ECOLOG-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001 ECOLOG-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001
  1. ECOLOG-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001
  2. Smithsonian's Conservation and Research Center to be shut down!!
  3. Now you can look on the earth from satelite in YOUR computer...
  4. post-doc announcement
  5. Field Job in Everglades
  6. NSF-funded MSc projects available
  7. JOB: Wildlife Ecologist/Biologist (Ph.D. required)
  8. Job Opportunity at USGS
  9. Ecology of Invasive Weeds
  10. position announcement
  11. Plant Ecology Job Opening in Hawaii
  12. to Bush or not to Bush
  13. Archive files of this month.
  14. RUPANTAR - a simple e-mail-to-html converter.

Subject:  ECOLOG-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001
To: Recipients of ECOLOG-L digests <ECOLOG-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU>
Status: R

There are 11 messages totalling 902 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Smithsonian's Conservation and Research Center to be shut down!!
  2. Now you can look on the earth from satelite in YOUR computer...
  3. post-doc announcement
  4. Field Job in Everglades
  5. NSF-funded MSc projects available
  6. JOB:  Wildlife Ecologist/Biologist (Ph.D. required)
  7. Job Opportunity at USGS
  8. Ecology of Invasive Weeds
  9. position announcement
 10. Plant Ecology Job Opening in Hawaii
 11. to Bush or not to Bush


Date:    Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:00:22 -0700
From:    Madhusudan Katti <mkatti@ASU.EDU>
Subject: Smithsonian's Conservation and Research Center to be shut down!!

Greetings folks,

I just heard from a colleague the rather shocking news that the
Smithsonian's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal is to be shut
down permanently after 25 years of operation!! This is part of a general
downsizing of "science" at the Smithsonian - the new administration's 2002
federal budget does not allocate sufficient funds for the science programs!=

Here are excerpts from the message I received:

> CRC is being shut down permanently after 25 years of operation.  The
> announcement was made today and will result in almost all CRC staff (ad
> animal support, maintenance) and nearly all researchers at NZP (i.e., b
> "DZR and CRC") being laid off.
> Reproductive sciences are being offered positions at Rock Creek, and al
> with clinical veterinary medicine and nutrition, will be the sole remai
> "science" units at NZP. It is not entirely clear at this time how these
> changes will impact ongoing research initiatives at CRC, but certainly 
> impact will be severe.

In the context of the ongoing debate in Ecolog-L over the ANWR maps and
Bush's environmental policies, this is another small piece of an
increasingly frightening picture. I guess the money for the massive tax cut=
has to come from somewhere - so who needs this kind of public science


Madhusudan Katti
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Central Arizona=ADPhoenix Long-Term Research Project
Center for Environmental Studies
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-3211

Voice: +1 (480) 965-8198
FAX: +1 (480) 965-8087


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 22:15:10 +1000
From:    "Vr. Richard Bejsak-Colloredo-Mansfeld" <ricardo@ANS.COM.AU>
Subject: Now you can look on the earth from satelite in YOUR computer...

Now you can look on the earth on your computer from a satellite.. Even you
can zoooom in..

I just created new link in section <Other useful things> <Locality 
on our website

Keep care and be of good cheer.


(name) Vratislav Richard Eugene Maria John Baptist
(surname) of Bejsak (Bayshark)-Colloredo-Mansfeld

listserver: coleoptera on
Coleoptera - Australia, Tenebrionidae of World
(incl. Lagriinae, Alleculinae)

University of Sydney
The Wentworth Bldg., Box 62
NSW 2006
phone  :  +61 414 540 465
             and )

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.'

