Marine Ecology List


Discussion of Marine concerns?


is a global e-mail discussion list on all aspects of marine biology. The purpose of the Marine Biology list-server is to provide a forum on all issues of interest to marine scientists throughout the world. To subscribe to the list please send a message to:

with the line:

subscribe marbio

and no signature.

For any list related or administrative issues please contact:

Furthermore a compilation of electronic mailing lists (listserv) which have a Marine, Oceans or Coastal focus is available at:

I hope this will be of some assistance.



   Labo. d'Ecologie  Bat. 403 C.
   Universite LYON-1                          Tel: (33) 72 43 15 83
   69 622 Villeurbanne Cedex                  Fax: (33) 72 43 11 41

Some more lists related to Marine ECology



[IMAGE] This service provides a compilation of electronic mailing lists (listserv) which have a Marine, Oceans or Coastal focus.

The list has been compiled by Kylie Hall (Victorian Fisheries Research Institute, Australia) and Eric Baran (University of Lyon-1, France).

If you are aware of any other lists which should be included in this service then please let me know. Send your input to Peter Pissierssens. It is important to remember that commands are posted in the first line of your message, and not in the subject field (you can leave it blank). Some of the common commands are SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE,HELP, INFO, LIST, WHICH, WHO, INDEX, GET, and END. Remember to turn off your signature when sending commands.

Use these lists wisely- please avoid unrelated traffic, advertisments, and personal messages!!

The "LISTS GLOBAL" command can be used with Listservs. Sending this message to a Listserv will instruct the Listserv to send you a list of all the discussion groups that it is aware of in the world. Remember to send this command to the Listserv, and not to the discussion group. Thus you could send the message "LISTS GLOBAL" to LISTSERV@AMERICAN.EDU Be prepared for some large responses, as there are thousands of discussion groups in the world. You could then perform a search for keywords.

Another place to get information on listservs on all topics is the WWW site:

For interesting Web sites visit the OCEAN PILOT !



IOC-NEWS is the main mailing list of the IOC

To subscribe, send a command to the listserver: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe ioc-news To post to the list, the address is:

IOC-IODE is the mailing list for the Ocean Data and Information Community

To subscribe, send a command to the listserver: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe ioc-iode To post to the list, the address is:



ABNET, is an abalone aquaculture network To subscribe, send a command to the listserver: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe abnet To post to the list, the address is: In order to receive general information about ABNET, send a message to the listserver with the command: information abnet ALGAE-L, is a botanical discussion run by the University College, Dublin, Ireland. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following message in the body of the text: sub algae-l Your name To send a message to the list, the address is:

ACZISC, is the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee (ACZISC) mailing list. The ACZISC is a committee of government and non-government organizations set up to promote the coordination of coastal zone initiatives regarding the information management. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe aczisc To post to the list, the address is:

AQUA-L, is a list for discussion of aquaculture of all types, based at the University of PEI. The purpose of the list is to promote discussion amongst individuals interested in the science, technology and business of rearing aquatic species. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub aqua-l Your name

BALTSEA (Forum for Baltic Sea Science) To join just send subscribe baltsea Your Name in the message body of an email to BALTSEA owner is Soren Floderus

BRINE-L, is a brine-shrimp discussion group. This list doesn't seem to have much traffic - To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to: listserv@uga.bitnet (or To send a message to the list, send mail to:

CFN (CANADIAN FISHERIES NETWORK) To subcribe to this list, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe cfn

CMPAN (California Marine Protected Areas Network) (pronounced simpan), is a discussion group to facilitate information exchange about Marine Protected Areas (e.g. National Parks, National Marine Sanctuaries, Marine Refuges, Marine Reserves, Ecological Preserves, etc.). The listserv is operated by California Sea Grant Extension Program Marine Advisors Deborah McArdle (Santa Barbara County Office, e-mail: and Rick Starr (Santa Cruz/Monterey County Office, e-mail: To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe cmpan

COASTNET, is a coastal management conference to discuss National and International Coastal Management issues. This forum encourages dialog on coastal management issues from all nations. To subscribe, send a message to: (or listserv@uriacc.bitnet) with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe coastnet Your name To send a message to all of the people currently subscribed to the list, send mail to

COASTGIS, is a list for people interested in using GIS for coastal zone science and/or management. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following test in the body of the message: subscribe coastgis Your name To send a message to the list, the address is:

CONSGIS, is a biological conservation and GIS e-mail discussion list. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub consgis Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

