Climate Treaty & Negotiations (Part 1 of 2)


******************** EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ********************

This SSI Information Update launches our expanded focus on global climate change. UCS, along with our climate change allies, believes there is an unprecedented window of opportunity to bring to fruition an international agreement that will significantly reduce heat-trapping gas emissions -- thus averting or at least mitigating the impacts of global climate change.

This window opened last July at Geneva when the United States announced its intention to seek legally binding targets and timelines for reducing emissions. With this change in the US position, most of the world then signaled its willingness to get serious about climate change. The nations of the world now have exactly one year to decide what goal they ultimately will achieve, as well as what specific strategies will be used and what policies need to be enacted to get us to the goal. The parties to the climate treaty meet again in December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan to finalize the negotiations.

Over the next twelve months, SSI will identify occasions when scientists can influence this important policy debate. We will let you know when climate science is under attack and will keep you informed of national and international policy developments. We will provide opportunities to strengthen your media and advocacy skills and will diligently seek chances for meaningful action. Active and relentless participation by the scientific community is required to ensure that a significant international agreement is reached.

Thus, SSI's climate work will broaden beyond the science to include policy recommendations consistent with the science. We recognize that some of you may be uneasy in the policy arena, or may perhaps feel uncomfortable endorsing the specific policy solutions that UCS recommends. If this is the case, there is still opportunity for your participation -- much work remains to be done in the science arena as the climate skeptics continue their onslaught against the scientific conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We hope you will join us in this endeavor, whether your particular focus is on the science, the policy, or both.

This information update sets the context for the upcoming series of three international preparatory meetings leading up to Kyoto. The first meeting will take place in Geneva from December 9 - 18, 1996. The update covers the following topics:

** Background on the climate treaty and the IPCC's first scientific assessment.

** A description of the major developments at the first two Conferences of the Parties.

** An initial look at where the upcoming negotiations may be moving.

** A quick assessment of likely strategies opponents of climate change action will use to prevent a meaningful international treaty.

** A list of references and Internet Resources

Please note that the policy positions outlined in this update are works in progress. We are using this forum to give SSI members a sense of the important issues and possible responses to them. But discussions among our NGO allies and among country delegations are preliminary and will undoubtedly be revised, refined, and adjusted. Knowing that you can appreciate the evolving nature of the discussions, we ask you not to distribute this document, including no electronic postings.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions on this SSI priority focus.



A briefing update produced by Darren Goetze, staff scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists

**Origins and the Role of Science

The 1992 United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) came as a direct result of the research findings of the scientific community. Though the theory of global warming due to CO2 release to the atmosphere is more than a century old, during the 1980s scientists' journal papers and books noted with increasing alarm the potentially serious consequences of changing global climate by an anthropogenic enhancement of the greenhouse effect. In an effort to examine the question systematically, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. This panel was charged with reporting on the state of the science of climate change, the human role in it, and the possible impacts it might have. Within two years, the IPCC produced its First Assessment Report (FAR; IPCC, 1990) which warned that a doubling of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere would raise global mean surface temperatures by 1.5-4.5 degrees C (3-8 degrees F) within a century. The consequences of this would be rising sea levels, increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and serious ecological pressure on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

The FAR spurred policymakers to negotiate an international climate change treaty in time for the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED - a.k.a. the Earth Summit) in Rio de Janeiro. Signed by 165 states, the agreement produced at that time was merely a "framework" Convention -- a foundation for action that initially provided for non-binding commitments (Article 4) only until the year 2000. The most concrete commitment was that developed countries would stabilize their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the year 2000. Although it was clear that such short-term action would not sufficiently address the risks of climate change, the Framework Convention clearly stated its long-term purpose:

"The ultimate objective... is to achieve...stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner." (Article 2)

By defining its objective clearly and obligating the signatory countries (known as the Parties to the Convention) to regular review of the adequacy of the treaty terms in reference to the evolving science of climate change, the Convention established a basis for future strengthening of commitments. Since the Earth Summit, over 100 countries have ratified the UNFCCC, including the United States, and so are legally bound by it. The treaty took effect on 21 March 1994.

**A Useful Foundation

As with many international treaties, the onus for living up to the commitments agreed to is on the countries themselves. So far, the results produced by UNFCCC have not been inspiring. Developed countries, with the possible exceptions of the United Kingdom and (united) Germany, will not meet the most modest goal of GHG emission stabilization to 1990 levels by 2000. Indeed, in most countries, emissions continue to rise. Initial 1995 estimates for the United States, released by the Energy Information Administration, show that energy-related carbon emissions alone rose by 4.8 percent compared with 1990 (see Laitner, 1995). Unsurprisingly, the UNFCCC has been criticized in many corners for being ineffective and allowing countries to escape their commitments without penalty.