Incoming  mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:39:01 -0700
From:    Scott Rollins <rollins8@MSU.EDU>
Subject: post-doc announcement

Postdoctoral Research Associate
In Watershed Assessment

A postdoctoral position is open for a highly motivated aquatic ecologist
interested in watershed assessment. The objectives of this 3-year project
are to relate ecological responses of streams, lakes, and wetlands in one
large Michigan watershed to the human activities and environmental stressors
in that watershed. The postdoctoral associate will assist the project
directors in all phases of the planned research but will also have
opportunity to develop independent lines of research associated with project
goals. Major responsibilities will include assisting the project directors
in sampling design and site selection; supervision of field crews;
statistical analysis of data; and preparation of research reports.
Applicants must have a PhD in aquatic ecology (or similar discipline) and
experience conducting field research in aquatic ecosystems. Additional
requirements include a working knowledge of the taxonomy, habitats, and
sampling of aquatic biota; knowledge of statistical procedures and analyses
(especially multivariate techniques); database management; and excellent
technical writing skills. Preference will be given to applicants with
knowledge of GIS software or mathematical modeling. Applicants should submit
a cover letter describing their interest in and qualifications for the
position, curriculum vitae including all academic experience plus employment
during the past 5 years, college transcripts, and names of 3 professional
references with their e-mail addresses and phone number.  Send applications
to Dr. R. Jan Stevenson, Department of Zoology, 203 Natural Science
Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1115.
Address questions to  Review of applications will begin
April 30, 2001 and will continue until the position is filled.  We
anticipate filling the position as soon as possible.  Michigan State
University is an AA/EO employer.


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:47:03 -0500
From:    Brian Beckage <bb2@DUKE.EDU>
Subject: Field Job in Everglades

Internship for Undergraduate Ecology Student or Recent Graduate

    We are seeking an undergraduate (or recent graduate) intern to assist wi
collection of pine tree demographic data in Everglades National Park.  The
intern will help collect data on seedlings as well assist in installation
of experiments.  This work is part of a larger study on the effects of
fires and hurricanes on pine demography. The position is available
beginning May 1 (or earlier if desired) and will continue through June,
with the possibility of continued employment through the year.  Salary will
depend on experience but will be approximately $7 to $8 per hour.  Housing
will also be provided.  If you have any questions regarding the position,
please contact Dr. Brian Beckage via email.

    To apply, please mail, fax, or email a cv, description of interests and
experience in ecology, and names and telephone numbers/email addresses of 2
references to:

Dr. Brian Beckage
Department of Biological Sciences
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
FAX (225) 388-2597; email:

Applications will be reviewed as they are received until a suitable
candidate is found.


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:55:44 -0400
From:    Lauchlan Fraser <lfraser@UAKRON.EDU>
Subject: NSF-funded MSc projects available

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The University of Akron has been awarded a 3-year,  $ 1.2 million grant
from the National Science Foundation to strengthen ties between K-12 and
graduate education (GK-12; Peter Niewiarowski P.I.).  Fellows will
enroll in the Master=92s Degree program at the Univ. of Akron, Dept. of
Biology for three years.  During the course of their study, fellows will
conduct field-based research with UA Faculty at the Bath Nature
Preserve; concurrently fellows will develop and implement curriculum
materials for K-12, based upon their research.  Our goal is to develop a
K-graduate educational community among The University of Akron, the
Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center, Bath Township Elementary
School, and Akron Public School District.  Students can work with Dr.
Peter Niewiarowski (Amphibian Decline); Dr. Richard Londraville
(Integrative Biology); Dr. Lauchlan Fraser (Wetland Restoration); Dr.
Randy Mitchell (Invasive Species), or Dr. Peter
Lavrentyev (Biodiversity).  Please see our Department Webpage for more
information on the research programs of participating faculty:

Fellows will receive:

=95$18,000/ 12 month stipend (for three years)
=95Full tuition waiver for three years
=95Exclusive use of a laptop computer (state-of-the-art)
=95Master of Science in Biology (upon successful thesis defense)
=95Certificate in Technical Instruction (upon successful thesis defense)


Peter H. Niewiarowski
Program in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Department of Biology
University of Akron
Akron  OH  44325-3908
330-972-7311 phone
330-972-8445 fax

