uc.usbr.gov           Mike.Kearsley@nau.edu
(520) 556-7457 (-7363) {voice}      (520) 523-2381 {voice}
556-7368 {fax}              (520) 523-7500 {fax}


Type:     Clearinghouse
Country: Africa/S.America
Inst:     Various
Contact: Gail Olsen
Via:     gailo@neota.cnr.colostate.edu
Notes:    The Fisheries and Wildlife Biology graduate student organization
identifies libraries and others in need in Africa and Latin America.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:various (S. America)
Inst:    various
Via:    TBA -- mushinsky@chuma.cas.usf.edu
Notes:    The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) is
putting together a program to get journals into the hands of South American
colleagues.  They do not have the infrastructure worked out yet, but maybe
if you keep bugging them and they'll get to it.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:Organization of Biological Field Stations
Inst:    various
Via:    http://jasper.stanford.edu/obfs/index.html/
Notes:    This is the OBFS web page, a index of other field stations and
contacts at those stations.  In general, the separation between field
stations and supporting institutions makes literature work difficult.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:various (worldwide)
Inst:    various
Contact:Judy Holoviak (AGU)
Via:    jholoviak@kosmos.agu.org
Notes:    The American Geophysical Union has long distributed the journal
collections of its retiring members.  I'm not sure if Judy Holoviak is the
appropriate contact, but she is the Director of Publications for the AGU
and should know who to contact if she isn't it.  Dr. Gerardo Gold-Bouchet
of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico suggested contacting other professional
societies to ask if they will do this.  ESA, Ent Soc Am. and Amer Soc Nat
do not do this.  Perhaps if enough people asked them to.....

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:various (worldwide)
Inst:    various
Contact:Mr. H.R. Dalafi
Via:    donation@ictp.trieste.it
Notes:    The International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy
will match donees with donors, as part of its cooperative efforts with the
Third World Academy of Science.  Their web site is located at:
http://www.ictp.trieste.it should you wish to visit.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:Various (S. America)
Inst:    various
Contact:Betty Peterson
Via:    508-224-6521
Notes:    The Manomet Bird Observatory (P.O. Box 1770, Manomet, MA 02345, USA)
runs the Birders Exchange which gets donated gear to scientists in South
America.  Perhaps they will do journals too.  I'm waiting to hear an
official word back from Ms Peterson, but I have heard from elsewhere that
they will ship journals.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Inst:    various
Contact:Anna Bretell
Via:    v-abretell@bssz.umd.edu
Notes:    The U. of MD has cooperative agreements with universities in the
PRC.  Contact them for which journals they need.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:various (Latin America)
Inst:    various
Contact:Jean Langenheim
Via:    lang@biology.ucsc.edu
Notes:    Jean Langenheim is a contact who can connect you to the LALEP
program which transfers journals and equipment to scientists and
institutions in Latin America.

Type:    Clearinghouse
Country:various (Africa)
Inst:    various
Contact:Gerry Cunningham
Via:    Cunningh@matina.conicit.go.cr
Notes:    Gerry is a contact for INFOTERRA, which finds "focal points" in need
of journals and equipment.  In partnership with the US-EPA, they have been
equipping institutions and organizations.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    U. of East Timor
Contact:Alex Nyhan
Via:    202 298-0239
Notes:    A partnership between Georgetown University and the U of East Timor
("Partnership for institutional excellence")

Type:    LDC
Inst:    FAUTRON
Contact:Erica Fleishman
Via:    Efleishman@scs.unr.edu
Notes:    FAUTRON is a Brazilian NGO with a decent field station, but no

Type:    LDC
Country:Costa Rica
Inst:    Wilson Botanical Garden
Contact:Eric Ribbens
Via:    eribbens@csb.sju.edu
Notes:  Eric Ribbens suggested donating journals to the Wilson Botanical