The treaty has nevertheless made three significant steps towards a lasting solution on climate change. First, it formally recognizes that there is a problem. The significance of this cannot be underestimated. Other environmental problems have highlighted the difficulties of getting nations to agree on priorities and an international course of action; in this case, they agreed to tackle a problem whose consequences are uncertain and will have more impact on our grandchildren than on the present generation.

Second, the treaty produced a relevant criteria for action. In establishing its "ultimate objective" of GHG stabilizing at atmospheric concentrations that would prevent "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," the treaty did not attempt to define a precise concentration goal. It simply stated that that climate change should not be allowed to become "dangerous." In 1992, the IPCC advised policymakers that scientists believed it would take about another decade (and the next generation of supercomputers) before many uncertainties could be significantly reduced. Thus, the scientific uncertainty of what constitutes a dangerous concentration level is tacitly acknowledged, but the Convention's objective remains meaningful no matter how the science evolves.

Third, the UNFCCC established a highly relevant timeframe for action. It directs that GHG stabilization should happen within a sufficient timeframe to allow natural adaptation of ecosystems to climate change, to protect food production, and to enable sustainable economic development in developing countries. This highlights the main concerns about food production -- probably the most climate-sensitive human activity -- and economic development. It also suggests (as most climatologists believe) that some change is inevitable and that adaptive as well as preventive measures are warranted. Again, this leaves room for interpretation in the light of scientific findings and the trade-offs and risks that the global community is willing to accept.

**Strengthening the Commitment

Given that the Framework Convention on Climate Change started out as a general treaty with just a few specific requirements covering a very short time period, it is of paramount importance that the treaty continue to evolve. The treaty provides for periodic Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings which bring together all the signatory nations. Since the signing of the UNFCCC, there have been two COP meetings, one in Berlin in April, 1995 and one this past summer in Geneva. Though both COP meetings were characterized by enormous volumes of rhetoric and paper, each meeting also took meaningful steps towards strengthening the UNFCCC.

The Berlin Mandate

The first meeting of the COP produced the Berlin Mandate, which called for negotiation of binding commitments by industrial countries to reduce their heat-trapping gas emissions after the year 2000. The Parties scheduled a series of negotiating sessions over the next two years to try to conclude such an agreement by the third meeting of the COP in December, 1997. Over the next year, industrial country governments will conduct analyses of the economic and environmental effects of the policies and measures necessary to meet various emissions-reduction objectives by dates, such as 2005, 2010, and 2020. In the United States, this analysis will primarily be conducted by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, with review from other agencies and the White House, and coordinated by Undersecretary of Commerce Everet Ehrlich.

The Berlin meeting also saw the emergence of a group of countries known as the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) as the moral conscience of the negotiations. Many of these countries -- such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Singapore -- are only a few meters above sea level, and some are along well-defined tropical storm corridors. They worry that their very existence is threatened in the face of possible increases in sea level and extreme weather event frequency. Even before the COP-1 meeting, they had called upon industrial countries to cut their emissions of heat-trapping gases by 20 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2005. UCS and most environmental organizations active on climate issues endorsed this ambitious goal. In contrast, the US delegation acknowledged the need for a post-2000 aim for the climate treaty, but was not prepared to commit to particular specifics.

In addition, the US called for expanding opportunities to contribute to the effort to combat climate change, through unspecified actions by the larger and more quickly industrializing of the developing countries, such as China and Indonesia. This suggestion raised fears among developing countries that the US wanted to impose quantitative emissions commitments on them that would seriously impede their ability to industrialize. In the end, the Berlin COP addressed this issue by calling on developing countries to advance the implementation of their existing commitments under the treaty but did not require new developing countries' commitments, such as the binding emissions targets and timetables proposed for industrial countries.

In parallel, the United States and other industrial countries promoted the concept of Joint Implementation (JI), which would allow industrial countries to meet part of their emissions-reduction commitments through public or private sector investments in developing countries. They argued that such investments are often more cost-effective than measures in the investing country itself. For example, a utility building a coal plant in the United States might seek to offset the carbon dioxide emissions from that plant by investing in energy-efficiency measures in Poland or reforestation projects in Costa Rica. Many developing countries and environmental groups view JI skeptically because they suspect it could end up merely postponing the more fundamental changes needed in industrial countries' consumption of fossil fuels. In an effort to build confidence in JI, the Berlin conference established criteria for JI projects to be initiated during a pilot phase, not to last beyond the year 2000. The emissions reductions from these projects cannot be credited against existing commitments under the treaty. Post-2000 crediting rules will be the subject of intense negotiations.

