The LinUX Scientific Software Map
           For circulation in the scientific community
             High Quality Free Scientific Software
                           Part 2/3

Numerical Recipes Software

Free on-line book (Fortran or C) in postscript or Adobe Acrobat format. However, Numerical Recipes is not public-domain software or shareware. WWW

Numerical computation in C, ftp /pub/C-numanal/

Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for linear algebra. TNT is a successor to the Lapack++, Sparselib++, IML++, and MV++ packages. Its goal is to formally integrate these ideas into a generic algorithmic library, supporting generic user-defined data types, and increasing its functionality. The toolkit provides an integrated collection of generic matrix/vector classes based on components of the Standard Template Library (STL), together with specialization of generic algorithms for maximal efficiency. WWW" TARGET=_top>WWW

FXT -- 0.90 is a C++ library package for * Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), * Fast Hartley Transform (FHT), * Number Theoretic Transforms (NTT), * Convolution, Correlation and Power Spectrum. ftp /pub/joerg/, WWW

GEOMPACK -- 3 -- 09/Sep/95 (free for non-commercial use). Fortran 77 routine package for generation of meshes. It has 2-D convex decomposition and triangulation of polygonal regions, 2-D Delaunay triangulation, 3-D Delaunay and improved-quality triangulations, k-D Delaunay triangulation, 3-D convex decomposition and triangulation of polyhedral regions. ftp /pub/geompack/

SPLIB. Fortran routines for spectral methods. ftp /pub/splib/

PseudoPack is a software library for numerical differentiation by pseudospectral methods. Three different Collocation Methods are incorporated in the package: Fourier Method, Chebyshev Method, and Legendre Method. For now, they are all based on the Gauss-Lobatto points. WWW

LUGR Adaptive-grid methods for time-dependent PDEs. LUGR methods are meant for the efficient computation of rapidly varying temporal and spatial solution transitions by automatic local grid adaptation. 2D and 3D Fortran 77 software available. WWW

UG is a flexible toolbox for the adaptive multigrid solution of partial differential equations. WWW

P-Sparslib. A Portable Library of Distributed-Memory Sparse Iterative Solvers. WWW

hfloat (for "huge floats") is a library package for doing calculations with floating point numbers of extreme precision. It is optimised for computations with 1000...several million digits. It can also be used to generate high quality random numbers and as a performance measure of your systems. WWW

apfloat is a C++ high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic package. That means you can do calculations involving millions of digits with it. It uses Number Theoretic Transforms . It's simple to use. It's fast. WWW

DsTool. Computational environments that provide effective tools for exploring dynamical systems with minimal effort on the part of the user. ftp /pub/dstool/

WaveLab is a library of MATLAB routines for wavelet analysis, wavelet-packet analysis, cosine-packet analysis and matching pursuit. The library is available free of charge over the Internet (though, MATLAB is not free). Versions are provided for Macintosh, UNIX and Windows machines. WWW http://playfair.Stanford.EDU:80/~wavelab/, For more information about wavelet related software, see WWW

SCARAB is a numerical integrator that solves with different schemes (forward Eulero, Runge Kutta, etc.) the Lorenz attractor differential system and plots the solution. ftp /pub/Linux/apps/math/

CFD codes list. Collection of information about Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) programs. Include public-domain, shareware, freeware and commercial packages. (not Linux specific), WWW http://www.mpa-

FAQ: Numerical Analysis & Associated Fields Resource Guide, WWW

Other link collections: These are the places contain collections of links about numerical methods. WWW, WWW http://www.mpagarching.


Mainly Signal, Image Processing

Khoros -- 2.1 (Pro) (free but need registration and license). Khoros is a powerful, integrated software development environment that allows users to harmoniously compose and perform a variety of tasks related to image and signal processing, data exploration, scientific visualization. Khoros is for scientists, engineers, data analysts and explorers who need to perform a variety of domain-specific tasks and solve real problems. Khoros is a complete data exploration and software development environment that reduces your time in solving complex problems, allows free sharing of ideas and information, and promotes portability. Unlike other canned, unextensible products, Khoros provides a cost effective, complete prototype to end-solution software development environment. They have product with manuals and Linux binary on CD- ROM. WWW

Karma is a package for signal and image processing applications. It contains KarmaLib (the structured library and API) and a large number of modules (applications) to perform many standard tasks. WWW

ATNF Visualization Software. A set of visualization software using Karma library. WWW

Ptolemy -- 0.5.2 -- 02/Jul/95. The ambitious objectives of the Ptolemy project include most aspects of designing signal processing and communications systems, ranging from designing and simulating algorithms to synthesizing hardware and software, parallelizing algorithms, and prototyping real-time systems. Ptolemy has been used for a broad range of applications including signal processing, telecommunications, parallel processing, wireless communications, network design, radio astronomy, real time systems, and hardware/software co-design. Ptolemy has also been used as a laboratory for signal processing and communications courses. Currently Ptolemy has hundreds of users in hundreds of sites, in industry, academia, and government. ftp /pub/ptolemy, WWW

IRAF is the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility, a general purpose software system for the reduction and analysis of scientific data. IRAF is written and supported by the IRAF programming group at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona. IRAF includes a good selection of programs for general image processing and graphics applications, plus a large number of programs for the reduction and analysis of optical astronomy data within the NOAO package. External or layered packages are also available for the analysis of HST, XRAY and EUV data. IRAF provides a complete programming environment, which includes the Command Language script facility, the IMFORT Fortran programming interface, and the fully featured SPP/VOS programming environment in which the portable IRAF system is written. WWW

Triton -- 2.0 -- Mar/95. Triton is an interactive program devoted to numerical image processing mainly based on Fourier filtering and wavelet analysis. A great variety of frequential filters are available to perform image restoration and image analysis. Available in sources, need Motif to compile. WWW

XITE is an X-based Image processing Tools and Environment from Image Processing Laboratory, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. This UNIX software consists of X11-based display programs with image widget and graphical user interface, more than 170 programs for image processing and 300 subroutines for image processing, on-line documentation of all routines and programs, and more. WWW

SANTIS -- 1.1. SANTIS (Signal ANalysis and TIme Series processing) is a software tool designed for the analysis of signals and time series data of any kind, in particular for scientific purposes. Besides standard options (like file I/O, printing capabilities etc.) SANTIS covers the following features:

AIPS. The Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS) is a software package for calibration, data analysis, image display, plotting, and a variety of ancillary tasks on Astronomical Data. It comes from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. It is primarily for Radio Astronomy. WWW

Mainly Data Visualization.

