LOOKNET at Indian Institute of Science


                 * Looking Around Cyber Space *
        An initiative of the Students group of the I.I.Sc

Scientists at the end of the twentieth century are facing a new milleu - the existance of cybernet and global networking around has made scientific advancements more concerted than ever. The right to information is accepted everywhere, breaking the barri- ers among countries, varsities or centers of academic excel- lence. Desk-top computer terminals are witnesses to this silent revolution in the information broadway!

LOOKING AROUND, the students group for interdisciplinary interac- tion at the Indian Institute Science, Bangalore, INDIA while propagating the wave of interdisciplinary communication for the last four years of its existance has promptly realized that much of its success now dwells on its adaptation to this new world. The facilities of exchanging idea and information with any group of scientists, anywhere in the world, using electronic network- ing, would enhance our activity exponentially.

The immediate objective of LOOKNET, a mutant of `Looking Around' will be to organize scientists interested in interdisciplinary communication from national and international institutes through the Website of LOOKNET. Activities parallel to Looking Around 'll be gradually started in the network. This includes `Regular Newsletter' on scientific activities in and outside the campus, organizing `Discussion Groups' in various subjects of interdisci- plinary interest, `Meeting the Eminents' in Science and Technolo- gy from all around the world and building LOOKNET's own directory collecting information on activities in different science insti- tutes. We will also generate replicas of the present LOOKNET in other interested institutes, network all the nodes and finally create a Global LOOKNET.

Thus, the multifacade-activities of Looking Around to develop a culture of interdisciplinary interest is ushered in a wider world through LOOKNET. The various earlier activities of LOOKING AROUND can be accessed thru the URL : http://www.iisc.ernet.in/~looknet/

If you are interested to be a member of the planning committee to contribute to the structure and development of LOOKNET or sub- scribe LOOKNET please contact:



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