The Geneva Declaration

The second COP meeting this past July moved the goal of a strong international climate change treaty a significant step toward reality. In the most important breakthrough since the Earth Summit, the overwhelming majority of the world's environment and foreign ministers approved a strong ministerial declaration that signaled that there is now broad international support for legally binding targets to reduce heat-trapping gas emissions. Known as the Geneva Declaration, the document advances the treaty process beyond the 1995 Berlin Mandate in three important respects:

First, it strongly endorsed the conclusions reached by the scientific assessment report produced by the IPCC's Second Assessment Report (SAR; IPCC, 1995; see SSI Climate Change Reference Guide Update: The Advancing Science of Climate Change). The SAR had been under concerted attack by fossil fuel industry lobbyists and OPEC countries since it was released in late 1995, but the ministers specifically pointed out that the IPCC's work was the "most comprehensive and authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, its impacts and response options now available" and it provided "a scientific basis for urgently strengthening action ... to limit and reduce emissions of GHGs." Second, the Geneva Declaration accepted the IPCC assertion that the continued rise in atmospheric GHG concentrations "will lead to dangerous interference with the climate system." This is highly significant in light of the language of the Framework Convention's Article 2. Lastly, the Declaration called on the negotiators to accelerate their work to complete a text of a binding protocol, one including provisions for "legally binding" objectives and "significant" reductions -- that is, binding targets and timetables -- to reduce future GHG emissions, in time to be signed at the third COP meeting to be held in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997.

A major shift in the US negotiating position was key to galvanizing support among industrialized countries for seriously strengthening the climate. The new and unexpected position announced by Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Timothy Wirth advanced the standing of the concept of a legally binding commitment. It was too much for some; Australia and New Zealand expressed reservations about the need for legally-binding emissions cuts, while the OPEC countries and Russia dissented altogether from the Geneva Declaration. But those countries who joined the US -- including Canada, the European Union, and Japan -- have demonstrated the political will to reduce GHG emissions through more substantial requirements and commitments, either by further amendments to the UNFCCC or by a stronger document, perhaps modeled on the successful Montreal Protocol.

**The Road Ahead

With the explicit instructions in the Geneva Declaration, the current negotiating round is likely to culminate in a meaningful climate treaty at the December 1997 COP-3 meeting in Kyoto, Japan. To meet that ambitious schedule, countries are likely to begin scoping proposals for meaningful "quantified legally-binding objectives for emission limitations and significant overall reductions within specified time frames" at the first preparatory meetings in December in Geneva. They will also need to begin discussions on issues such as emissions trading, JI, and the role of developing countries. UCS will evaluate the country proposals not only on their overall environmental merit but also on their specific, and possibly more contentious, aspects, such as emissions trading among nations and JI. Two features UCS would like to see in the final agreement are discussed below:

A Focus on Carbon

Many gases, both naturally- and anthropogenically-sourced, contribute to the greenhouse effect, including CO2, CH4, N2O, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), and tropospheric O3. However, CO2 makes the largest contribution to climate forcing as a result of its increased concentration in the atmosphere (see Schimel et al., 1995 for discussion). Furthermore, the available data characterizing anthropogenic emissions and atmospheric rate of change are by far the best for CO2. Because human-related emissions of this gas are integrally linked to economic activity involving fossil fuels, forestry, and land use changes, CO2 emissions data can be constructed from such sources as oil imports, gasoline consumption, tree harvesting, etc. Data estimates for other gases are often highly uncertain -- for example, Canada's estimate for N2O emissions was plus/minus 40 percent at the 85 percent confidence level. Monitoring of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 is also qualitatively better than for other gases. Scientists have empirically monitored atmospheric CO2 since the 1950s, and other highly reliable records can be established through indirect techniques. For all these reasons, CO2 should be the primary focus of legally-binding emissions reductions requirements in the new round of negotiations. For other GHGs, countries should be expected to use "best practices" to reduce emissions, and requirements should be strengthened as emissions and atmospheric data improve.

The Long Term Goal

The ultimate goal is the single most important variable in formulating any emissions reduction strategy. This goal can be defined in many ways, using criteria of ecological impact or rate of global mean surface temperature or even a simple atmospheric concentration limit. The first two options are difficult to measure quantitatively and may result in an unacceptable degree of climate change occurring. In contrast, the last option allows for effective monitoring and empirical studies can be used to inform what level of concentration target should be set.