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n:Fraser;Lauchlan H.
tel;fax:(330) 972-8445
tel;work:(330) 972-6141
org:Program in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology;Department of Biolo
adr:;;University of Akron;Akron, Ohio;;44325-3908;
title:Assistant Professor
fn:Lauchlan H. Fraser



Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:54:47 -0500
From:    Steve Archer <sarcher@NEO.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: JOB:  Wildlife Ecologist/Biologist (Ph.D. required)

Position Announcement

Position Title: Wildlife Ecologist/Biologist

Appointment: 75% Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 25% Texas
Agricultural Extension Service, non-tenure, 12 month appointment

General Duties and Responsibilities:   The successful applicant will
develop and conduct an integrated, team-oriented wildlife ecology and
biology research and extension program in the Rolling Plains of
Texas. The individual is expected to work with a highly motivated,
multi-disciplinary team that is committed to the concept of
environmentally and economically sustainable, integrated programs
that encompass wildlife, rangeland-livestock, and crop production
systems. The primary effort will focus on landscape/habitat
relationships of white-tailed deer and bobwhite quail to range
management practices.  The remaining effort will be directed toward
researchable wildlife issues consistent with sustainable management
of natural resources in ranching and farming operations in the
Rolling Plains.  The program to be developed should include a basic
research component of the applicant's choosing that investigates the
ecological and/or biological basis of population dynamics.
Development of an outreach program is expected that educates
ranchers, farmers, youth groups, hunters, and conservation and civic
organizations relative to wildlife management principles.

Administrative Relationships: The scientist will develop and conduct
a team-oriented research and education program under the direction of
the Resident Director at Vernon and the Head and Associate Head of
the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Department, who will jointly
review the program annually.  Budgetary and operational matters are
administered by the Resident Director.  Promotion documents will be
forwarded for approval through the Department to the Ag Program

Qualifications:   (preferred/required) Required qualifications
include a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology or a closely related field;
demonstrated creative thinking capabilities; the ability to integrate
data into management programs using models or systems analysis; and
excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal
skills.  A demonstrated interest in landscape level approach to
problem solving is preferred.  The individual will be expected to
publish refereed and technical articles, secure external funding,
contribute to a highly interactive research and extension team, and
communicate with faculty and clientele groups.

Agency Description: The Agricultural Research and Extension Center at
Vernon is one of thirteen major Centers in the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station and conducts research primarily in crop production
and rangeland/livestock systems with emphasis on environmentally and
economically sustainable natural resource management.

Salary: Salary will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications.

Headquarters:    The position will be headquartered at Vernon, TX
with six other research scientists and six specialists of the Texas
Agricultural Extension Service.  The Vernon Center is also the
District Office for the 25-county Rolling Plains region..

Area Served:   The area served is primarily the Rolling Plains area
of north central and northwest Texas, west of Interstate 35, east of
the High Plains, and south from the Red River to Interstate 20.

Facilities:   The Research and Extension Center at Vernon currently
consists of a modern office building and 75 acres near Lockett, a
250-acre dryland farm near Chillicothe, a 250-acre irrigated farm
near Munday, and 3.5 sections of leased range and cultivated land
near Vernon.  Cooperative agreements currently cover over 35,000
acres of privately-owned rangeland for research and education

Closing Date for Applications: May 1, 2001 or until a suitable
candidate is identified.

  Date Position is Available:   June 1, 2001

Application Process: Application packets should include a letter of
application (relating the applicant's career goals to the position),
curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, and names of three references
with their e-mail addresses.  Send all application material to Dr.
Don Robinson, Texas A&M University, Agricultural Research and
Extension Center, P.O. Box 1658, Vernon, TX 76385; 940-552-9941,

The Agriculture Program is an equal opportunity employer.


