ECOLOG-L Digest - 11 Feb 2001 to 12 Feb 2001 ECOLOG-L Digest - 11 Feb 2001 to 12 Feb 2001
  1. ECOLOG-L Digest - 11 Feb 2001 to 12 Feb 2001
  2. Call for papers: nitrogen conference
  3. RCW Field Technician position
  4. Ecology Software by Hsin Chi
  5. New Documentary on Environmental Studies
  6. Job posting
  8. Happy Darwin's Birthday
  9. Graduate Research Assistantship - Forest Ecology
  10. Invertebrate Zoology Position at Albion College
  11. Job Opening Research Associate 2
  12. Summer Research Technician Positions
  13. Jobs: seasonal, USFS, in OR, WA
  14. Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge--International Summit
  15. Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge-International Summit
  16. PhD Graduate Student Opportunity
  17. ECOLOG-L Digest - 9 Feb 2001 to 11 Feb 2001
  18. Hawaii YCC program
  19. Conservation IT Position
  20. WANTED: Plant ecophys simulator software
  21. ECOLOG-L Digest - 12 Feb 2001 to 13 Feb 2001
  22. Computer programming position
  23. subhadal ecology
  24. Summer Field Botanist Jobs - Missouri Ozarks (TNC project - effects
  25. A web site with archives of messages from ESA listserv lists (ECOLO
  26. Re: subhadal ecology
  27. Job: entomologist, Univ. of Missouri
  28. Postdoctoral position
  29. job posting for ECOLOG-L
  31. Graduate Research Assistantships available
  32. Research position in South Florida
  33. Archive files of this month.
  34. RUPANTAR - a simple e-mail-to-html converter.

Subject: ECOLOG-L Digest - 11 Feb 2001 to 12 Feb 2001

There are 15 messages totalling 1248 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Call for papers: nitrogen conference
  2. RCW Field Technician position
  3. Ecology Software by Hsin Chi
  4. New Documentary on Environmental Studies
  5. Job posting
  7. Happy Darwin's Birthday
  8. Graduate Research Assistantship - Forest Ecology
  9. Invertebrate Zoology Position at Albion College
 10. Job Opening Research Associate 2
 11. Summer Research Technician Positions
 12. Jobs: seasonal, USFS, in OR, WA
 13. Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge--International Summit
 14. Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge-International Summit
 15. PhD Graduate Student Opportunity


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:54:35 -0500
From:    "David W. Inouye" <>
Subject: Call for papers: nitrogen conference

Deadline March 1, 2001

The sponsors and organizers of The Second International
Nitrogen Conference (N2001), invite you to submit abstracts
for oral and poster presentations.

Conference Theme: Optimizing Nitrogen Management in
Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection

Place:  Bolger Conference Center, in Potomac, Maryland,
             near Washington DC
Dates:  October 14-18, 2001
Abstract Deadline:  March 1, 2001

N2001 will bring together a diverse array of scientists,
policymakers, and nitrogen producers and users for:
   *   A timely look at current understanding of nitrogen science and policy

   *   An opportunity to identify ways to meet humanity's increasing
        demand for food, feed and fiber production, energy, and
        transportation, while minimizing environmental problems brought
        about by increased circulation of biologically active N compounds.

Papers should fit into one of the Daily Conference Themes:
   *   Nitrogen Production and Movement
   *   Nitrogen Around the World and its Effects
   *   Innovation with Nitrogen (through changes in N management
        policies and processes)
   *   Probable, Possible and Preferable Futures

The conference organizers are interested in oral and poster
presentations that update current and emerging knowledge
about nitrogen science and policy, as well as innovative ideas,
processes, and programs  by which to optimize N management
in food and fiber production, energy use, and environmental protection.

Abstract text limit is 200 words, 12 point font, left justified.
Indicate presenting author with an asterisk, capitalize all letters
of title, and indicate italicized text using underscores before
and after included text.  Indicate theme preference and choice
of poster or oral presentation.  Deadline for abstract submissions
is March 1, 2001.  Authors will be notified by April 15, 2001.
Abstracts can be submitted on-line through the N2001 website at or through email.   Electronic submission
is preferred. (Please check the N2001 website for complete
instructions and on-line abstract submission:

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a
paper for a peer reviewed proceedings that will be published
after the Conference.