LinkWinds is a visual data exploration system resulting from a program of research into the application of computer graphics to rapidly and interactively accessing, displaying, exploring and analyzing large multivariate multidisciplinary data sets. Free for noncommercial use. WWW

Vis5D -- 4.2 -- 24/Apr/96. Vis5D is a system for interactive visualization of large 5-D gridded data sets such as those made by numeric weather models. One can make isosurfaces, contour line slices, colored slices, etc of data in a 3-D grid then rotate and animate the image in real time. There's also a feature for wind/trajectory tracing, a way to make text anotations for publications, etc. ftp /pub/vis5d-4.1/, WWW

Tecate is an exploratory visualization system. The original goal of Tecate was to provide an environment that Earth scientists themselves could use to browse for and visualize data over the Internet. With continued use of the system, this goal has broadened to providing tools for any end-user to visually explore general data spaces -- a data space being any data source or repository whose access is controlled via a well- defined software interface. Tecate should run on most Unix platforms that are conversant with OpenGL. WWW

VTK -- 1.1 (The Visualization Toolkit) is a software system for 3D Computer Graphics and Visualization. Vtk includes a textbook published by Prentice-Hall, a C++ class library, and a Tcl implementation based on the class library. The design and implementation of the library has been strongly influenced by object-oriented principles. The graphics model in vtk is at a higher level of abstraction than rendering libraries like openGL or PEX. This means it is much easier to create useful graphics and visualization applications. In vtk applications can be written directly in C++ or in Tcl, a interpretive language developed by John Ousterhout. In fact, using Tcl and Tk, a graphical user interface toolkit based on Tcl, it is possible to build useful applications really, really fast. Finally, the software is a true visualization system, it doesn't just let you visualize geometry. Vtk supports a wide variety of visualization algorithms including scalar, vector, and tensor visualization, and advanced modeling techniques like implicit modeling, polygon reduction, and Delaunay triangulation. WWW

DATAPLOT -- 29/Apr/96 is a command driven program for data analysis. However, an early alpha version of a graphical user interface is available for the PC and Unix systems with X11 support. ftp /pub/dataplot/, WWW has more information about installation on Linux box.

Draco. The use of large format detectors, increased access to very large astronomical databases, and other developments in observational astronomy have led to the situation where many astronomers are overwhelmed by the reduction and analysis process. Draco is a novel approach to data reduction and analysis which works in conjunction with existing analysis systems such as STSDAS/IRAF, IDL, etc. Draco takes on much of the mechanics of the process, allowing the astronomer to spend more time understanding the physical nature of the data. Draco is written in Common Lisp, specifically Allegro Common Lisp 4.2 beta by Franz, Inc. WWW

GMT -- 3.0 -- 15/Aug/95. GMT is a free, public-domain collection of ~50 UNIX tools that allow users to manipulate (x,y) and (x,y,z) data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots through contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views in black and white, gray tone, hachure patterns, and 24-bit color. GMT supports 20 common map projections plus linear, log, and power scaling, and comes with support data such as coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries. WWW

VolPack is a portable software library for fast, high-quality volume rendering. It is based on a new family of fast volume rendering algorithms. The library comes with vprender, a demonstration volume rendering application based on the Tcl scripting language, the Tk widget set, and VolPack. The source code for VolPack and vprender is available free of charge for non-commercial use. The library does not use any specialized hardware and is therefore portable to most platforms. WWW

Gnudl (GNU Data Language) is a high-level language and environent designed to allow flexible and powerful manipulation and plotting of data. A primary goal is to eventually provide a vast library of numerical, signal processing, imaging processing, etc. routines that can be interactively used within the system. WWW http://nis-

Candis -- 3.5 -- 08/Feb/95. Candis is a general purpose analysis and display system for gridded numerical data. It is written in the C programming language. A standard data format is used and translators exist from a number of other standard formats, e. g., Universal radar format, netCDF, etc. ftp /candis

Raytracers and Other Tools

POV-ray -- 3.0. POV is a 3-dimensional raytracing engine. It takes information you supply and simulates the way light interacts with the objects you've defined to create stunning 3d pictures and animation. In addition to the process known as "raytracing," newer versions of POV can also use a variant of the process known as "radiosity" to add greater realisim to scenes, particularly those which use diffuse light such as the fluorescent lighting you might find in an office building. The capabilities of POV are very extensive. This is no toy, it can render complex images which are impossible using many commercial packages. POV can simulate many atmospheric and volumetric effects (such as smoke and haze) which are very difficult to duplicate in any but the best commercial programs. WWW

xfpovray is a graphical interface to the cool ray tracing program POV-Ray. It is written with the XForms library, and supports most of the numerous options of POV-Ray. WWW

Polyray -- 1.8. The program Polyray is a rendering program for producing scenes of 3D shapes and surfaces. The means of description range from standard primitives like box, sphere, etc. to 3 variable polynomial expression, and finally (and slowest of all) surfaces containing transcendental functions like sin, cos, log. Polyray supports rendering in a number of different modes: Raytracing, Zbuffered polygon rendering (fully textures or Gourad shaded), wireframe and hidden line, and raw triangles. WWW

Pixcon/Anitroll is a 3D rendering package that includes * a 3D renderer that supports 11 rendering primitives, 2D mipmap/lerp texturing, and 3D texture shaders, * a simple forward kinematic hiearchical based animation system, * series of graphical utilities using the underlying pixcon libaries, * source code, manual, and examples. WWW

Rayshade is a system for generating ray-traced images. Rayshade's main function is to read a multi-line ASCII file describing a scene to be rendered and produce a file containing the ray traced image. This is the program often used by universities for teaching ray-tracing and as a result, it is often also used for research on rendering and object generation. Because of its extensibility, there are a large number of usercontributed additions and modifications to the base renderer. This means that many incredible images and ideas saw first "light" under Rayshade. WWW http://wwwgraphics.