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 13:08:28 -0700
From:    Christine Jorgensen <cjorg@USGS.GOV>
Subject: Job Opportunity at USGS

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U.S. Geological Survey

GIS Specialist ? Earthquake Hazards Team

Geologist (1350)=20
Duty Station: Menlo Park, CA

The Earthquake Hazards Team of the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park,=20
CA, invites applications for a geologist with a strong GIS background to=20
work in the team's GIS Lab.  The lab provides GIS support to team=20
scientists investigating a variety of geological and geophysical aspects=20
of earthquake hazards.  Some examples of ongoing studies include:=20
forecasting earthquake probabilities, refining shaking intensity models,=20
using GPS to measure plate motions, and developing detailed stratigraphy=20
of trenches dug across active fault traces to identify prehistoric=20

We are looking for an individual with GIS experience and a thorough=20
knowledge of ArcInfo and/or ArcView.  Programming skill in AML is=20
required.  Field mapping experience is desirable but not required. Because =

of the increased use of web-based mapping, experience with Internet map=20
servers (preferably ArcIMS or ArcViewIMS) is desired.=20

The incumbent will be responsible for providing professional GIS support=20
to team scientists in terms of:  1) the development of GIS databases and=20
the production of GIS maps; 2) providing advice and training to team=20
scientists on the use of GIS programs and GIS data; and 3) providing=20
advice on the use of computer hardware and software available in the GIS=20
lab.  In addition the incumbent will provide support to the team's Web=20
developers in implementing GIS maps and map services for the team's web=20

Starting salary ranges between $ 38,901 to $ 61,186 per annum depending on =


This position is being advertised concurrently as USGS-2001-1085 and=20
USGS-2001-1086.  A full job description, list of qualifications, and=20
directions for applying can be found on the following web pages: and http://www.usajobs.op=

Once at the usajobs website, go to 1) Current Jobs;  2) Agency Job Search; =

 3) Select Department of Interior, Geological Survey, series 1350,=20
California;  4) Job announcement numbers are USGS-2001-1085 and=20
USGS-2001-1086.  Application (resume AND Applications Questions) for this=20
vacancy MUST be received on-line via the USGS Online Automated Recruitment =

System (OARS) BEFORE midnight Eastern Time on the closing date of the=20
announcement (April 13, 2001).  U.S. citizenship is required.  The U.S.=20
Geological Survey is an equal opportunity employer.

--=_alternative 006EE6C588256A25_=
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<div align=3Dcenter>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><b>U.S. Geolog
cal Survey</b></=
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><b>GIS Special
st – Earth=
quake Hazards Team</b></font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><b>Geologist (
350)</b> </font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><b>Duty Statio
: Menlo Park, CA=
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">The Earthquake Hazar
s Team of =
the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, CA, invites applications for a ge=
ologist with a strong GIS background to work in the team's GIS Lab.  T=
he lab provides GIS support to team scientists investigating a variety of g=
eological and geophysical aspects of earthquake hazards.  Some example=
s of ongoing studies include:  forecasting earthquake probabilities, r=
efining shaking intensity models, using GPS to measure plate motions, and d=
eveloping detailed stratigraphy of trenches dug across active fault traces =
to identify prehistoric earthquakes.</font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">We are looking for a
l with GIS experience and a thorough knowledge of ArcInfo and/or ArcView. &=
nbsp;Programming skill in AML is required.  Field mapping experience i=
s desirable but not required.   Because of the increased use of web-ba=
sed mapping, experience with Internet map servers (preferably ArcIMS or Arc=
ViewIMS) is desired. </font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">The incumbent will b
le for providing professional GIS support to team scientists in terms of: &=
nbsp;1) the development of GIS databases and the production of GIS maps; 2)=
 providing advice and training to team scientists on the use of GIS program=
s and GIS data; and 3) providing advice on the use of computer hardware and=
 software available in the GIS lab.  In addition the incumbent will pr=
ovide support to the team's Web developers in implementing GIS maps and map=
 services for the team's web site.     </font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">Starting salary rang
s between =
$ 38,901 to $ 61,186 per annum depending on experience.</font>
<br><font size=3D2 face=3D"Arial Unicode MS">This position is be
ng adverti=
sed concurrently as USGS-2001-1085 and USGS-2001-1086.  A full job des=
cription, list of qualifications, and directions for applying can be found =
on the following web pages:</font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"> </font><
font size=3D2 col=
or=3Dblue face=3D"Times New Roman"><u>
/TJ7118.HTM</u></font><font size=3D2 face=3D"Times New Roman">
 and </font><=
font size=3D2 color=3Dblue face=3D"Times New Roman"><u>http://www.u
ajobs.o=</u></font><font size=3D2 face=3D
Times New Rom=
an">. </font>
<br><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman">Once at the usajobs 
ebsite, go=
 to 1) Current Jobs;  2) Agency Job Search;  3) Select Department=
 of Interior, Geological Survey, series 1350, California;  4) Job anno=
uncement numbers are USGS-2001-1085 and USGS-2001-1086.  Application (=
resume AND Applications Questions) for this vacancy MUST be received on-lin=
e via the USGS Online Automated Recruitment System (OARS) BEFORE midnight E=
astern Time on the closing date of the announcement (April 13, 2001).  =
;U.S. citizenship is required.  The U.S. Geological Survey is an equal=
 opportunity employer.</font>
<div align=3Dcenter>
--=_alternative 006EE6C588256A25_=--