Conference sponsors so far include the US Environmental
Protection Agency, Ministry of Environment in The Netherlands,
US Geological Survey, US Department of Agriculture, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US), The Fertilizer
Institute, and National Pork Producers Council (US). Participating
organizations and societies include the American Society of Agronomy,
Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.

Plenary topics and speakers so far include:
     "Ecosystems, Economics and Nitrogen Control"
Dr. Ken Cassman, University of Nebraska
     "Nitrogen and Asia"
Prof. Congbin Fu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
     "Nitrogen and Fertilizer"
William J. Doyle, Potash Corporation, Canada
     "The European Nitrogen Story"
Prof. ir. N.D. van Egmond, National Institute of Public
Health and the Environment, The Netherlands
     "Nitrogen and the World"
Dr. James Galloway, University of Virginia
     "The North American Nitrogen Story"
Dr. Robert Howarth, Environmental Defense
     "Nitrogen and Terrestrial Ecosystems"
Dr. Pam Matson, Stanford University
     "Public Policy and Nitrogen"
Dr. Jerry Melillo, The Ecosystems Center, Woods Hole
     "Nutrient Management"
Dr. Oene Oenema, Alterra Green World Research, The Netherlands
     "Nitrogen and Aquatic Ecosystems"
Dr. Nancy Rabalais, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
     "More Food with Less Mineral Nitrogen"
Dr.  Rabindra Roy, FAO
    "Nitrogen and Food"
Dr. Vaclav Smil, University of Manitoba, Canada
     "Nitrogen and Animals"
Henry Tyrell, US Department of Agriculture
     "Nitrogen and Nature"
Dr. Peter Vitousek, Stanford

Registration information can be found on the N2001 web site.

For questions or further information please contact:
Rhonda Kranz
Ecological Society of America
1707 H. Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202 833-8773 ext 212
Fax:  202 833-8775


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:45:59 -0500
From:    Nancy E Jordan <njordan@CLEMSON.EDU>
Subject: RCW Field Technician position

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

FIELD TECHNICIANS (2) to assist with Red-cockaded Woodpecker hatchability
study on a private plantation near St. George, SC. Pay is $1,250 per month
($7.81/hr for 40 hour work week). Technicians will assist in banding adults
and nestling Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, monitor nesting and survival of the
birds.  Two positions are available: (1) Position no. 7255 from April 1,
2001-May 31, 2001and  (2) Position no. 7256 April 1, 2001-July 31,
2001.  Housing and field vehicle will be provided.   Applicant must possess
a high school diploma, 1 year of experience in a wildlife-related field and
a valid driver's license.  Preferred applicants will have a bachelor's
degree in wildlife or related field, previous banding experience and
experience with Swedish climbing ladders.  Applicant should be able to
withstand ticks, chiggers, hot, humid conditions and be able to work
independently and with others.  TO APPLY: Download employment application
from Email or fax application and resume
to Clemson University Human Resources along with cover letter stating job
title (Wildlife Biologist Intern) and position number (7255 and/or 7256) to  Document has to be in Word to email.  Fax number for
Clemson University Human Resources is (864)656-1334.  For additional
information , contact Nancy Jordan, Graduate Research Assistant, G27
Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC  29634, (864)656-0168,  YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNLESS CLEMSON UNIVERSITY
applications is February 23, 2001.  Clemson University is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Nancy E. Jordan
Graduate Research Assistant
Clemson University
Dept. of Aquaculture, Fisheries & Wildlife
G08 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson, SC  29634
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

