GRATIS - #8, August 1996


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grat-is (adv) - without charge or recompense: FREE (Webster)

GRATIS - a guide to free software and services of value -

Friday, August 2, 1996 - No. 8

Dedicated to the proposition that
Everybody deserves something for
Nothing every once-in-a-while.


-FWIW * From the Editor
Blah, Blah, Blah...

Arf, Arf, Arf... - Windows Fetch Program Revised
Beta Browser Better - IE For Win95/NT

-BYTE SIGHS * Software
Tattle Tale - DOS DirSize Tells All
Clip, Clip, Clip... - Win 3.1 Clipboard Expander
Dunce At Head of Class - Easier Dial-Up For Win95
Talk To The Danimals - Mac Desktop Screens
-VARIOUS & SUNDRY * All The Stuff That Fits
Going To The Dogs - Cyberhound Search Plus
Rx For E-Mail Only - Doctor's Prescription
OSC: OK - Online Computer Guru
Free Mag, Mixed Bag - New E-Mag From Microsoft
Free Mag, Mac Bag - Mac Video Games Magazine
New Papyrus Tech - Is Not A University

FWIW -- by Bob Collister

Blah, Blah, Blah...

My apologies to all for the unavoidable delay in publishing. I can't promise that it won't happen again in the near future, but we are working to get back on an even keel, and should have things under control shortly.

After our last issue (when was that?) someone wrote regarding the somewhat long-winded content of that issue's FWIW (ZIP-a-dee-do- dah - Issue No. 7). I was urged to keep it brief and pertinent, and I will...this time. 8-)

We missed you. Thanks for being here.


Feedback & Updates


ARF23.ZIP has replaced ARF22.ZIP, the Windows program we featured in our last issue (Fetch Boy! - Issue No. 7). Additional features have been added to this version of the WWW database search and retrieval agent. ARF23.ZIP is currently available at:


Microsoft has released a new beta version of it's WWW browser, Internet Explorer 3.0 for Win95 and NT (Big Browser Battle - Issue No. 1). This version includes Java support along with a new just- in-time compiler and more than a few other new features. Included is a description of what to expect in the final release. IE is free, and awaits you at the Microsoft Web site.


Software Stuff
DIRSIZ24.ZIP Directory Sizes, Summary Stats, Win95 LFN

DirSize is a DOS utility which shows a graphical tree of the directories on your disk along with their sizes. Multi-level directories have summary statistics, useful for finding the complete size of apps before deletion or backup. Support for Windows 95 long filenames. For the drive, it displays cluster size, free space, used space and capacity. For the files examined, it displays used space and wasted space. Rounds up file sizes to the cluster size for the most accurate size information. Future proof: Directory sizes up to 99 GB can be displayed. Continuous progress indicator. Requires DOS 3.0+, 100k memory, 11k disk. DIRSIZE24.ZIP has replaced DIRSIZE.ZIP.

NOTE: PRIVATE use of DirSize is FREE, but you must register by sending email to, with your name and address. Paid registration is required for use in a business, commercial, government or institutional environment. 13,489 bytes, it's at:

DirSize Author: Simon Carter, Crystal Software -

CLIPEXP.ZIP Clipboard Expander 2.2 For Windows 3.1

This program is a Windows 3.1 Clipboard expander. It gives the user access to the last 12 unique items saved to the Clipboard. Clips in the expander can be moved back to the Clipboard by double clicking on that clip which also moves the selected clip to the first position of the expander (got that?). Clips can also be edited and portions of clips can be cut or copied to the Clipboard. A clip can be deleted from the expander by pressing the numbered button next to it.

This program may be freely distributed provided no charge is made for that distribution except to recover the costs of materials and postage. Both the executable and the help file must be transmitted together. The program is freeware, and may be registered with a postcard. Donations are gratefully accepted. CLIPEXP.ZIP is only 9,735 bytes, and available at:

Special requirements: VBRUN300.DLL, available from Simtel.Net as

Clipexp Author: Stephen Sottong,

DUNCE2_3.ZIP Automates "Connect To" in Dial-Up Networking

Dunce (or Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement) allows for easier dial-up networking than Win95 provides. The program will automatically press "connect" for you on the "Connect To" dialog box, redial your Internet Provider indefinitely (even from within another application), and auto-reconnect if you are unexpectedly dropped. Also, it can optionally run applications when you are connected and force connections at a given time.

