
List Name: ECOCT-A
Subscription Address: LISTSERV@SEARN.SUNET.SE
Owner: Eng-Leong Foo

This is a "read-only" list for announcements from the organisers of the International ECOCITY Electronic Network. Network members will be able join other ECOCITY lists for the exchange of information and may participate in workshop sessions on selected issues related to technical, economic, social and political development on sustainable urban development. Preliminary contacts have been made to cooperate with other international bodies, such as OECD's Ecological City project, UN HABITAT II preparatory committee.

Owner: R. R. Ronkin
Last Update: 10/12/91

A public discussion list for all persons interested in technology transfer in international development. The list is sponsored by Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA), a private, nonprofit, voluntary organization for humanitarian assistance established in 1959. Subscribers discuss their shared interests in the list's subject, which can include current news, new books, computers and communications in development, other new technologies, personal experiences, entrepreneurship, relations between technology and the amelioration of poverty in Third World countries, projects, organizations, and educational programs, but need not be restricted to these topics. Subscribers automatically receive VITA's monthly newsletter.

List Name: ENVCEE
Subscription Address: LISTSERV@REC.HU
Owner: Rossen Roussev
Last Update: 11/30/94

The ENVCEE-L was formed as an open, unmoderated discussion list by the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) in order to discuss Environmental Issues in the following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The main mission of this list is to promote cooperation among diverse environmental groups and interests in Central and Eastern Europe; to act as a catalyst for developing solutions to environmental problems in this region; and to promote the development of a civic society. Archives of ENVCEE-L mail items are kept in monthly files. Plese note that this is not the L-Soft revised LISTSERV. Send a message with a BODY containing the word HELP in order to get more information about the listserver.

List Title: ENTER-L Enterprise Development in Developing Countries
List Name: ENTER-L
Subscription Address: LISTSERV@DEVCAN.CA
Owner: Jean-Claude Lorin
Last Update: 10/16/96

ENTER-L Discussion List focuses on enterprise development in developing countries, with special attention to micro and small enterprises. Topics for discussion include: definitions, the enabling environment, finance, supporting systems, training and training of trainers, education and enterprise development, technology, markets, the informal sector, the enterpreneur, networking, privatization, employment creation, urbanization, enterprise development programming and planning, gender and enterprise development

List Name: AAA_Environment_Related_Web_Sites
Subscription Address:
Owner: Adam Thyer
Last Update: 08/14/96

Information about Environment related Web sites -- topics include environmental organisations, green house, recycling, energy conservation and endangered species. Your WebScout offers 22 newsletter titles, each devoted to announcing Web sites and events related to a specific subject. Free subscriptions and information are available from our Web site at Web publishers can announce sites via our newsletters for FREE.



Ecopsychology bridges the domains of psychology, ecology and various others, to examine the psychological and spiritual roots of the environmental crisis. Ecopsychologists view humanity as interdependent with all other life forms, including Earth itself. By reawakening this consciousness, we act instinctively to care for the Earth and all life.

Purpose: To share artful, spirited and scientific discussion on a wide range of related topics. To meet with peers for professional and personal development through exploring our inherent shared affinity with nature. To develop ecopsychology into a thriving profession in education and research.

To subscribe, send email to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU

and in the body of the message, put subscribe ecopsychology yourfirstname yourlastname

List owner: (Claudia Robinson)

Last change on or before 8 Mar 10 199

Keywords: environment philosophy activism education theory ethics anthropology ecology

Subscription Address: MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK
Owner: Ian Tilsed

A forum for discussion of ecological theology. The goal of the list is to enable academic discussion of environmental issues from a theological or ethical perspective. Open to all traditions, contributions are welcome from those in other disciplines, including philosophy and the social sciences. Archives of ECOTHEOL mail items are kept in monthly files. You may obtain a list of files in the archives by sending the command "INDEX ECOTHEOL" in the BODY of e-mail to MAILBASE@UK.AC.MAILBASE on JANET or to MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK on the Internet.

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