FIELD TECHNICIANS (2) to assist with Red-cockaded Woodpecker hatchability
study on a private plantation near St. George, SC. Pay is $1,250 per
month ($7.81/hr for 40 hour work week). Technicians will assist in
banding adults and nestling Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, monitor nesting and
survival of the birds.  Two positions are available: (1)<u> Posit
no. 7255</u> from April 1, 2001-May 31, 2001and  (2)<u> Pos
tion no.
7256</u> April 1, 2001-July 31, 2001.  Housing and field vehicle
will be provided.   Applicant must possess a high school
diploma, 1 year of experience in a wildlife-related field and a valid
driver=92s license.  Preferred applicants will have a bachelor=92s
degree in wildlife or related field, previous banding experience and
experience with Swedish climbing ladders.  Applicant should be able
to withstand ticks, chiggers, hot, humid conditions and be able to work
independently and with others.  TO APPLY: Download employment
application from
<a href=3D"" eudora=3D"autourl">
Email or fax application and resume to Clemson University Human Resources
along with cover letter stating job title (Wildlife Biologist Intern) and
<u>position number</u> (7255 and/or 7256) to
Document has to be in Word to email.  Fax number for Clemson
University Human Resources is (864)656-1334.  For additional
information , contact Nancy Jordan, Graduate Research Assistant, G27
Lehotsky Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC  29634,
<font color=3D"#0000FF"><u></u></fon
>.  <b>YOU
<u>APPLICATION</u> ON FILE.</b>  Closing date for app
ications is
February 23, 2001.  Clemson University is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer. <br>
<div>Nancy E. Jordan</div>
<div>Graduate Research Assistant</div>
<div>Clemson University </div>
<div>Dept. of Aquaculture, Fisheries & Wildlife</div>
<div>G08 Lehotsky Hall</div>
<div>Clemson, SC  29634</div>



Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:10:22 +0800
From:    "Prof. Dr. Hsin Chi" <hsinchi@NCHU.EDU.TW>
Subject: Ecology Software by Hsin Chi

Dear friends,

The following two new programs are uploaded:

1. Chaos.
2. Fractal-2.

All programs are updated.  If you don't want to request a password, you can
download the new version.  You can use the new version for next three years.

Best regards,
Hsin Chi
Laboratory of Theoretical Ecology

Ecology Software by Hsin Chi can be downloaded at:
(National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
National Chung Hsing University
(Illinois Natural History Surveys, USA)


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:34:48 -0500
From:    Ryan Krivoshey <ryan@FRIF.COM>
Subject: New Documentary on Environmental Studies

Dear List Members,

First Run / Icarus Films would like to bring to your attention a
documentary that explores how the latest environmental technology is being
used to ensure the survival of drought-devastated West Africa.

Please see below, if you would like additional information on this film or
other videos on Environmental Studies.

Thank you.

Ryan Krivoshey


A Film by Christopher Walker

For the Fulani nomads of West Africa cattle are the life-blood. After many
years of drought, however, lack of pasture and water threatens the herd's
existence. Now, advanced satellite technology is being used to ensure their

THE COW JUMPED OVER THE MOON documents the interaction between the
tradition-based knowledge of West African nomads and the advanced
technological knowledge of the United States, represented by agencies such
as NASA and NOAA (the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency).
Connected by an extraordinary program which aims to preserve the "old" by
using the "new," these radically different sets of information are
expressed in contrasting images - from thousands of cows swimming the Niger
River to enormous satellite dishes scanning the night skies.

 From the traditions of the cow-herder in the desert, to the expertise of
the NASA space-scientist, THE COW JUMPED OVER THE MOON poses important
questions about the nature of knowledge and technology, autonomy against
conformity, localization versus globalization. It asks whether it is
possible to create a fusion between learning from experience and employing
outside expertise as a means of saving our environment. It is a film that
reveals the future - the impact that space technology will have on
reshaping the climate, environment and diversity of the world in which we

For more information on this film - or our entire collection of acclaimed
films on Environmental Studies - please visit our Environmental Studies
page at

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please
don't hesitate to contact me.

Ryan Krivoshey
First Run / Icarus Films
32 Court Street, 21st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel. 718-488-8900
Fax. 718-488-8642Email.


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:44:05 -0800
From:    Charles Taylor <taylor@BIOLOGY.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Job posting

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Dear sir,
   Could you please post the attached job offer on the ECOLOG-L list
    Thank you,
    Charles E. Taylor

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The Department of  Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution at UCLA invites
Theoretical Biology. Candidate must have strong   mathematical or computatio
that will integrate with the department's strengths in
evolution, ecology and behavior.  UCLA has outstanding academic
support for faculty, including access to the UC Natural Reserve System,
a campus-wide Institute of Mathematics and Applied Physics, Program in
Biology, and attractive startup packages.  Successful candidates are expecte
 develop a
vigorous research program and to contribute to undergraduate and graduate
Senior-level candidates also would be expected to actively participate in
inter-departmental programs focusing on mathematical or computational biolog
Junior-level candidates should have postdoctoral experience and a strong
research record. Send CV, statements of research and teaching interests, and
 names and
addresses of three references to  Dr. Charles Taylor, Chair, Theoretical Bio
Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606.  E-Mail:
Consideration of applications will begin on April 1, 2001.  The University o

