ICM-L List


A new description is attached for ICM-L - from Lance Lloyd, RBMS, Australia (List Owner)

ICM-L is a mailing list designed to facilitate communication between scientists, managers, farmers, recreationalists, fishers and practitioners in the area of Integrated Catchment Management, internationally. ICM is a holistic approach to natural resource management of land and water. It aims to integrate the various scientific, engineering, management and practical disciplines to enable sustainable management of the land and water resources within a catchment. A catchment or river basin is the smallest geographic unit that can be managed holistically. The List is owned by the River Basin Management Society - an Australian group established to advance a balanced approach to land, water and natural resource management on a catchment basis. This list will also be used to keep members informed on current ICM and Society issues. The Society can be contacted at rbms@vicnet.net.au if you wish to join or get more information.

To join send the message below (in the body of the message NOT the header) to "majordomo@vicnet.net.au":

subscribe icm-l@vicnet.net.au

Please send an introductory message to the list with some information about your interests in Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) and, if possible, pose a question or idea for others to respond to!

Lance Lloyd, Editor, River Basin News, 9/10/96

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