Type:    LDC
Country:Guam (USA)
Inst:    University of Guam
Contact:Bob Thacker
Via:    rthacker@hawaii.edu
Notes:    Almost any journals.  Contact Bob Thacker for Joanne Crotts' e-mail
address.  Otherwise, send mail to RFK Library, U. of Guam Station,
Mangilao, Guam, 96923

Type:    LDC
Country:Federated States of Micronesia
Inst:    College of Micronesia
Contact:Bob Thacker
Via:    rthacker@hawaii.edu
Notes:    Almost any journals.  Contact Bob Thacker for an e-mail contact
address.  Mail to Coll. of Micronesia, Pohnpei, Federated State of Micronesia.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    U. of Estonia
Contact:Jaanus Paal
Via:    jpaal@ut.ee
Notes:    Especially interested in Ecology, Amer. Natur., Can. J. Bot.  Dr.
Paal also has contacts for the Institution of Biology, Latvia and
Institution of Botany, Lithuania.

Type:    LDC
Country:Sri Lanka
Inst:    Institute of Tropical Environmental Studies
Contact:Rohan H. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D.
Via:    rohan@ites.ac.lk
Notes:    ITES is interested in most journals dealing with ecology and
environmental sciences.  Dr. Wickramasinghe has contacts at other local
ecological libraries as well.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Institute of Ecology
Contact:Gottfried Jetsche
Via:    bgj@rz.uni-jena.de
Notes:    Dr. Jetsche and colleagues in the Theoretical Ecology Group do not
have access to many journals, such as Amer Nat which discuss conceptual
aspects of ecology.  Older issues, which cover the development of current
understandings would be very welcome.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Center for Ecological Science and Conservation
Contact:T.R.Shankar Naman
Via:    shankar@cesx.iisc.ernet.in
Notes:    A small organization getting off the ground, working on conservation
and wildlife management issues. They are looking for broad-based journals
(Ecol, Amer Nat, Evol) plus journals dealing with wildlife management
issues.  Alternate Contact: Center for Ecological Science, Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India

Type:    LDC
Inst:    American University in Bulgaria
Contact:Anna Georgeva
Via:    AYG950@jmc.aubg.bg
Notes:    This is a 5 year old institution which needs journals of almost any

Type:    LDC
Country:Costa Rica
Inst:    Universidad Nacional
Contact:Maria Isabel Di Mare, Ph.D.
Via:    mdimare@irazu.una.ac.cr
Notes:    The Programa Regional trains Latin American scientists in wildlife
management and provides a library to scientists in the region.  They will
pay postage.  Alternate contact: Programa Regional en Manejo de Vida
Silvestre, Universidad Nacional, APDO 1350, 3000 Heredia, Costa Rica,
Centro America 506-237-7039 {vox), 506-237-7036 (fax).

Type:    LDC
Inst:    University of Campinas
Contact:Woody Benson
Via:    fax:  19-239-3124
Notes:    Any ecological journals would be welcome.  You may contact Woody via
Marcio Cardoso at the U. of Texas (zikan@piglet.cc.utexas.edu).

Type:    LDC
Inst:    University of Warsaw
Contact:Mike Swift / Andrej Kowalczewski
Via:    mswift@carleton.edu / akowalc@plearn.edu.pl
Notes:    Mike sends all his journals (J. Great Lakes Res., Ecol., Envir.
Toxicol. Chem) to the U of Warsaw using the mailbag option.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Islamic University
Contact:Mohammad R. Al-Agha, Ph.D.
Via:    mralagha@iugaza.edu
Notes:    A new institution starting from scratch with departments involved in
Environment and Earth Sciences and Groundwater Resources Management.  They
are looking for computer equipment, training, microscopes, any lab
equipment.  Journals they are interested in include: Env. Geol., Hydrology,
Solid Wastes, Contaminant Hydrology, Israel J. Earth Sci., Waste Water,
Water Internat., Water Qual., and Environmental Pollution.