California is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to excellence through



Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:00:20 -0800
From:    "Environmentalist S. AHMAD ALI Shah, MS." <ashah@SOCIALAID.ORG>


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear Everybody, Hi,

I am looking for an assignment in any part of the world. If your
organization has one or you know any opening any where kindly feel free
to forward this message in any part of the world. Whoever is interested
to know more about me and my expertise kindly don't hesitate to contact
me on the address given in the end of this message by any means i.e.
e-mail, telephone, facsimile
or air mail. I am sending you all my Brief about myself below:



Have MS Degree in Environmental Management (Wageningen University & IHS,
The Netherlands), Masters in Economics; and LL.B. Degrees (UoB,
Pakistan) and have worked both in public and private sector, served as a
planner, consultant, advocate, facilitator, researcher, writer,
administrator, manager, presented public lectures and leaded educational
field trips, have explored environmental issues of public concern in
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey and The Netherlands with excellent
professional communication capabilities in English, Hindi, Urdu and
almost all local languages of Pakistan.

Excellent skills in institutional strengthening, planning,
troubleshooting, participatory development, project designing,
management, planning, monitoring, evaluation, legal and regulatory
reform in the areas of urban & rural environmental management including
coordinating, managing and supervising donor financed environmental and
development projects. Performing long-term and short-term technical
consulting assignments, advising on environmental policies and
strategies. Developing proposals, and marketing to increase corporate
project and client base, teamwork with excellent credibility,
flexibility, and project management skills.

Conducting site visits, interviewing site contacts, visiting local
government agencies for obtaining data, ordering and retrieving
environmental databases from online sources and for preparing research
reports besides professional report writing. Reviewing correspondence
and reports for professional and editorial merit according to the
client's specifications. Skills in strategic planning and management;
organizational development; project designing and coordination, design
and implementation of media campaigns, information collection and
dissemination, surveying, designing and coordinating studies, NGO
institution building, planning and coordination of conferences and fora,
training in proposal preparation.

Superb initiative ability in communication, negotiating and convincing
power at all levels, internal and external (including unsophisticated
organizations i.e. grassroots organizations, local NGOs and groups at
field level, with government, national and international organizations,
donor agencies), interpersonal, problem-solving, skills for
understanding stakeholder requirements.

Have specialist skills in development of citizen participation
mechanisms in enhancing citizen ability to work with government and
private sector. Reviewing and analyzing informations collected through
monitoring and measurement programs.


Seeking a challenging position in the reputable
organization/agency/company (which supports and encourages new
initiatives and teamwork environment) suitable to my educational and
professional experience and to further enhance my knowledge,
understanding and strengths in the sector of my expertise.

Kindly do not hesitate to contact me in case of any clarification of
additional information about anything and Asking for my detailed CV.

With best regards,

Environmentalist S. AHMAD ALI Shah, MS., LL.B.
Consulting Environmentalist & Participatory Expert

.......................................Telephone. (+92.81) 444.625
Consulting Environmentalist & Participatory Expert  .................
Facsimile. (+92.81) 444.625
324 - M / B - 2, Satellite Town
Quetta - 87500, PAKISTAN ..................................... Personal

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<b><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+1>Dear Everybody, Hi,<
<p>I am looking for an assignment in any part of the world. If your or
has one or you know any opening any where kindly feel free to forward this
message in any part of the world. Whoever is interested to know more about
me and my expertise kindly don't hesitate to contact me on the address
given in the end of this message by any means i.e. e-mail, telephone, facsim
<br>or air mail. I am sending you all my Brief about myself below:
<p><b><font color="#3333FF">FEEL FREE TO SEND THIS EMAIL T
<p><b><u><font color="#006600"><font size=+2>B
<p>Have MS Degree in Environmental Management (Wageningen University &
IHS, The Netherlands), Masters in Economics; and LL.B. Degrees (UoB, Pakista
and have worked both in public and private sector, served as a planner,
consultant, advocate, facilitator, researcher, writer, administrator, manage
presented public lectures and leaded educational field trips, have explored
environmental issues of public concern in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey
and The Netherlands with excellent professional communication capabilities
in English, Hindi, Urdu and almost all local languages of Pakistan.
<p>Excellent skills in institutional strengthening, planning, troubles
participatory development, project designing, management, planning, monitori
evaluation, legal and regulatory reform in the areas of urban & rural
environmental management including coordinating, managing and supervising
donor financed environmental and development projects. Performing long-term
and short-term technical consulting assignments, advising on environmental
policies and strategies. Developing proposals, and marketing to increase
corporate project and client base, teamwork with excellent credibility,
flexibility, and project management skills.
<p>Conducting site visits, interviewing site contacts, visiting local 
agencies for obtaining data, ordering and retrieving environmental databases
from online sources and for preparing research reports besides professional
report writing. Reviewing correspondence and reports for professional and
editorial merit according to the client's specifications. Skills in strategi

