ECOLOG-L Digest - 30 Aug 2003 to 31 Aug 2003 (#2003-218) ECOLOG-L Digest - 30 Aug 2003 to 31 Aug 2003 (#2003-218)
  1. ECOLOG-L Digest - 30 Aug 2003 to 31 Aug 2003 (#2003-218)
  2. Smithsonian Conservation GIS/RS Internship
  3. Archive files of this month.
  4. RUPANTAR - a simple e-mail-to-html converter.

Subject: ECOLOG-L Digest - 30 Aug 2003 to 31 Aug 2003 (#2003-218)

There is one message totalling 69 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Smithsonian Conservation GIS/RS Internship

    [ Part 2: "Included Message" ]

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 11:00:47 -0700
From: Daniel S. Kelly <dsethkelly@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Smithsonian Conservation GIS/RS Internship

The Spatial Analysis Lab at the Smithsonian
Conservation & Research Center (CRC) is seeking
interns, to start immediately.  The Lab focuses
on developing remote sensing and GIS applications
to conservation problems.

Projects include:

1. Assess land cover change for the ranges of
endangered species, with special focus on
protected areas within these ranges.

2. Mapping habitat for endangered species at
different spatial scales. We are currently
working on projects involving Asian Elephants,
Giant Pandas and several other species housed at
the National Zoo.

3. Training of wildlife management professionals
in application of GPS, GIS and remote sensing to
every-day management.

Interns will assist in the GIS/remote sensing
aspects of these projects, enter data, help with
training courses and assist with everyday lab

We seek interns with a background in wildlife
biology/ecology or related field and a good
knowledge of computers, Windows operating systems
and standard office software. Experience with
ArcView, ArcGIS, ARC/INFO, ERDAS Imagine (or
other image processing software), Adobe
Photoshop, or GPS are also a plus.

A $500/month stipend and free on-site housing are
provided.  Send letter of interest and resume
ASAP to Dan Kelly at Include
dates of availability in your letter.

The Conservation and Research Center is located
at the north entrance of the Shenandoah National
Park about 60 miles west of Washington, D.C., in
Front Royal, VA.

CRC's mission is to advance conservation of
biological diversity. In meeting the Smithsonian
Institution's mandate, CRC increases knowledge
through investigations of threatened species,
habitats, and communities, and disseminates
knowledge through advanced studies, professional
training, and public outreach.

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Archive files of THIS month

Thanks to discussion with TVR, I have decided to put a link to back files of the discussion group. This months back files.

The link to complete archives is available elsewhere.

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RUPANTAR- a simple e-mail-to-html converter.

(c)Kolatkar Milind.