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:30:31 -0600
From:    "Ruth A. Hufbauer" <hufbauer@LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Ecology of Invasive Weeds

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Colorado State University
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

Position:  Assistant Professor (Ecology of Invasive Weeds)
Description:  Tenure-track, 9-month academic faculty position (75%
research, 25% teaching). Summer salary provided during first 2 years
of the appointment.
Position Available: July 1, 2001

The Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at
Colorado State University invites applications and nominations for a
full time, tenure track Assistant Professor faculty position. The
Department is interdisciplinary encompassing Entomology, Plant
Pathology, and Weed Science disciplines with programs of emphasis in
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Ecology and Biodiversity, and
Integrated Pest Management. The Department's faculty support the
College of Agricultural Sciences and the University in fulfilling the
Land Grant mission in these programmatic areas. The Department offers
an undergraduate major in Bioagricultural Sciences and offers
graduate degrees in Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science.

CDevelop and teach an undergraduate course in biology and management
of weeds (annually) and a graduate course in weed ecology (alternate years).

CDevelop an externally funded, interdisciplinary research program on
ecology and management of important Colorado weeds and invasive
plants in non-crop areas, with emphasis on several of the following:
Ecology of the invasion process; landscape scale ecology of weeds,
particularly invasive weeds; population dynamics of invasive weeds;
interactions among weedy and non-weedy species; weed invasion effects
on ecosystem structure and function; population genetics and
evolution of invasive plants.

CRecruit, supervise and advise graduate students.

CDemonstrate research productivity through publication in relevant
refereed journals.

CCollaborate with research faculty in the Department, College and
others inside and outside the University.

CA Ph.D. in Ecology, Weed Science, or related field is required.
CResearch experience relevant to the ecology of invasive organisms is requir
CEvidence of research productivity is required.
CEffective written and verbal communication skills are required.
CExperience in classroom teaching with innovative teaching methods is
CResearch experience in weed science or weed management is preferred.
CDemonstrated success in extramural, competitive funding is desirable.
CEvidence of successful interdisciplinary research is desirable.

Salary:   Commensurate with experience and competitive with peer institution

Applicants should submit a statement of interest, evidence of
qualifications, curriculum vitae, copies of university transcripts,
copies of recent publications, and names and addresses of four
references.  Applications and nominations will be considered until
the position is filled; however, for full consideration,
applications should be submitted by June 8, 2001 to:
Dr. Frank B. Peairs, Screening Committee Chair, Department of
Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177.  (970) 491-1930, Fax: (970)
491-3862,  Email:,

Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws,
regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action
requirements. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in Room 101,
Student Services Building. In order to assist Colorado State
University in meeting its affirmative action responsibilities, ethnic
minorities, women, and other protected class members are encouraged
to apply and to so identify themselves.