planning and management; organizational development; project designing
and coordination, design and implementation of media campaigns, information
collection and dissemination, surveying, designing and coordinating studies,
NGO institution building, planning and coordination of conferences and
fora, training in proposal preparation.
<p>Superb initiative ability in communication, negotiating and convinc
power at all levels, internal and external (including unsophisticated
i.e. grassroots organizations, local NGOs and groups at field level, with
government, national and international organizations, donor agencies),
interpersonal, problem-solving, skills for understanding stakeholder
<p>Have specialist skills in development of citizen participation mech
in enhancing citizen ability to work with government and private sector.
Reviewing and analyzing informations collected through monitoring and
<p><b><u><font color="#006600"><font size=+2>P
<p>Seeking a challenging position in the reputable organization/agency
(which supports and encourages new initiatives and teamwork environment)
suitable to my educational and professional experience and to further enhanc

my knowledge, understanding and strengths in the sector of my expertise.
<p><b><font color="#FF0000"><font size=+1>Kindly do 
ot hesitate to contact
me in case of any clarification of additional information about anything
and Asking for my detailed CV.</font></font></b>
<p>With best regards,
<p>Environmentalist S. AHMAD ALI Shah, MS., LL.B.
<br>Consulting Environmentalist & Participatory Expert
<p>S. AHMAD ALI Shah, MS., LL.B.
(+92.81) 444.625
<br>Consulting Environmentalist & Participatory Expert 
Facsimile. (+92.81) 444.625
<br>324 - M / B - 2, Satellite Town
<br>Quetta - 87500, PAKISTAN ..................................... Per
<br> </html>



Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 00:26:29 -0500
From:    "James K. Wetterer" <wetterer@FAU.EDU>
Subject: Happy Darwin's Birthday

Happy Darwin's Birthday everyone!
    Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809.
    I tell everyone that when I was young, I never went to school on
Darwin's birthday.  And this is true - because we used to get off on
Lincoln birthday (also born on 12 February 1809) before the invention of
President's Day.

James K. Wetterer
Associate Professor

Honors College
Florida Atlantic University
5353 Parkside Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458
FAX 561-799-8602


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:42:15 -0600
From:    Ruth Kern <rakern@CSUFRESNO.EDU>
Subject: Graduate Research Assistantship - Forest Ecology

Please post and distribute -- a fantastic opportunity for a student to get
paid while earning a M.S. in
Biology and conducting field work in the beautiful Sierra Nevada!

Graduate Research Assistantship - Forest Ecology

M.S. student sought for a study of shrub cover and fire effects on conifer
seedling growth and
survival in Sierra National Forest, CA.  The study is a component of the
Teakettle Ecosystem
Experiment ( designed to provide
insight into the effects
of disturbance on a wide range of ecosystem parameters in old-growth Sierra
Nevada mixed-conifer forest.

Desired qualifications: undergraduate training in ecology (particularly
forest ecophysiology), strong
undergraduate record, field research experience, demonstrated aptitude in
use of ecophysiological
equipment and quantitative methods.  The successful candidate must be
accepted into the graduate
program at California State University, Fresno.