Type:    LDC
Country:Sierra Leone, West Africa
Inst:    Njala University College
Contact:Osman A. Sankoh
Via:    sankoh@amadeus.statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Notes:    Dr. Sankoh is on sabbatical at U. Dortmund, but indicated that any
journal donations should be directed to: The Dean, Faculty of Env.
Sciences, U of Sierra Leone, P.M.B., Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa

Type:    LDC
Inst:    University of Panama
Contact:Dr. Hector Barrios
Via:    hbarrios@ancon.up.ac.pa
Notes:    Dr. Barrios is interested in journals to support a MSC program at
the University.  Dr. B. Can also be contacted at Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institution, Unit 0948 APO AA, FL 34002-0948, USA.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Centre for Environmental Policy and Land in Africa
Contact:Michael Ochieng Odhiambo
Via:    ochieng@arcc.or.ke
Notes:    CEPLA is in need of journals relating to ecology, the environment,
environmental law and policy, natural resources, and sustainable development.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Contact:Prof. Maria Rosa Paiva
Via:    mrp@mail.fct.unl.pt
Notes:    Notify Prof. Paiva of the names and issues of journals, as their
library lacks some numbers.

Type:    LDC
Inst:    Green Federation (Federacja Zielonych)
Contact:Thomas Perkowski
Via:    greenfed@inet.com.pl
Notes:    The federation is building an environmental library and are
accepting nearly all titles.  They may be able to secure a small grant to
help with postage as well.

Type:    Other
Inst:    Nevada State Museum
Contact:Erica Fleishman
Via:    Efleishman@scs.unr.edu

Type:    Other
Inst:    U. of Northern British Columbia
Contact:Joe Ackerman
Via:    ackerman@unbc.edu
Notes:    A new university looking to develop their library

Type:    Other
Inst:    Stetson University
Contact:Cindy Bennington
Via:    cbenning@tophat.stetson.edu
Notes:    A small, private, liberal arts college with a small library
collection which dates back only as far as 1991.  Dr. Bennington (Dept.
Biol, Box 8264, Stetson University, Deland, FL, 32720, USA) was a bit
shocked at the size of the collection when she arrived on campus.

Type:    Other
Inst:    Louis Calder Field Center
Contact:Dr. John D. Wehr
Via:    Wehr@murray.fordham.edu
Notes:    The field center wants to develop its library, and has need of back
journals.  The long distances from the Center to researchers' institutions
makes it difficult to do literature work.

Type:    Other
Inst:    Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology
Contact:Steve Tonsor
Via:    tonsor@pitt.edu
Notes:    Pymatuning is a small field station looking to increase its library.
 They may be able to pay for shipping, depending on the journals offered.

Type:    Other
Inst:    Clark University
Contact:Jeanne Kasperson
Via:    jkasperson@vax.clarku.edu
Notes:    They are interested in acquiring old issues of ecological and
environmental journals.

Type:    Other
Inst:    University of Pittsburg
Contact:Steve Tonsor
Via:    tonsor@pitt.edu
Notes:    Pitt will pay shipping for journals in ecology and evolution
*except* Ecology, Copeia, Ecol Monog, J Mamm, J NABS, J Wildl Mgt, and
Monog in Limnol and Oceanog.

Mike Kearsley       Northern Arizona University
Department of Biological Sciences            5557 White Horse Dr
P.O. Box 5640    Flagstaff, AZ   86011          Flagstaff, AZ   86004
Mike.Kearsley@nau.edu                     (520) 527-1533
(520) 523-2381 {voice}  523-7500 {fax}

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 18:15:00 EST
From: "L-Soft list server at UMDD (1.8b)"
Subject: Conference: International wildlife law, April, DC

2d Annual International Wildlife Law Conference: Registration Materials

The 2d Annual International Wildlife Law Conference will take place on April 8, 1997 in Washington DC at the Georgetown University Law Center.

Conference co-sponsors are:

American Society of International Law's wildlife section GreenLife Society - North America Georgetown International Environmental Law Review Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law & Policy Environmental Law Society, American University School of Law Detroit College of Law-Michigan State University

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