Ruth A. Hufbauer
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO  80523-1177

office: C215 Plant Sciences, (970) 491-6945
lab: E202 Plant Sciences, (970) 491-5984
fax: (970) 491-3862
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</bigger></bigger>Colorado State University

Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

 Assistant Professor (Ecology of Invasive Weeds)

<bold>Description:  </bold>Tenure-track, 9-month academic facult

position (75% research, 25% teaching). Summer salary provided during
first 2 years of the appointment.

<bold>Position Available: July 1, 2001

</bold>The Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management
at Colorado State University invites applications and nominations for a
full time, tenure track Assistant Professor faculty position. The
Department is interdisciplinary encompassing Entomology, Plant
Pathology, and Weed Science disciplines with programs of emphasis in
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Ecology and Biodiversity, and
Integrated Pest Management. The Department's faculty support the
College of Agricultural Sciences and the University in fulfilling the
Land Grant mission in these programmatic areas. The Department offers
an undergraduate major in Bioagricultural Sciences and offers graduate
degrees in Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science.


and teach an undergraduate course in biology and management=20

of weeds (annually) and a graduate course in weed ecology (alternate

an externally funded, interdisciplinary research program on ecology and
management of important Colorado weeds and invasive plants in non-crop
areas, with emphasis on several of the following:  Ecology of the
invasion process; landscape scale ecology of weeds, particularly
invasive weeds; population dynamics of invasive weeds; interactions
among weedy and non-weedy species; weed invasion effects on ecosystem
structure and function; population genetics and evolution of invasive

supervise and advise graduate students.

research productivity through publication in relevant refereed

with research faculty in the Department, College and others inside and
outside the University.

<bold>Qualifications: =20

Ph.D. in Ecology, Weed Science, or related field is required.

experience relevant to the ecology of invasive organisms is required.

of research productivity is required.

written and verbal communication skills are required.

in classroom teaching with innovative teaching methods is preferred.

experience in weed science or weed management is preferred.

success in extramural, competitive funding is desirable.

of successful interdisciplinary research is desirable.

<bold>Salary:</bold>   Commensurate with experience and competit
with peer institutions.=20

Applicants should submit a statement of interest, evidence of
qualifications, curriculum vitae, copies of university transcripts,
copies of recent publications, and names and addresses of four
references.  Applications and nominations will be considered until the
position is filled; however, for full consideration,

applications should be submitted by <bold>June 8, 2001</bold> to

Dr. Frank B. Peairs, Screening Committee Chair, Department of
Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177.  (970) 491-1930, Fax: (970)
491-3862,  Email:

State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer
and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations, and
executive orders regarding affirmative action requirements. The Office
of Equal Opportunity is located in Room 101, Student Services Building.
In order to assist Colorado State University in meeting its affirmative
action responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women, and other protected
class members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves.


Ruth A. Hufbauer

Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

Colorado State University

=46ort Collins, CO  80523-1177


office: C215 Plant Sciences, (970) 491-6945

lab: E202 Plant Sciences, (970) 491-5984

fax: (970) 491-3862




Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:11:51 -0700
From:    Kaylie_Rasmuson@NOTES.YMP.GOV
Subject: position announcement

Please post the following position on ecolog.

                           Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC
                             POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT

POSITION TITLE:  Reclamation/Restoration Ecologist
HIRING CONTACT:  Kaylie Rasmuson (
STATUS:  Full Time
CLOSING DATE:  May 18, 2001
SALARY RANGE:  Starts at $37,800. No Relocation Allowance

QUALIFICATIONS:   BS degree in Plant Ecology, Range Science, or related fiel

plus two years of relevant experience.  MS degree in Restoration Ecology, Pl
Ecology, Range Science, or related field may be substituted for BS degree an

experience.  Professional knowledge of ecological principles, plant ecology,
soil-plant interactions, and plant succession. Demonstrated expertise in Moj
and Great Basin Desert plant ecology, systematic botany, and reclamation
planning/implementation.  Ability to do strenuous work under harsh environme
conditions required.  Experience operating reclamation equipment including
tractor, straw blower, hydromulcher, and seeder is preferred.  Demonstrated
writing and analytical skills important.  Experience preparing
professional-quality technical plans and conducting professional-quality
document reviews is preferred. Knowledge of statistics and experience with
Microsoft Access and ArcView software is preferred.