The position is available May 1, 2001 and will be funded for a two-year
period.  Send cover letter detailing
qualifications with a resume, GRE scores, and contact information for three
references to:
         Dr. Ruth Ann Kern
         Biology Department, California State University, Fresno
         2555 E. San Ramon Ave, M/S SB73, Fresno, CA 93740-8034
email:, phone 559-278-4075
Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001.  CSUF is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Ruth Ann Kern, Ph.D.
Department of Biology
California State University, Fresno
2555 E. San Ramon Ave, M/S SB73
Fresno, CA 93740-8034

559-278-3963 (FAX)


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 13:48:08 -0500
From:    "Dan Skean Jr." <Dskean@ALBION.EDU>
Subject: Invertebrate Zoology Position at Albion College

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Dear Moderator:  We would be most grateful if you would post the following =
job announcement on the ECOLOG-L Listserver.  Thanks.
Dan Skean
J. Dan Skean, Jr., Ph.D.
A. Merton Chickering Professor and Chair
Department of Biology, Albion College
Albion, MI 49224  U.S.A.
tel. 517.629.0525
fax 517.629.0509
Invertebrate Zoologist
The Biology Department of Albion College seeks a full time, tenure-track =
Invertebrate Zoologist at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in =
August 2001.  A Ph.D. is required.  College teaching experience is =
preferred.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach majors' =
courses in Invertebrate Zoology and Ecology, and to develop a course in =
the candidate's area of expertise.  The candidate will share responsibiliti=
es in an introductory Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity course, and have =
the opportunity to interact with the College's Environmental Institute.  A =
research program that incorporates undergraduate students is expected.  =
Facilities include controlled environmental chambers, standard molecular =
biology equipment, TEM and SEM, and a 58-hectare nature center adjacent to =
campus.  Albion College is a selective, liberal arts college of approximate=
ly 1500 students located in south-central Michigan, within an hour's drive =
of three major universities.  See for =
further information.  Send letter of application, including teaching =
philosophy and research interests, curriculum vitae, reprints, graduate =
and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to:  Dr. J. =
Dan Skean, Jr., Chair, Biology Department, Albion College, Albion, MI  =
49224.  The deadline for applications is March 30, 2001.  Albion College =
is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to diversity as a core =
institutional value.

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<BODY style=3D"FONT: 8pt MS Sans Serif; MARGIN-LEFT: 2px; MARGIN-TOP: =
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>Dear Moderator:  We would be most grate
ul if you =
post the following job announcement on the ECOLOG-L Listserver. =20
</FONT><FONT size=3D1>Thanks.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>Dan Skean</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>
<DIV><FONT size=3D1></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>*****************************************<
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>J. Dan Skean, Jr., Ph.</FONT>D.</DI
<DIV>A. Merton Chickering Professor and Chair</DIV>
<DIV>Department of Biology, Albion College</DIV>
<DIV>Albion, MI 49224  U.S.A.</DIV>
<DIV>tel. 517.629.0525</DIV>
<DIV>fax 517.629.0509</DIV>
<DIV>e-mail: <A href=3D"">dskean@albion.
<DIV>***************************************** </FONT><F
<DIV><FONT size=3D1><STRONG>Invertebrate Zoologist</STR
<DIV><FONT size=3D1>The Biology Department of Albion College see
s a full =
tenure-track Invertebrate Zoologist at the rank of Assistant Professor to =
in August 2001.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>A
Ph.D. =
required.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>College
experience is preferred.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </
successful candidate will be expected to teach majors' courses in =
Zoology and Ecology, and to develop a course in the candidate’s area =
expertise.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>The ca
didate =
will share=20
responsibilities in an introductory Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity=
course, and have the opportunity to interact with the College’s =
Institute.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>A rese
rch =
program that=20
incorporates undergraduate students is expected.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Facilities include contro
environmental chambers, standard molecular biology equipment, TEM and SEM, =
and a=20
58-hectare nature center adjacent to campus.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Albion College is a selec
ive, =
arts college of approximately 1500 students located in south-central =
within an hour's drive of three major universities.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>See <A=20
/A> =
further information.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>
Send =
letter of=20
application, including teaching philosophy and research interests, =
vitae, reprints, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters =
reference to:<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Dr.
J. Dan =
Jr., Chair, Biology Department, Albion College, Albion, MI<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>49224.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>The deadline for applicat
ons is =
30, 2001.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Albion 
ollege is =
Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to diversity as a core institutional=



Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 13:37:49 +0100
From:    Karen <birdcall@EATEL.NET>
Subject: Job Opening Research Associate 2

We have an opening for a
Research Associate 2 at Wetland
Biogeochemistry Institute,
Louisiana State University.  Job
Description follows:

Research Associate 2

Qualifications Required:  BS
degree in a physical or natural
science and chemical laboratory
or related experience.