Radiance is a suite of programs for the analysis and visualization of lighting in design. Input files specify the scene geometry, materials, luminaires, time, date and sky conditions (for daylight calculations). Calculated values include spectral radiance (ie. luminance + color), irradiance (illuminance + color) and glare indices. Simulation results may be displayed as color images, numerical values and contour plots. WWW

BMRT (The Blue Moon Rendering Tools) are a collection of rendering programs which adhere to the RenderMan(R) interface standard (RenderMan is a registered trademark of Pixar). The toolkit consists of a full implementation of the RenderMan standard which supports ray tracing, radiosity, area light sources, texture and environment mapping, programmable shading in the RenderMan Shading Language, motion blur, automatic ray cast shadows, CSG, depth of field, support of imager and volume shaders, and other advanced features. The toolkit also contains quick RIB previewers (using GL or X11) to allow "pencil tests" of scenes and animations. The BMRT is shareware and is free for academic and other non-commercial use. WWW

Geographic System

GRASS -- 4.1 -- 15/Jun/94. GRASS is a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL), in Champaign, IL. It is an integrated set of programs designed to provide digitizing, image processing, map production, and geographic information system capabilities to its users. ftp /grass/grass4.1, WWW

Xmap8 is a 3D GIS (Geographical Information Systems) for geology and geophysics. WWW

Zebra is a software system for ingesting, storing, integrating, and visualizing geophysical data, during both the real-time analysis and feedback phase of a project and during postprocessing. It was designed and developed by the Reseach Data Program for field project control and post-project analysis, principally to manage and visualize data from a wide variety of meteorological instruments and platforms, including satellites, weather station mesonets, radar, soundings, aircraft, global and mesoscale models, profilers, and simple scalar instruments. Zebra also supports oceanographic platforms such as ship tracks, CTD depth and cross-section plots, and buoy networks. Zebra visualization capability includes horizontal plots in one of several map projections; skew-T log-P diagrams; vertical cross-sections of 3-D model and gridded data; vertical sounding cross-sections; and time series, time-height, and general 2-D plotting. Model data can be selectively displayed by either forecast or valid times, and all plot types support interactive movies. WWW

GrADS -- 1.5 -- 31/Aug/95. The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is currently in use worldwide for the analysis and display of earth science data. GrADS is implemented on all commonly available UNIX workstations and DOS based PCs, and is freely distributed over the Internet via anonymous ftp. GrADS provides an integrated environment for access, manipulation, and display of earth science data. ftp /, WWW

Image Manipulation Tools


A powerful package for manipulating images for X11. ftp /contrib/utilities/

ImageMagick -- 3.7.6. ImageMagick is an X11 package for display and interactive manipulation of images. The package includes tools for image conversion, annotation, compositing, animation, and creating montages. ImageMagick can read and write many of the more popular image formats (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, PNM, XPM, Photo CD, etc.). ftp /contrib/applications/ImageMagick/, WWW

xv. A popular program for display and interactive manipulation of images in many different image formats. Slackware comes with its binary. ftp /pub/xv/, WWW

SDSC Image Tools -- 3.0 -- Oct/95. SDSC Image Tools from San Diego Supercomputer Center is a suite of portable image manipulation tools coupled with extensive support for a wide range of image file formats. The tool functionality and format support are implemented within a portable, user-callable function library. No binary for Linux though. ftp /pub/sdsc/graphics/imtools/

Vista -- 2.1.3 -- 02/May/95. The Vista software environment for computer vision research, unlike most toolkits for image processing, allows easy extension to data types other than images. It's designed to support computer vision research while allowing any user to easily program new modules or add new data types. Vista includes software for manipulating images, detecting and linking edges, estimating optical flow and camera calibration parameters, viewing images and edge vectors under the X Window System, printing images and edge vectors on PostScript printers, and extensive documentation. ftp /pub/local/vista/, WWW

Xmorph is a digital image warping program, also known as a "morphing" program. It runs under the X Window System. Xmorph loads, saves, warps, and dissolves images, and loads, saves, creates, and manipulates control meshes which determine the warping. Xmorph has help pages built into it, so no external documentation is necessary. ftp /contrib/graphics/ ftp


NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is an interface for scientific data access and a freely-distributed software library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. A perl extension is available and known as NetCDFPerl. WWW

TIPSY. A package developed to quickly display and analyze the results of N-body simulations in astronomy, i.e. a package designed to display data in particle rather than gridded form. The capabilities including displaying particle positions and velocities from an arbitrary viewpoint, zooming in to a chosen position, the use of color particles to display scalar fields, selection of subsets of the data for display, following selected particles, and finding cumulative properties of a collection of particles. WWW

Linux Lab Project (LLP)

This project should help people, dealing with data aquisition, process control, laboratory automation and similar things within a educational or industrial environment. What's in store already: * Support for IEEE-488 (GPIB,HPIB) boards -- a kernel driver module (full configurable at runtime), a user c-call library, ibsh a tcl/tk extension to access the bus via tcl/tk. * Support for several commercial multifunction boards ( D/A, A/D, data aquisition etc) -- 2 National Instruments multifunction board AT-MIO16F [comes with tcl/tk interfaceand lab-pc+ are under development, 1 Keythley board DAS-1200. * Support for CAMAC controllers in early alpha. ftp /pub/linux/LINUX-LAB, WWW

CWP/SU - 28. The CWP/SU package is a free software package created at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines. The package may be viewed as an "instant (exploration) seismic research and processing environment" for UNIX-based machines. The package contains tools for: reading/writing tapes in the SEG-Y format manipulating seismic data in the SEG-Y format, Fourier transforms, filtering, synthetic data generation, seismic migration, NMO, DMO, PostScript Graphics, X-windows Graphics .. etc. WWW http://timna.Mines.EDU/cwpcodes/

PASSCAL (Program for the Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere) is a facilities program which provides portable seismic recording equipment to the university research community. WWW

Allpha computes various multifractal spectra of 1D and 2D signals. WWW http://wwwsyntim.