DESCRIPTION:  Individual will assist with reclamation planning, implementati
(seeding, transplanting, mulching, fencing), and monitoring on disturbed are
at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Work will include development of reclamation
inventories and reclamation plans, data collection for reclamation monitorin

activities, preparation and review of technical reports and other documents,
data analysis and management according to established procedures, use of GPS
equipment and software.  Duties might also include surveys for sensitive pla
and animal species.

PROCESS:    Submit cover letter, resume and contact information for three
references to:
          Karen Dunlap
          Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC
          1180 Town Center Drive, MS 423
          Las Vegas, NV 89144
          Fax:  702-295-5241
          Reference Requisition # W01586007
          Electronic submissions are encouraged


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 15:43:48 -1000
From:    Julie Denslow/PSW/USDAFS <jdenslow@FS.FED.US>
Subject: Plant Ecology Job Opening in Hawaii

I would be grateful if you would please bring the attached announcement to
the attention of appropriate candidates.


Julie S. Denslow
Invasive Species Unit
Institute of Pacific Island Forestry
USDA Forest Service
23 E. Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720
Tel: 808-933-8121 FAX: 808-933-8120


     The Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research
Station, U. S. Forest Service, seeks an ecologist to conduct research on
the ecology of invasions by non-indigenous plants into native Hawaiian and
Pacific island ecosystems. The position, based in Hilo, Hawaii, is a GS-12
with a salary range of $48,223 to $62,686 plus 16.5% cost-of-living
allowance. Applicants must be U. S. citizens. A full vacancy announcement
is available at and from Personnel Management, Attn:
Elvira Metcalfe, Pacific Southwest Research Station, P. O. Box 245,
Berkeley, CA 94701. Telephone: 510-559-6357; Fax 510-559-6352; e-mail: Reference: Research Ecologist PSW/DEMO 207-01.
Questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Julie Denslow:
808-933-8121, ext. 16 or Deadline for applications is
May 7, 2001. USDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Date:    Thu, 5 Apr 2001 21:08:55 -0400
From:    Paul & Torrey <belmont124@EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: to Bush or not to Bush

Keep in mind that Bush is the big-picture guy (was't it his dad with the vis
 thing?).  He's a political neophyte.  I'd be more concerned about Cheney's
 views (& those of the rest of the inner circle).

But even then, why worry?  OK, so instead of improving gas mileage on our SU
 we drill for oil everywhere.  Instead of feeling constrained by the Kyoto
 accords (the 1st *global* agreement about climate change), we uphold the
 primacy of our own economy.  Who cares about current or future treaties (& 
 allies)when our domestic policy is at stake?

If we fail to act soon, it may well be too late to make any difference.  Eve
 what we're seeing is normal long-term cycling, our activities may push thes

 lemmings over the cliff, as it were.  Personally, I would rather hedge our 
 & reduce greenhouse emissions, etc etc etc, now.  We have the innovative
 technology to make such things profitable, only that's not the direction th

 herd is moving.

But even if we don't take action, & human beings are the endangered species 
 the next century, why worry?  The biosphere will almost certainly continue,
 even if we aren't along to enjoy it.  Let cockroaches or ants have a shot a

 world dominance.  It might be a pessimistic approach, but if we can't be
 bothered to play nice with others, maybe we shouldn't be invited.

Respectfully to the thread,

Torrey Moss
Kalamazoo Nature Center Research Department
Kalamazoo, MI  USA


End of ECOLOG-L Digest - 4 Apr 2001 to 5 Apr 2001


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