Electronic Green Journal subscriptions


The mailing list for subscriptions for the Electronic Green Journal was lost during campus computer malfunctions in late March 1996. If you have not subscribed or re-subscribed to the EGJ list since March 31, 1996, and want to be subscribed, you should do so soon, as we will be releasing a new issue of the journal before the end of June.

As a subscriber to Majordomo list egj@uidaho.edu, you will receive ASCII text files of the contents of each new issue of the Electronic Green Journal as it is published. This means that when a new issue is mailed to you, you will receive about 20 messages all at once from us, each message containing one article or review.

The egj list is a moderated list that exists only for distribution of the Electronic Green Journal to subscribers via e-mail. Other than issues of the journal and occasional informational messages about the Electronic Green Journal or about the list from the list owner, no other messages will be posted on this list.

You may find that one of the other means of viewing and downloading the Electronic Green Journal are better for you. Preferred access and distribution of the Electronic Green Journal with images and hypertext links integrated into the text is via the WorldWide Web. All current and back issues of the Electronic Green Journal are also available via ftp.

Worldwide web: http://www.lib.uidaho.edu:70/docs/egj.html

Anonymous FTP: ftp www.lib.uidaho.edu (directory: /pub/egj)

To subscribe to the Electronic Green Journal, send a message with no subject to MAJORDOMO@UIDAHO.EDU with the following in the body of the message:

subscribe egj your_email_address

Substitute the email address to which you wish the articles from the EGJ sent in the above message.

Please contact me for questions or information about the egj list or about the Electronic Green Journal by any of the means listed below.

Mike Pollastro
Managing Editor, Electronic Green Journal
University of Idaho Library
Moscow, ID 83844-2361
208-885-2504 (Voice), 208-885-6817 (Fax)

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