XmdvTool -- 3.0. XmdvTool allows users to visually explore multivariate data in a variety of methods. The major concepts which users need to grasp to be able to effectively utilize XmdvTool are the data projection techniques available and the use of the N-dimensional brush. WWW http://wwwcip.informatik.unierlangen. de/user/tntimm/XmdvTool.html

MiXViews is an editing, processing, and analyzing tool for digitized sounds and other forms of binary data. It is built upon the InterViews X library, and runs within the X window environment. ftp /pub/MixViews/

CSOUND from MIT media lab is a sound and music synthesys and analysis software, with great scripting tools (a C like language for designing instruments and analysis systems) and several enhancements (eg. 3D sound, ambiphonic filters, etc.) It can be used as a synthesis tool for the generation of high quality sounds or as an exploratory tool in audio perception problems. A makefile for linux is part of the mailing list archive, and actually compiles for a.out. WWW

ObjectProDSP -- 0.2 -- 11/Sep/95. X-windows, object oriented tool for Digital Signal Processing design development and implementation; generic framework for building interactive scientific and engineering applications. ftp /pub/linux/packages/dsp/

XWPL -- 1.3. XWPL (the X Wavelet Packet Laboratory) is an X based tool to examine one-dimensional real-valued signals using wavelets and wavelet packets. It has been designed to be as easy to use as possible for beginners. It is intended more as an educational and exploratory tool than as a numerical analysis program, even though it uses fast, optimized wavelet and wavelet

packet          transforms.           ftp 
/pub/wavelets/software/xwpl/,                                 WWW

SSA -- 2.3. The Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) Toolkit is a collection of UNIX utilities which analyze short, noisy time series using a Motif-like interface. In addition, the Toolkit includes three kinds of power-spectrum estimation. These are the traditional windowed correlogram, multi-taper method(MTM), and maximum-entropy method(MEM). You can apply these tools at any point in the analysis to a raw time series, or to SSA reconstructions. WWW

PAW -- 2.06/20 -- 14/Mar/95. PAW (Physics Analysis Workstation) is conceived as an instrument to assist physicists in the analysis and presentation of their data. It provides interactive graphical presentation and statistical or mathematical analysis, working on objects familiar to physicists like histograms, event files (Ntuples), vectors etc. WWW

FTOOLS is a collection of utility programs used to create, examine, or modify the contents of FITS data files. WWW


Spice. Berkeley circuit simulator. Look at following pointer for more information. WWW E_001, Note: Spice is part of the Berkeley EE CAD Page at WWW Anybody know if other CAD programs (like Adore, Espresso ...) in that page work on Linux?

Magic is a popular integrated circuit layout tool in common use in universities and a number of industrial sites. Magic comes with source code and a relaxed copyright that allows you to redistribute it, modify it, and generally do what you want with it. WWW

Ocean. The OCEAN chip design package includes a complete set of tools for the synthesis and verification of semi-custom (sea-of-gates and gate-array) chips. "Robust and combat-proven; used by hundreds of people. Short learning curve... suitable for student design courses." Lots of working chips have been designed with OCEAN. ftp /pub/Linux/apps/circuits/ocean

ALLIANCE is a complete set of CAD tools and portable libraries for research and education in digital VLSI design. It includes a VHDL compiler and simulator, logic synthesis tools, automatic place and route, DRC, extractor, functional abstraction and formal proof tools etc... All the ALLIANCE cell libraries use a symbolic layout approach in order to provide process independence: Cmos process from 1.6 micron to 0.8 micron have

been       successfully      targetted.       ftp
/ibp/softs/masi/alliance,                                     WWW

Chipmunk. The software tools in the Chipmunk system perform a wide variety of tasks: electronic circuit simulation and schematic capture, graphics editing, and curve plotting, to name a few. Major Chipmunk tools include: Log: A graphical environment for entering circuit schematics, and for analog and digital circuit simulation; View: A tool for manipulating and plotting data; Until: A graphics editor; Wol: A tool for creating integrated circuit layout. WWW

ACS is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis linearized at an operating point. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. The output is produced as it simulates. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1, 2 and 3) and diode are included. ftp /pub/local/acs, ftp /pub/acs, ftp /pub/local/acs

WireC graphical/procedural system is a graphical specification language that combines schematics with procedural constructs for describing complex microelectronic systems. WireC allows the designer to choose the appropriate representation, either graphical or procedural, at a fine-grain level depending on the characteristics of the circuit being designed. Drawing traditional schematic symbols and their interconnections provides fast intuitive interaction with a circuit design while procedural constructs give the power and flexibility to describe circuit structures algorithmically and allow single descriptions to represent whole families of devices. Ask for more detail (including how to obtain it). WWW 42.html#N-42

Gemini is a program for comparing circuit wirelists. Normally it is used to verify circuit layout by comparing a wirelist extracted from a circuit layout to a specification wirelist that is assumed to be correct. This kind of verification is commonly known in industry parlance as LVS (Layout Versus Schematic). Ask for more detail (including how to obtain it).

Pcb -- 1.4.3 -- 11/Sep/96. Pcb is a handy tool for the X Window System build to design printed circuit boards. ftp /pub/pcb/

IRSIM Event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS circuits, including some code to do power estimation. ftp /pub/Linux/apps/circuits/

BSVC is a microprocessor simulation framework written in C++ and Tcl/Tk. WWW


Geomview -- 1.5 -- 16/Dec/94. An interactive program for viewing and manipulating geometric objects. It can be used as a standalone viewer for static objects or as a display engine for other programs which produce dynamically changing geometry. ftp /pub/software/geomview, WWW

GraphEd -- 4.1.2 -- 10/Jun/95. GraphEd is a graph editor with support for graph grammars, graph layout algorithms and an interface for application. ftp /pub/local/graphed

VCG TOOL. The VCG tool reads a textual and readable specification of a graph and visualizes the graph. If not all positions of nodes are fixed, the tool layouts the graph using several heuristics as reducing the number of crossings, minimizing the size of edges, centering of nodes. The specification language of the VCG tool is nearly compatible to GRL, the language of the edge tool, but contains many extensions. The VCG tool is not a graph editor. It is intended to visualize large graphs that are automatically generated by programs, e.g. debuggers of data structures. WWW

irit -- 6.0 -- 29/Feb/96. IRIT is a freeware solid modeler developed for educational purposes. Although small, it is now powerful enough to create quite complex scenes. It is a simple environment that allows one to model basic, primitive based, models using Boolean operations as well as freeform surface's based models. ftp /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics, ftp /pub/supported/cs/graphics

Hydra is a distributed multi-user computer aided physics and engineering package. The Hydra environment currently offers the following features which exist at both the user and developer level: Intuitive and effective graphical user interface, Supports a variety of geometric representations, Many different visualization modes, Many import and export filters, Good code architecture (claimed to be portable to any UNIX platform with X), Distributed processing. WWW

daVinci -- 2.0.1 -- 17/Jul/96. An interactive graph visualiztion system: * Automatic layout algorithms for directed graphs (with edge crossing minimization and bend reduction) and trees. * Support for cyclic graphs and graphs with multiple edges. * Interactive fine-tuning operations for layout customization. * Many attributes for nodes and edges available (e.g. using colors, patterns, shapes, text, fonts, icons, etc.). * Interactive abstractions (e.g. collapse a subgraph, hide edges)