Version 2.0 also adds MSN Support and support for international versions of Windows. Dunce will also type in your password in the Connect To Dialog. 2.3 has a much improved automated connection, won't run duplicate copies of programs, and more.

Special requirements: Dial-Up networking or the Microsoft Networking installed. The ZIP file is 96,653 bytes and can be found at:

Dunce Author: Ben Reser, Vector Development or -


This second volume of Danimal's Textures contains another 50 original desktop textures made using Adobe Photoshop and/or Specular Texturescape. Volume 1 was titled "Danimals_Textures", and contained 100 different patterns. This file should be used with the Texture Installer application. These colorful textures are great for using as desktop backgrounds or even as web page background textures.

These are totally free, but the author would "really appreciate it if you'd drop me an e-mail note and let me know what you think of them, where you found them, etc. And if you REALLY want to make my day, visit the home of these textures on my web page, Den Of The Danimal. Enjoy!"

Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/danimals-textures-vol-2.hqx; 1,198KB

Danimals Author: Dan Siemens


All The Stuff That Fits


CyberHound (ARF!) is both a search engine *and* a review and rating service for Web sites. The service has about 6 weeks of it's 3 month free trial period remaining. Be forewarned that the graphics are time consuming. The faster your modem, the better. Readers with e-mail only access to the 'Net MIGHT have an easier time using it. You'll find it at (sit boy!).


What's that you say? You read the comment above about e-mail access only, and you don't know what we're talking about? "Dr." Bob Rankin's document, "ACCESSING THE INTERNET BY E-MAIL" will straighten you right out. "Dr." Bob is a near-legendary 'Net guru who has taught hundreds of thousands of us (that's right, us!) how to use our Internet e-mail accounts to the fullest. The document is in ASCII text format and as so is readable on any computer operating system. Of course, it's free, and you can get a copy via e-mail!

In the US, Canada & South America send mail to:

Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:

send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

For Europe, Asia, etc., mail to:

Put this line in the BODY: send lis-iis e-access-inet.txt


Newbies aren't the only 'Netters who'll benefit from the Online Support Center. OSC will handle questions in the categories of:

New User
Operating systems
Web site creation

The service uses a "corkboard" format, and promises that questions will be answered within 24 hours. Users are welcome to participate in supplying answers also. OSC just MIGHT become your online guru for Internet/Computer solutions.

The folks at OSC also produce an electronic magazine called "Hey!". The first issue of the e-zine contained articles about junk e-mail. GRATIS was NOT mentioned. OSC:


_Slate_ is a magazine from Microsoft which is free for the asking only until November 1. Available at, this new Microsoft magazine features a mixed bag when it comes to content. Current topics, in-depth features, and reviews of other media information sources are among the offerings. Delivery of the magazine can take several forms, including delivery by e-mail.


MacInPlay (MIP) is a free electronic magazine which is published in both Italian and in English. Devoted to Macintosh video games, MIP is published bi-monthly and can be found on Info-Mac mirror sites where it is archived as:

/info-mac/per/mip/mac-in-play-96-##(month)-##(second month).

Send comments or requests for information to

Game Over!


New Papyrus Technology has announced the latest version of its professional investment trading software, Internet Trader 1.1. This version has new and updated features that will help you to utilize the Internet while contributing to your success as a professional trader. As with previous versions, the software and all services remain free! This version of Internet Trader has a l-o-o-o-ng list of features. You can contact them for more information at


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GRATIS (c) Copyright 1996, Bob Collister * All rights reserved

You may freely distribute GRATIS to your friends. Permission is required for any other form of distribution or display.

Send this issue to your friends and tell them it's GRATIS.

If it's not free, it costs too much! (TM)

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