WWW server at CES with ENVIS home page is created on 9/5/95 in order to
achieve the following objectives of ENVIS centre at CES more effectively
and efficiently:
- To document information in the form of reports, research publications
and other material on ecological problems of the Western Ghats region and
of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and the Ecodevelopment approach.
- To generate eco-development oriented action programs and disseminate
information on such action programs.
- To document information on distribution and conservation of Biological
Diversity with special reference to Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and Western
- To develop and disseminate methodology of generating the information
base for conservation of Biological Diversity of specific region.
The address for ENVIS homepage is http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/
Emergence of the internet has truly revolutionized the process of information
dissemination. The World-Wide-Web in particuylar has proved to be a fast,
easy, inexpensive and user friendly route for distributing up-to-date information
to any part of the world.
Envis centre of the CES was one of the first envis centres to recognize
the potential of the www to its activity of information disseminatioin.
It is all the more relevant now, since internet access is becoming available
to increasingly larger number of institutions (and even individuals) with
in the country day by day.
The ENVIS (CES) activity in this direction started only a few weeks ago,
almost as soon as the www server at the CES become operational. The phase
I involved training the envis personnel in the internet operations which
was done rather informally. In this phase itself, the home-page envis was
created, and information is continuously being added to it.
The Envis homepage is designed to perform largely three kinds of services:
- To give access to the CES, envis information
- To provide links to other WWW sites relevant to ecology, environment,
forestry, agriculture etc. in India as well as elsewhere
- To enable searches on the internet