CTURTLE, is a sea turtle biology and conservation list. The list owner / contact is: To subscribe, send a message to: (bitnet: listserv@nervm) with the following text in the body of the message: sub cturtle Your name To send mail to the list, the address is: (bitnet: cturtle@nervm)

CORAL-LIST, is a coral discussion list produced by the Coral Health and Monitoring Program (CHAMP). To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe coral-list The Home Page may be found at URL:

CRUST-L, is a crustacean discussion group. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE CRUST-L Crustacean systematics, distribution, ecology Your name

CZM, is the Coastal Zone Management mailing list, maintained by Bill Silvert. It is for exchanging information about Coastal Zone Management with emphasis on how to incorporate scientific advice in the process. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following message in the body of the text: subscribe czm To send a message to the list, the address is:

DEEPSEA, is a list for the discussion of deep sea and vent news. Its purpose is to serve the world's community of deep sea and hydrothermal vent biologists. The list owner / contact is: Andrew McArthur To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub deepsea Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

DIALOG-AGUA-L is a forum for all whose lives and careers are involved with the use and management of water. The discussion list is moderated by the Florida Center for Environmental Studies (CES), which is dedicated to research, information and training in the area of tropical and subtropical freshwater and estuarine ecosystems worldwide. Dialog-Agua-L would also welcome discussion about biology/ichthyology. To subscribe, send a message to MAILSERV@ACC.FAU.EDU.The message should read: subscribe dialog-agua-l "(your name)" end To send a posting to the list send the message to DIALOG-AGUA-L@ACC.FAU.EDU

DIATOM-L, is a list for discussion of research on the diatom algae. To subscribe, send a message to with the following text in the body of the message: sub diatom-l Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

ECS-NEWS, is an open list set up to exchange news items within the European Cetacean Society. The list owner / contact is: To subscribe, send mail to : with the following text in the body of the message: sub ecs-nes Your name To send mail to th entire list, the address is:

EIM, is a discussion list for Environmental Interactions of Mariculture To subscribe send a message to: (or with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe eim To send a message to the list:

ELASMO-L, is a shark biology list produced by the American Elasmobranch Society for more technical research on sharks, rays, and chimeras. Elasmo-l operates under the PMDF MAILSERV facility. It is not a listserv mailing list, and the usual listserv commands will not work. To subscribe to elasmo-l, send an email essage to: with the following text in the body of the message: Subscribe elasmo-l Your name A successful subscription will result in a confirmatory message being sent.

EMIN-L European Marine Interdisciplinary Network (Newsforum for PhD students and postdocs in marine sciences). Subscribe by sending subscribe EMIN-L your name to EMIN-L co-owner is Soren Floderus

FISHBIO-NE-ATLANT, is a daily edited list, with news and letters from the whole world, but mainly addressed to academic scientists and tecnical staff who are working on the NE Atlantic area.The listowner is Palle Brogaard, of Denmark.To subscribe, send an e-mail to: with the following text in the message body: subscribe (nothing else). To take part in the discussion, just e-mail a letter to:

FISH-ECOLOGY, is an international computer conference for academic and other personnel involved in empirical and theoretical research and assessment issues related to the ecology of fish and fisheries: Membership is open to all interested parties. If you would like to discuss the political,social and anthropological aspects of fisheries, fish-ecology is not the right forum. To subscribe to the list, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe fish-ecology Your name

FISHERIES, is the fisheries discussion list which includes both biological and social sciences. It is for general discussion of fisheries- related issues, including stock dynamics and fisheries management, and is maintained by Bill Silvert. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe fisheries To send a message to the network, the address is: or

FISHFOLK, is a discussion list covering all social science aspects of fisheries, including sociology, anthropology, and economics, with a fair amount of news and management information also provided. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text (only ) in the body of the message: subscribe fishfolk Your name Send messages you wish to post on the network to:

FISICOMP-L, is a comparative physiology discussion list (for those interested in physiology of marine animals). To suscribe, send an e-mail message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe fisicomp-l Your name Your e-mail.