EMA-XPS is a hybrid graphic expert system shell based on the ASCII-oriented shell Babylon 2.3 of the German National Research Center for Computer Sciences (GMD). In addition to Babylon's AI-power (object oriented data representation, forward and backward chained rules - collectable into sets, horn clauses, and constraint networks) a graphic interface based on the X11 Window System and the OSF/Motif Widget Library has been provided. WWW

BRL-CAD -- 4.4 -- 07/Feb/95 (registration required). The BRL-CAD Package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) based solid modeling system. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, a ray tracing library, two ray-tracing based lighting models, a generic framebuffer library, a network-distributed image-processing and signal-processing capability, and a large collection of related tools and utilities. A few of the applications linked to BRL-CAD include: * Optical Image Generation (including specular/diffuse reflection, refraction, multiple light sources, and articulated animation) * An array of military vehicle design and evaluation V/L Codes Bistatic laser analysis * Predictive Synthetic Aperture Radar Codes (including codes due to ERIM) * High-Energy Laser Damage * High-Power Microwave Damage * Weights and Moments-of-Inertia * Neutron Transport Code * PATRAN [TMand hence to ADINA, EPIC-2, NASTRAN, etc. for structural/stress analysis * X-Ray image calculation,

ftp      /brl-cad,      ftp
/pub/apps/graphics/rays/brlcad,                               WWW

Sced -- 0.94. Sced is a modeling program that makes use of geometric constraints to edit objects in a virtual world. The scenes created can be exported to a variety of rendering programs, including POVray, Radiance, Rayshade, etc. WWW An enhancement to SCED, called SCEDA, with support for keyframed animation. Animated objects have their position, rotation, and scale interpolated smoothly across multiple keyframes via a (modified) spline function. WWW

Midnight Modeller (MNM). It is a GUI based interface for the POV 2.x raytracer. MNM features a ACAD style user interface and supports complex surface creations, nested CSGs, layers, import/export of DXF and RAW files, shaded previews, nearly full

control      over      the      POV     textures,     interactive
panning/rotating/zooming,   and    more.     ftp


GRAFICA NATURA (still under development) is a 3-D realtime rendering system which was primarily designed for realistic visualization of natural objects and phenomena, e.g. plants, landscapes, clouds and, water. A simple but powerful stackbased programming language is available for definition of objects, surfaces, textures, camera movements, and lightning effects. WWW http://www.cs.tu-

Threedom is a basic 3D polygon rendering engine that runs reasonably fast. (Should work on Linux) WWW

WebView3D is a 3D rendering package for Unix (running X windows) and Windows 95 with (soon to be released) networking capabilities over TCP/IP. The package contains: * WebView, a Doom-style 3D rendering engine and network chat client, * WVServer, the network chat server (to be released soon). WWW

The Difference Engine "r95" renderer. It is a DOOM style renderer. WWW

WatRend is a simple, portable 3-D rendering library. It is a highly p ortable scanline engine that has at various times run on SGIs, 68K and PowerPC Macs, x86 DOS, and x86 Linux. WWW

ADMesh -- 0.95 -- JUL/96. ADMesh is a program for processing triangulated solid meshes. Currently, ADMesh only reads the STL file format that is used for rapid prototyping applications, although it can write STL, VRML, OFF, and DXF files. WWW

VRweb is a browser for 3D worlds and objects modeled in the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). VRweb supports most of VRML 1.0 using a parser based on QvLib 1.0. Some non-standard VRML extensions (Inventor) are also handled (e.g. LightModel), others are reported and ignored. WWW http://www.iicm.tugraz.

VRMLplot.m -- 1.0. VRMLplot is a Matlab($$) function for generating interactive 3-D VRML 2.0 graphs and animations. It generates output files which may be viewed using a WWW browser with a VRML 2.0 plugin. WWW

Dive. The Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment (Dive) is a internet-based multi- user VR system where participants navigate in 3D space and see, meet and interact with other users and applications. The Dive software is a research prototype covered by licenses. Binaries for non-commercial use, however, are freely available for a number of platforms. WWW

SISCAD-P -- 2.0.0 -- 01/Aug/95 (demo only, which is limited to the drawing of a maximum of 5 parts of 300 objects each).

SISCAD-P is a new innovative 2D-CAD system that gives engineers a production implementation of new design technologies - parametrics, variational geometry, inference sketching, a fully customizable user interface, constraint-based modeling and feature-based modeling. SISCAD-P dramatically reduces the product design cycle times. Parametric design captures design intent and allows you to build dimension- driven geometry with geometric constraints such as tangency, parallelism and colinearity. Intelligent menus and processes enable you to perform operations with the smallest possible number of "working" steps with little or even no keyboard entries. Constraint-based modeling allows you to perform "what-if" analysis to get the best design solutions. Feature-based modeling allows you to include standard design elements in your model and eliminates traditional, time-consuming modeling operations. All these new techniques are the result of a relational, object-oriented data structure as a basic concept of SISCAD--P.

Ask support@SIS.Staedtler.DE for information of the full version. ftp /pub/os/Linux/Local.EUnet/Applications/CAD, ftp /pub/linux/packages/cad

The NELSIS CAD Framework. The NELSIS CAD Framework is a flexible, light- weight framework that enables tool integrators to build high performance design engineering environments. The NELSIS CAD Framework has been developed with the following key requirements in mind: openness, design management services, configurability, efficiency, data distribution, domain neutralness. The Linux version is coming soon. ftp /pub/nelsis, WWW

VARKON is a completely open general purpose interactive modeling system but also a programming language, an object oriented database, a sculptured surface modeller, fully parametric in 2D and 3D and a very powerful development tool. VARKON can even be used as a 2D drafting system when this is needed. The VARKON tool is not intended for the average end user but rather for those who wish to develop CAD related functionality of their own. The corner-stone in the system is the integrated MBS programming language with its compiler and interactive environment. The company makes Linux binary free of charge. WWW

Lab-3D -- 1.0 -- 08/Jun/95. Lab-3D is a program developed from scratch for implementation, testing and comparing various graphics algorithms. Line interpolation, Polygon filling, hidden lines/surfaces removing. You can also implement new algorithms. z-buffer, 3D, rendering. ftp /contrib/graphics/, ftp /pub/Linux/X11/xapps/graphics/