Reliable paleoclimatic data shows that global mean temperature has not varied by more than 1 degree C in a century at any point in the last 10,000 years (see Nicholls et al., 1995). Prior to this, there is evidence of large magnitude climate alterations over very short periods of time. For example, 11,500 years ago Central Greenland warmed approximately 7 degrees C in a few decades, and surface temperature in the Norwegian Sea changed by approximately 5 degrees C in less than 40 years. Such changes are not unusual in the paleoclimatic record data and they demonstrate that, under some circumstances, global climate can be extremely volatile. Scientists do not fully understand the exact circumstances and contributing factors although they recognize that the pattern of trade winds, thermohaline circulation (the so-called Great Ocean Conveyor; see Broecker, 1995 for review), and solar output (Haigh, 1996; Kerr, 1996) are all major factors. Of these, only the former two are susceptible to internal forcing, such as by altering the current thermal equilibrium structure of the atmosphere by human-related enhancement of the greenhouse effect. Destabilization of either atmospheric or ocean circulation, or both, would certainly constitute "a dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."

Unfortunately, the limits of sensitivity of the current atmospheric equilibrium are not empirically well characterized -- that is, it is not clear how much extra heat energy the system can retain before it becomes profoundly destabilized. Looking backwards in time, the paleo-record suggests that the current atmospheric equilibrium has restrained the global mean temperature (GMT) from varying by more than 1 degrees C in a century. It seems reasonable then, that the ultimate aim of a climate treaty should be to contain GMT from variations outside its recent historical range.

The results of modeling work done by Raper et al. (1996) provides evidence that stabilizing atmospheric CO2 at 450 ppmv (parts per million by volume; current level is approximately 360 ppmv) by 2100 could limit global mean temperature increases to approximately 1 degree C or less, even if climate sensitivity is as high as 2.5 degrees C. [Climate sensitivity refers to the eventual equilibrium global mean temperature that results in a climate model simulation from a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations (550 ppmv). Thus, the higher the climate sensitivity of a model, the more warming it predicts from a 2xCO2 atmosphere. The IPCC's "best estimate" of climate sensitivity is 2.5 degrees C (Kattenberg et al., 1995)]. Bear in mind that this model only takes CO2 into consideration, and actual warming will probably be higher due to increases in other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide, and HCFCs/HFCs. Considered together, a 450 ppmv CO2 concentration along with these other gases would result in a so-called "carbon equivalent" concentration of approximately 520-530 ppmv CO2. Exactly how much more is dependent on climate sensitivity.

Furthermore, the same authors' work suggests 450 ppmv could still result in sea level rises as high as 90 cm (35 in) over the next 300 years. Such a concentration would therefore not be without consequences, but the findings suggest their relative magnitude would be diminished. Overall this work, and others, give us an indication that it may yet be possible to hold climate change, at least in terms of temperature, to a level that doesn't grossly exceed known historical trends. Given the potential impacts of climate change, simple risk assessment suggests that "450 by 2100" would be an appropriate long term target for the UNFCCC given the current state of climate change science. Future improvements in the understanding of climate sensitivity, the predicted forcing due to given atmospheric concentrations, and coupled transient general circulation models of climate could necessitate altering the concentration target numerically. However, minimizing the risk of climate change will remain a guiding principle.

An advantage of defining a long-term atmospheric target is that it sheds light on the medium term emissions target and timetables necessary to meet it. Achieving a 450 ppmv CO2 stabilization by 2100 would be a formidable task, but a number of analyses suggest it is nonetheless entirely attainable. The analysis shown in IPCC (Kattenberg et al., 1995), in Wigley et al. (1995), and in subsequent refinements by Wigley's co-authors (see Masood, 1996) shows that once an atmospheric CO2 target is decided, it is possible to define the global CO2 emission trajectory necessary to achieve it. Based on such trajectories and accounting for currently realities (i.e. continued increases in CO2 emissions from most nations), it would be possible to define more exactly what medium term targets and timetables are necessary to meet a 450 ppmv CO2 goal.

The opponents of meaningful action on climate change have forcefully resisted the UNFCCC process. Most recently, industry groups, such as the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) and the Western Fuels Association (WFA), tried desperately to undermine the IPCC's SAR. With the help of the Marshall Institute and the professionally skeptical Science and Environmental Policy Project, they attempted to discredit the scientific validity of the SAR by persistently accusing the IPCC of trivial procedural improprieties. In the process, they attacked the reputation of one of America's most respected climate scientists, Dr. Ben Santer. Of course, the allegations were completely baseless and unfounded, but the skeptics hoped the general public would be left wondering about the IPCC's integrity.