FLYFISH, is a discussion group which generally talks about fly-fishing, however, there has been a lot of recent divergence into the politics of draining wetlands, etc. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe flyfish Your name

GULFTALK, is a discussion list for citizen environmental monitoring and coastal watershed protection groups in the Gulf of Maine. Contact for the list is Lissa Widoff: To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe Gulftalk Your name To send a message to list, the address is:

ICAM-L, is the integrated coastal area management list, is managed by the FAO of Un V.le delle Terme di Caracalla 00153, Rome, Italy To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub icam-l Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

IIFET, is the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade discussion list. To join the IIFET list, you have to be an IIFET member. The International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade is organized to promote discussion of factors which affect international production of and trade in seafoods, and fisheries policy questions. Membership in the organization is open to anyone for a fee of $40.00 U.S. annually. Student memberships are $15.00 U.S. Corporate/institutional memberships are $200 U.S. annually. To request a free copy of the Newsletter and an application form, contact the IIFET Secretariat at or the Executive Director at To send mail to the list, the address is:

IAMSLIC, is the International. Association of Aquatic & Marine Science Libraries & Information Centers discussion list. The list owner / contact is: Peter Brueggeman, Head of Public Services, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, University of California San Diego To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe your E-Mail address IAMSLIC To join the discussion, send mail to:

ICAM-L, is the integrated coastal area management list, is managed by the FAO of Un V.le delle Terme di Caracalla 00153, Rome, Italy To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub icam-l Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

MANGROVE. The purpose of MANGROVE (Mangrove Research Discussion List) is to provide a global forum for the discussion of all aspects of mangrove biology, the ecology and management of mangrove ecosystems. A major aim for the list is to provide a repository of "grey literature" (ie. non-primary literature) pertaining to mangrove reserach and management. This discussion list is not moderated. All discussion is automatically archived. The list owner is Eric I. Paling The list manager is Mike van Keulen To subscribe to the list, simply send a message to: with the the line: subscribe mangrove in the body of the message.

MARINE-L, is an open forum for the discussion and development of marine related topics. Interest areas include: marine education and training institutes; marine navigation and new technologies; marine engineering, ship design, shipbuilding, and shipyard management; marine electronic communications,... To join this discussion list, send a message to LISTSERVER@CGC.NS.CA Do not attach a signature and do not place anything in the SUBJECT area. In the body of the message type the following: SUBSCRIBE MARINE-L your first name your last name List-owner is Jim Calvesbert

MARBIO, is a new discussion list on all aspects of marine biology. To subscribe to the list, send a message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe marbio Additional instructions will be sent automatically.

MAR-FACIL, is a mailing list for managers and technical staff at marine research facilities, aquaculture operations, public aquaria and other facilities supplying seawater for the support of marine life. The list is intended as a forum for the discussion of technical and business topics, however discussion of other matters is welcome and encouraged. To subscribe, send a message to: with the single line message: subscribe mar-facil When your e-mail address has been added to the list you'll receive two e-mail messages, one to confirm your addition to the list and a second with a "welcome" announcement. To post a message to everyone on the list, send it to:

MARINE_PATHOL, is an informal forum for people involved in all aspects of marine and aquatic pathology including invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, and pathological conditions caused by microorganisms, parasites, and chemical contaminants. The list is unmoderated and open. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe To send a message to the list:

MARINE-TECH, is a discussion list of Marine Technology in the U.K. The aim of this list is to promote contact and discussion amongst the research community of the U.K. who are involved in the field of Marine Technology. The list owner / contact is:, Dave Thomas and Mesut Guner, To subscribe, send mail to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub marine-tech Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

MARMAM, is the marine mammals research and conservation discussion. It is a news group about marine mammals, courses, jobs, etc., with lots of mail. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe marmam Your name To send a message to multiple recipients of list:

MEDSEA-L, is a list discussing the marine biology of the Adriatic Sea. The goal of the list is to increase our knowledge on processes controlling life in the Adriatic Sea. The list owner / contact is: Osiander Meixner To subscribe, send e-mail to: (Bitnet: listserv@aearn) To send mail to the discussion, the address is: (Bitnet: medsea-l@aearn)

MEH2O-L, is a discussion group for information and research related to water in the Middle East. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: limnology; oceanography; marine biotechnology; aquaculture (marine and freshwater); conservation; reclamation; wetlands development; ecological aspects; shared resource management; notice of upcoming conference and seminars. The list owner / contact is: Robert Chasan To subscribe, send mail to: with the following text inthe body of the message: sub Meh2o-l Your name Send mail to the group to:

MOLLUSCA, is a mollusc discussion group. To subscribe to the list, send a message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe your name mollusca There is also the newsgroup: bionet.molbio.molluscs

MPA-L, is a marine protected areas list, managed by Jon Lien at Memorial University Of Newfoundland. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe mpa-l Your name