X3d is a fast wireframe object viewer for Unix systems running X11. ftp /graphics/graphics/packages/x3d

XANIM -- 2.70.1 -- 04/Sep/95. XAnim is a program for viewing a wide variety of animation formats under X11. ftp /pub/podlipec, WWW

Xfig -- 3.1.4 -- 18/Aug/95. Xfig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be saved, printed on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (e.g. to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents). Slackware comes with xfig binary, but may be pretty old version. ftp /contrib/applications/drawing_tools/xfig/

Tgif -- 2.16 pl12 -- 11/Jul/95. Xlib based interactive 2-D drawing facility under X11. Supports hierarchical construction of drawings and easy navigation between sets of drawings. It can also be used to launch applications. It's also a hyper-graphics (or hyper- structured-graphics) browser on the World-Wide- Web. ftp /contrib/applications/tgif/, WWW

Picasso -- 14/Feb/94. An interactive drawing tool based on the Tcl/Tk package (which also requires the extended package tclX/TkX as well as the netpbm/pbmplus utilities). Features include greyscale image and PostScript object management with interactive rescaling, rotation, and color control (for PostScript, PPM, GIF, Pict, XBM, XPM, X Window and X Region formats), interactive LaTeX object creation, LateX picture generation mixing PostScript drawing and LaTeX objects, PostScript generation for subparts of a drawing allowing creation of big objects hidden by white objects and selective choice of the interesting region for PostScript generation, and customization possibilities via Tcl. ftp /pub/tk/

Ginger (under development). GINGER is an acronym for "Ginger is an INteractive Graph EditoR" The goal of the Ginger project is to develop an easy-to-use yet powerful tool for interactive editing of various types of graphs. WWW

Ipe. The Ipe extendible drawing editor is a drawing editor for creating figures for inclusion into LaTeX documents. It is also useful to prepare transparencies or slides. Ipe drawings combine postscript data with LaTeX source code, that are both stored in the same file. You can add your own functions to Ipe, extending it with editing functions or geometric objects that you find useful. WWW

XPaint -- 2.4.7 -- 01/Nov/96. It is a simple color image editing tool which features most standard paint program options. It allows for the editing of multiple images simultaneously and supports various formats, including PPM, XBM, TIFF, etc. WWW

GIMP -- 0.54. The GIMP (General Image Manipulation Program) is a Ph*t*Shop-alike photo-editing, painting, and image manipulation package for X Windows. WWW http://www.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/~gimp/

bomb -- 1.11. bomb is an interactive graphics program. it falls in the eye-candy class of programs, and has pretensions to become a visual musical instrument. it uses cellular automata and fractals. WWW


Lisp. An interpreter language. Some implementations on UNIX(including Linux) are available:

GCL. An implementation of Lisp that used to be known as Kyoto Common Lisp (KCL). This generates C code which is compiled with the local C compiler and it is intended to eventually support the ANSI standard for Common Lisp. ftp /pub/gcl/

CMU Common Lisp. WWW,

Common Lisp,

Sather is an object oriented language which designed to be simple, efficient, safe, and non-proprietary. It aims to meet the needs of modern research groups and to foster the development of a large, freely available, high-quality library of efficient well-written classes for a wide variety of computational tasks. It was originally based on Eiffel but now incorporates ideas and approaches from several languages. One way of placing it in the "space of languages" is to say that it attempts to be as efficient as C, C++, or Fortran, as elegant and safe as Eiffel or CLU, and to support higher-order functions as well as Common Lisp, Scheme, or Smalltalk. WWW

CH language environment is a superset of C. But, CH is a very high-level language (VHLL) environment, designed for both novice computer users and professional programmers. CH can be used for shell programming, WWW Common Gateway Interface (CGI), WWW Common Client Interface (CCI), world-wide distributed internet computing, scientific computing, real-time control of mechatronic systems, and many other applications. WWW

F is a carefully crafted subset of the most recent version of Fortran, the world's most powerful numeric language. F retains the modern features of Fortran--modules and data abstraction, for example--but discards facilities such as EQUIVALENCE, which are difficult to teach, use, or debug. It is a safe portable programming language. F may be used by the Fortran 77 programmer as a transition to the new concepts in Fortran 95 or in High Performance Fortran (HPF). Compiler for Linux is freely available at present. WWW

YABASIC (Yet Another BASIC) implements the most common (and simple) elements of the langugage plus some Grafic facilities; anyone, who has ever written basic- programs on a C64, should feel at home. WWW

R is a language which is superficially not unlike the S language (for statistical calculations) developed at Bell Laboratories, but implemented by extending a lisp-like base. WWW

Scheme is a high-level language and is a dialect of Lisp that stresses conceptual elegance and simplicity. It is specified in R4RS and IEEE standard P1178. Scheme is much smaller than Common Lisp; the specification is about 50 pages, compared to Common Lisp's 1300 page draft standard. WWW The implementations available for Linux platforms include:

Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. In contrast to existing, stand-alone Scheme systems Elk has been designed specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C or C++. WWW

MIT Scheme. A Scheme compiler which generate faster code. ftp /pub/

Bigloo. A Scheme interpreter and compiler. ftp /INRIA/Projects/icsla/Implementations/index.html

Scheme-to-C. A Scheme-to-C compiler done by Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory. ftp /pub/DEC/Scheme-to-C/

Scsh is a broad-spectrum systems-programming environment for Unix embedded in R4RS Scheme. ftp /pub/su/scsh/index.html

DrScheme is a graphical environment for developing Scheme programs. WWW

Oscheme stands for Objective Scheme. It is an embeddable scheme interpretor conforming (mostly) to R4RS. ftp /pub/OScheme/

Tcl (tool command language) is an embeddable scripting language and Tk is a graphical user interface toolkit based on Tcl. It is the components used in many other software packages, and it has lots of extension for many different purposes (look at following

pages         for         more         information).          WWW,                          WWW,               WWW

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing. There are interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems (X11, Motif, Tk, Mac, MFC, STDWIN). New built-in modules are easily written in in C or C++. Python is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface. WWW

Eiffel is an advanced object-oriented programming language that emphasizes the design and construction of high-quality and reusable software. Implementations on Linux available (shareware). See following link for more information. WWW There is also a free Eiffel compiler for linux, SmallEiffel, which includes compiler, pretty printer, finder. ftp /pub/loria/genielog/SmallEiffel