Governments, however, were not amused, and they categorically swept the GCC's allegations aside. In Geneva, they affirmed their confidence in the IPCC's integrity and assessment of climate. The GCC and similarly minded groups are unlikely to give up though; instead, they are simply changing their tactics. Since trying to debase the science backfired at home and abroad, they are trying to convince Americans that it is too costly to do anything about climate change. As evidence, they point to economic models showing that effective emissions reduction measures will be hugely expensive, will damage the economy, and will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The opponents of climate change action base their economic conclusions on deeply flawed models. They assume that the only way to pursue emissions reductions is by an enormous carbon tax. In fact, the US and other countries are more likely to use a range of fiscal, research, informational, incentive, and regulatory policies to achieve cost-effective emissions reductions. The models also grossly underestimate the capacity of America's economy to achieve the kind of technical innovations we've seen in the past in response to other major environmental problems. Once national standards have been set -- whether to reduce air pollution, improve water quality or protect the ozone layer -- American business and industry have proven quite resourceful at implementing cost-effective solutions. Those solutions have created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and improved competitiveness in global markets. Why should climate change be any different?

In case these scare tactics aren't enough to block action on climate change, the industry lobbies are readying another line of defense: that there's no point in cutting US GHG emissions because, in any event, growing emissions from large developing countries like China and India will more than make up for any abatement Americans achieve. While developing country emissions are growing, this argument ignores the vast discrepancy in per capita emissions and levels of economic development between wealthy countries like the United States and developing countries like India. It also disregards the fact that the atmospheric buildup of greenhouse gases over the last 100 years has been almost entirely due to the industrial activity of the US and other developed countries, and that, for at least the next several decades, wealthy country emissions will continue to exceed those of the developing nations. Most importantly, it ignores the "global bargain" that all serious observers acknowledge will be essential to averting catastrophic rates of climate change: that once industrialized countries move decisively to reduce their emissions of heat-trapping gases, the developing world will accept its responsibility to adhere to global emissions limits early in the 21st century. Such a solution would follow the precedent established by the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Also overlooked is that the real cost of clean energy technologies is actually quite modest in the context of the roughly $2 trillion the world spends annually on energy. As these clean technologies come to market, mass production will further reduce their price, putting them well within reach of developing countries. This will allow these nations to meet their legitimate development needs without replicating the industrialized countries' record of building our economies on the inefficient use of polluting fossil fuels.


Given what's at stake, activists, voters, and lawmakers need to give priority to preventing irreparable climate change. The Clinton administration deserves applause for its new position, and will need continued encouragement to negotiate an environmentally meaningful treaty. Credible scientists must convince their fellow citizens that climate change is real and the need for action is now. The outcome of the international negotiations depends on a climate change policy that is driven by a sound scientific understanding and enlightened national self-interest. Over the next year, leadership on the part of the scientific community, the Clinton administration, and other nations can produce a climate treaty that substantially reduces the risk of climate change.

Broecker WS (1995) Chaotic climate. Scientific American, November, p62-68.

Haigh JD (1996) The impact of solar variability on climate. Science, v272, p981-984.

IPCC (1990) Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment. (JT Houghton, GJ Jenkins and JJ Ephraums, eds.) Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. pp 365.
IPCC (1995) Climate Change 1995. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. In three volumes.

Kattenberg A et al. (1995) Climate models - Projections of future climate. In: Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change (JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, BA Callender, N Harris, A Kattenberg and K Maskell, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. pp285-357.

Kerr RA (1996) A new dawn for sun-climate links? Science, v271, p1360-1361.

Laitner S (1995) Energy efficiency and economic indicators: Charting improvements in the economy and the environment. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Washington DC. pp61.

Masood E (1996) Industry warms to 'flexible' carbon cuts. Nature, v383, p657.

Nicholls N et al. (1995) Observed climate variability and change. In: Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change (JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, BA Callender, N Harris, A Kattenberg and K Maskell, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. pp132-192.

Raper SCB, TML Wigley and RA Warrick (1996) Global sea level rise: Past and future. In: Rising Sea Level and Subsiding Coastal Areas (JD Milliman, ed.). Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, Holland. pp-384.

Schimel D et al. (1995) Radiative forcing of climate change. In: Climate Change 1995. The Science of Climate Change (JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, BA Callender, N Harris, A Kattenberg and K Maskell, eds.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK. pp65-131.

Wigley TML, R Richels and JA Edmonds (1995) Alternative emissions pathways for stabilizing concentrations. Nature, v379, p240-243.

**Internet Resources
EcoNet's Climate Resources Directory -

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -

Joint Implementation -

Official Website of the Secretariat of the UNFCCC -

Union of Concerned Scientists -

UN Conference on Environment and Development UNCED -

United Nations Environment Programme -

World Meteorological Organization -

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