NIA-NET, is an electronic mail distribution list of the Neotropical Ichthyological Association. List manager is Paulo Petry For help on any other problems, send mail to: NIA-NET is the official communication channel for the NEODAT project, a database for fish biodiversity in the neotropics To subscribe to the nia-net mailing list, send a message to: with the line: subscribe nia-net "Your name" Your-Email-Address Please follow the syntax stated above with the quotes and brackets. Messages to the list should be sent to:

OCEAN-F, is the ocean farmers of America forum, run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub oceanf-l Your name

OCEAN-F, is an e-mail forum of the Ocean Farmers of America. It is to support the open exchange of ideas and information on 1) The engineering of ocean farming systems for survivability, economy, and improved productivity, 2) Mechanisms to encourage fishermen to expand into ocean farming, 3) Biological, husbandry, and environmental issues associated with ocean farming at exposed sites, 4) Regulation and ownership of ocean farms and the associated biological inventory in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. To sign up send e-mail to: with the message: sub oceanf-l Your name

OCEAN-L, is a forum for the discussion of oceanologia. To send a message to the group, the address is: OCEANO-L@IBM.UFSC.BR

OCEANTECH, is Scripps Institution of Oceanography's ocean technology forum. It is an international informal computer conference for discussion of applied technology-related topics in freshwater, marine, and brackishwater environments. Conference membership is open to all interested parties. The contact is: Kevin Hardy, To subscribe, send mail to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe Your E-Mail address oceantech To send mail to the list, the address is:

PHYCOTOXINS, is a Phycotoxins discussion list. To subscribe send a message to with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe phycotoxins To send a message to the list:

RECFISH, is a mailing list for government and academic workers with an interest in recreational fishing in Australia, which has been established by the Victorian Fisheries Research Institute. To subscribe to this list, sending a message to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe recfish Your e-mail address

RESECON, To subscribe send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe resecon To send mail to the list:

SCUBA, is a discussion list featuring SCUBA and skin diving. Topics include illnesses of a diver, dangers under water, equipment of diving, diving sites all around the world, etc. Either English or Turkish languages may be used on this list. The list owner / contact is: Gokhan Boybek To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub scuba Your name To send mail to the group the address is:

SCUBA-D, is the digest of the Usenet rec.scuba newsgroup. The list owners / contacts are: Catherine Yang and Nick Simicich To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub scuba-d Your name To join the discussion, the address is:

SCUBA-L, is a scuba diving mailing list for discussion of all aspects of SCUBA diving. The list owner / contact is: Catherine Yang To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub scuba-l Your name To send mail to the discussion, the address is:

SEASHEPHERD, is the Sea Shepherd electronic mailing list. The Sea Shepherd is involved in several campaigns, including the fight against whaling, dolphin slaughter, drift nets and seal killing. This is a volunteer, information collection and distribution service, for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and related issues. The list owner / contact is: Nick Voth, To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub seashepherd Your name

SEAGRASS_FORUM, is a global e-mail discussion list for the discussion of all aspects of seagrass research, biology and the ecology of seagrass ecosystems. The list owner is Mike van Keulen, To subscribe to the list, send a message to: with the the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe seagrass_forum

SEAFOOD, is a list for discussion about seafood safety, especially issues such as HACCP programs and training. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe seafood Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

SHARK-L, is a shark biology list aimed at serious amateurs, although several biologists participate. To subscribe to the list, send a message to: with the following text in the body of the message: subscribe shark-l Your name. To send a message to the list, the address is:

SHELLFISH, is a discussion list managed by the National Shellfisheries Association (U.S) which covers shellfish culture and related issues. To subscribe to this list, send a subscription request to: with the following text (only) in the body of the message: subscribe Messages for distribution are sent to

STARNET, is an echinoderm newsletter distributed quarterly. The list owner / contact is: Win Hide To subscribe, send mail to: with the following text in the body of the message: sub starnet Your name To send mail to the list, the address is:

STURGEON, is a mail group discussing sturgeon. To subscribe, send a message to: with the following message in the body of the text: subscribe sturgeon Your name The list address, to send mail to all subscribers is:

WILDNET, is a mailing list which was established in 1987 for the exchange of ideas, questions, and solutions in the area of fisheries and wildlife computing and statistics. To get your name added to or removed from the list, contact the administrator: Eric Woodsworth, ( "Subscriptions" address: To submit mail to the list send your message to: Note: Please send requests for addition/deletion, etc, to the "Subscriptions" address, not to the "Submissions" address.



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