Smalltalk is a popular object-oriented programming language. Smalltalk is different from other languages not only in its syntax (the parts of the language and how they go together), but in its whole philosophy of programming. Few programming languages are as interactive as Smalltalk. Fewer still make nearly all their source-code visible to the programmer on-line. This combination of features makes Smalltalk very powerful. WWW Implementations available for Linux are: Smalltalk/X , Smalltalk/X is a new and complete implementation of the Smalltalk language and consists of both an integrated environment for program development AND a standalone smalltalk compiler, generating true machine code. WWW

GNU Smalltalk. WWW ftp /pub/gnu/

Rexx is a procedural programming language that allows programs and algorithms to be written in a clear and structured way. It is easy to use by experts and casual users alike. Rexx has been designed to make easy the manipulation of the kinds of symbolic objects that people normally deal with such as words and numbers. WWW Following implementations are know to work on Linux:

Regina is an implementation of the REXX language, running on almost all the UNIX platforms, Digital Equipment's DEC VMS, OS/2 and MS-DOS. WWW

REXX/imc. Another REXX implementation on UNIX. WWW And a commercial one S/REXX.

STk is a R4RS Scheme interpreter which can access to the Tk graphical package. It can be seen as the John Ousterhout's Tk package where the Tcl language has been replaced by Scheme. ftp /pub/local/fox/stk/

Perl is an interpreted language optimized for scanning arbitrary text files, extracting information from those text files, and printing reports based on that information. It's also a good language for many system management tasks. The language is intended to be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny, elegant, minimal). It combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh, so people familiar with those languages should

have      little       difficulty       with       it.        WWW     Perl    has    following


Perl/Tk (also known as pTk or ptk) is a collection of modules and code that attempts to wed the easily configured Tk 4 widget toolkit to the powerful lexigraphic, dynamic memory, I/O, and object-oriented capabilities of Perl 5. In other words, it is an interpreted scripting language for making widgets and programs with Graphical User Interfaces (GUI). WWW

PerlDL (perl Data Language) gives standard perl the ability to COMPACTLY store and SPEEDILY manipulate the large N-dimensional data arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. The idea is to turn perl in to a, free, array-oriented, numerical language in the same sense as commerical packages like IDL and MatLab. One can write simple perl expressions to manipulate entire numerical arrays all at once. WWW

NetCDFPerl is a perl extension module for scientific data access via the NetCDF API. WWW

Oberon is both a programming language in the Pascal-Modula tradition and a modern operating system for single-user personal workstations. Its highlights are: * an integrated and modular programming environment and * a versatile textual user interface. WWW What's also available on Linux are: JACOB (Just A Compiler for Oberon-2), WWW http://user.cs.tu-

Guile. The GNU Extension Language (Guile) is a package that includes an embeddable Scheme interpreter, several graphics options, other languages that can be used along with Scheme, a formalism for applets, and hooks for much more. The Guile project originated out of the dissatisfaction of some with Tcl as an extension language, and was designed and built to overcome the perceived limitations of that language. WWW

SWIG is a program development tool designed to make it easy to build scripting language interfaces to C/C++ programs. It's primary audience is scientists, engineers, and programmers who would like to use a scripting language, but who would rather work on more interesting problems than figuring out all of the grungy details of extending their favorite scripting language or using an overly complicated programming tool. Supported Languages: Tcl/Tk, incr Tcl, Python, Perl5, Perl4, Guile-iii. WWW

YACL (Yet Another Class Library) is a C++ class library that offers high-level abstractions for common programming problems. Its class protocols are designed to: * be application-centered, i.e., represent concepts close to those needed by the programmer, thus making programming using them significantly easier than otherwise * make good use of C++ facilities (operator overloading and templates in particular) to minimize the amount of code a programmer must write * provide adequate hooks for easy extensibility, WWW

MPI is a new library specification for message-passing (parallel programming), proposed as a standard by a broadly based committee

of     vendors,      implementors,      and      users.       WWW     WWW

includes available MPI Implementatons, both free and commercial. Implementations available for Linux are:

MPICH. A Portable Implementation of MPI (Message-Passing Interface). MPI is a standard specification for message-passing libraries. MPICH is a portable implementation of the full MPI specification for a wide variety of parallel computing environments, including workstation clusters and massively parallel processors (MPPs). WWW

LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an MPI programming environment and development system for heterogeneous computers on a network. With LAM, a dedicated cluster or an existing network computing infrastructure can act as one parallel computer solving one problem. WWW

CHIMP. Another freely available MPI implementation. ftp /pub/chimp/release/

PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) is a freely-available, portable, message-passing library generally implemented on top of UNIX sockets. Although PVM is the de-facto standard message-passing library, MPI (Message Passing Interface) in previous item is the official standard now. WWW

Para++ -- 2.0 -- Sep/96. The aim of Para++ is to provide C++ bindings to use any message passing library. With it, the use of Message Passing libraries is simplified and more attractive, without significant performances lost. To ensure portability, Para++ is fully implemented with PVM and MPI, so that you can run the same Para++ program on both message passing libraries. WWW

PADE -- 1.4 -- 30/Nov/95. PADE (Parallel Applications Development Environment) from The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is a flexible, customizable environment for developing parallel applications that use the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) message-passing library. It provides an integrated framework for all phases of development of a parallel application: editing, compilation, execution, debugging, and performance monitoring. PADE consists of an intuitive graphical user interface, a suite of PVM utilities, and extensive documentation in PostScript, ASCII, and HTML formats. PADE requires X-windows, Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6, and PVM software in order to run on the development host of the virtual machine. ftp /pub/pade

BSPlib -- 0.6beta. BSPlib is a parallel programming library based on the Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) programming model. BSPlib is implemented and distributed under the name of the Oxford BSP Toolset and Profiling system. WWW for sources and binaries. WWW for Linux specific release.

Linux Parallel Processing HOWTO. This document provides an overview of how to use multiple processors to speed-up execution of an individual program. Use of SMP Linux systems, clusters of networked Linux systems, and attached (parallel) processors hosted by Linux, are all discussed. WWW

Beowulf is a project to produce the software for off-the-shelf parellel clustered workstation based on commodity PC-class hardware and the Linux operating system. WWW

Generic NQS is one of the world's leading freely-available batch processing systems. Based on the de facto NQS standards, and inter-operable with commercial NQS products, Generic NQS combines important features such as cluster-wide dynamic scheduling with robustness, ease of installation, and availability across a large number of UNIX-like platforms, including System 5 Release 4, Linux, and BSD 4.3. WWW

ARCH is an object-oriented library of tools for (asynchronous and loosely synchronous system) parallel programming on machines using the MPI communication library. It offers a set of flexible programming constructs for parallel software development for asynchronous and loosely synchronous system programming, creating the illusion of shared memory on distributed memory machines. ARCH allows the distribution of arrays as well as user-defined data structures such as pointers to remote data. ftp /pub/ARCH/

LPARX parallel programming system provides efficient run-time support for dynamic, non-uniform scientific calculations running on MIMD distributed memory architectures. It is intended for particle methods and adaptive multilevel finite different methods such as adaptive mesh refinement. LPARX applications are portable across a diversity of parallel platforms, including the Intel Paragon, IBM SP2, Thinking Machines CM-5, Cray C-90, and networks of workstations running under PVM. WWW

PGAPack is a general-purpose, data-structure-neutral, parallel genetic algorithm library. It is intended to provide most capabilities desired in a genetic algorithm library, in an integrated, seamless, and portable manner. (Debian distribution has it.). WWW

Mentat is an object-oriented parallel processing system designed to directly address the difficulty of developing architecture-independent parallel programs. The fundamental objectives of Mentat are to (1) provide easy-to-use parallelism, (2) achieve high performance via parallel execution, and (3) facilitate the execution of applications across a wide range of platforms. The Mentat approach exploits the object-oriented paradigm to provide high-level abstractions that mask the complex aspects of parallel programming, including communication, synchronization, and scheduling, from the programmer. Instead of managing these details, the programmer concentrates on the application. The programmer uses application domain knowledge to specify those object classes that are of sufficient computational complexity to warrant parallel execution. WWW

PACT -- 20/Jul/95 (Portable Application Code Toolkit) is a set of libraries and utilities to facilitate the development of portable software systems. It has a bias toward scientific and engineering applications especially in terms of the data handling services. ftp /pub, WWW

Cilk is an algorithmic multithreaded language. The philosophy behind Cilk is that a programmer should concentrate on structuring his program to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving the runtime system with the responsibility of scheduling the computation to run efficiently on a given platform. Thus, the Cilk runtime system takes care of details like load balancing, paging, and communication protocols. Unlike other multithreaded languages, however, Cilk is algorithmic in that runtime system guarantees efficient and predictable performance. WWW

Clean. Concurrent Clean is a general purpose, higher order, pure and lazy functional programming language for the development of sequential, parallel and distributed real world applications. WWW

CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) is a productive development and delivery expert system tool which provides a complete environment for the construction of rule and/or object based expert systems. CLIPS is being used by over 5,000 users throughout the public and private community including: all NASA sites and branches of the military, numerous federal bureaus, government contractors, universities, and many companies. Note, CLIPS 6.0 is available at no cost only for use on NASA projects. It is available commercially through WWW ftp /user/ai/areas/expert/systems/clips/0.html

Icon is a very high level general-purpose programming language with extensive features for processing strings (text) and data structures. Icon is an imperative, procedural language with a syntax that is reminiscent of C and Pascal, but its semantics are at a much higher level than those languages. WWW

ILU. The Inter-Language Unification system (ILU) is a multi-language object interface system. The object interfaces provided by ILU hide implementation distinctions between different languages, between different address spaces, and between operating system types. ILU can be used to build multi-lingual object-oriented libraries ("class libraries") with well-specified language-independent interfaces. It can also be used to implement distributed systems. It can also be used to define and document interfaces between the modules of non-distributed programs. ILU interfaces can be specified in either the OMG's CORBA Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL), or ILU's Interface Specification Language (ISL). ILU 2.0 supports the programming languages C++, ANSI C, and Python, and will support Java and Common Lisp. ftp /pub/ilu/ilu.html

DFKI OZ -- 1.0. The Programming Systems Lab of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is pleased to announce the release of DFKI Oz 1.0, an interactive compiler-based implementation of Oz. Oz is a concurrent constraint programming language designed for applications that require complex symbolic computations, organization into multiple agents, and soft real-time control. It is based on a new computation model providing a uniform foundation for higher-order functional programming, constraint logic programming, and concurrent objects with multiple inheritance. From functional languages Oz inherits full compositionality, and from logic languages Oz inherits logic variables and constraints (including feature and finite domain constraints). Search in Oz is encapsulated (no backtracking) and includes one, best and all solution strategies. WWW, ftp ps-ftp.dfki.uni- /pub/oz/

Objective Caml. Objective Caml is an implementation of the Caml dialect of ML extended with class-based objects and a powerful module system in the style of SML's. It continues the Caml Light effort in many ways (separate compilation, low memory requirements, fast turnaround through bytecode interpretation), but also significantly departs from Caml Light on other points (the module calculus and a high-performance native-code compiler). WWW

GOMscript is an interpreter for an object-oriented, C++-like, language. It features built- in basic types such as strings, integers, bools and aggregates such as lists, sequences and unions. The latter 3 types are implemented using shared libraries (VBXs) and their implementation may be overridden by the user. There is 1 main VBX for manipulation of Corba (DSOM) and X.700 (CCI) instances (class 'GomObj'). Control statements such as for- and while-loops as well as branch-statements such as if-then-else are implemented as well. WWW

Programmer's Reusable Library (PRL) -- 0.7 -- 02/Dec/95. Seven g77-callable libraries for POSIX-interfacing, F77 data type operations, 2D/3D graphics incl hidden-line surface plots, and world mapping. Graphics is conceptually similar to DISSPLA except PRL strives to be be object-based. ftp /pub/Linux/devel/lang/fortran, WWW

plusFORT -- 5.04 -- 20/Sep/95. An Intel Linux version of plusFORT, the Fortran programmers' toolkit. Includes retructuring, static analysis (including interactive access), beautifier, declaration standardiser, AUTOMAKE. Accepts VAX Fortran and other extensions. This version is free for educational and academic use. ftp /pub/Linux/devel/fortran (look for linuxpf.*)

DOC++ is a documentation system for C++ generating both, LaTeX output for high quality hardcopies and HTML output for sophisticated online browsing of your documentation. And this comes directly from your C++ header files. WWW http://www.ZIB-Berlin.DE/VisPar/doc++/doc++.html

The Web Wanderer's List of Linux Applications: Programming Languages Section. WWW