Additional Qualifications
Desired:  Experience with
preparatin of soil and tissue
samples for metals analysis and
experience with atomic
absorption and plasma emission
spectroscopy for metals

Responsibilities:  Sample
collection, preparation, and
analysis from field research
plots; sample preparatin and
analysis from other samples
brought to lab associated with
PI's research; Data report
preparation and assist PI in
managing lab activities.

Salary:  Commensurate with
qualifications and experience.

Anticipated Hire Date:  February
12, 2001/ASAP.

Application Deadline:
Open/Until suitable candidate

Submit Resume To:

Mrs. Karen Gros
Wetland Biogeochemistry
Louisiana State University
Ref:  Log #023702
Baton Rouge, LA  70803-7511


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:54:35 -0500
From:    Camille Flinders <flinders@ACNATSCI.ORG>
Subject: Summer Research Technician Positions

Please distribute to interested students or recent graduates.  My =
apologies for cross-postings.


Position Available

POSITION: Research Technician    ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER:   819=20
ISSUE DATE: February 9, 2001    CLOSING DATE: March 2 or until filled

Position Description:
The Patrick Center for Environmental Research at The Academy of Natural =
Sciences in Philadelphia is seeking 4 full-time temporary Research =
Technicians to assist with a project investigating the effects of nutrient =
enrichment on algal growth and oxygen dynamics in the Jackson River, =
Covington, Virginia.  The purpose of the study is to determine spatial and =
temporal differences in algal biomass within the river, estimate grazing =
pressure by invertebrates, and identify and measure parameters important =
to algal growth.  In addition, experiments using artificial stream =
channels will be conducted to evaluate algal responses to changes in =
current velocity.  These data will be used to develop a model of oxygen =
dynamics for the Jackson River. =20

Assistants will aid primarily in the collection of algal, invertebrate, =
and water samples; sample preparation and processing; recording of field =
data; and sorting of invertebrates.  Additional responsibilities include =
determination of sample areas (using a planimeter), monitoring of river =
conditions, data entry, etc.  All work will be conducted in Covington, =

Upper-year undergraduate students or recent B.S. graduates with an =
educational background in biology, ecology, or environmental science. Must =
be able to work long days outdoors in hot and potentially inclement =
weather conditions.  Successful applicants will be conscientious and quick =
learners and be able to work efficiently and cooperatively with others =
under little supervision. Meticulous collection and recording of data is =
essential.  A valid driver's license and possession of a vehicle is =
helpful but not required.  Applicants must be comfortable wading/working =
in waist-deep water and be able to swim.  =20

$7-8/hour; on-site housing provided.  The number of hours worked each week =
may vary dependent upon project needs but will average 35-45 hrs/week.  =
Successful applicants will be responsible for transportation to the field =
site and meal expenses but travel within the field area will be provided =
or compensated.

To Apply:
Contact for more information or send cover letter, resume, and  names and =
telephone numbers of three  references by March 2, 2001 to:

Camille Flinders
Patrick Center for Environmental Research
The Academy of Natural Sciences
1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy
Philadelphia, PA  19103-1195

215-299-1079 (fax)



Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 17:29:13 -0500
From:    "David W. Inouye" <>
Subject: Jobs: seasonal, USFS, in OR, WA

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are an Environmental firm in Seattle, WA and are looking for biologist an

botanists to work in the field for seasonal work. The work is for the US
Forest Service doing species surveys in four National forests, two in Oregon
and two in Washington.  The project would entail fieldwork full time for
spring and summer of 2001 at each orest.  We will pay hourly wages, perdiem,
lodging and provide training.  If interested please submit resume by e-mail
or mail and we will contact you.  Also, please pass this announcement along
to others whom you think might be interested in the opportunity.


Sonny Paz

Boateng & Associates
3041 78th Ave SE
Mercer Island, WA 98040


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:53:30 -1000
From:    Renee Ornellas <Renee.Ornellas@UHF.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge--International Summit

University of Hawaii

An International Summit Meeting on Issues involving
Indigenous Peoples, Conservation, Sustainable Development and Ethnoscience

With this letter, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the
conference, Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge, which will be held
from May 28 to June 3, 2001 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

More than 1200 persons - representing universities, business, governments,
conservation organizations, and indigenous peoples - will convene in Hawaii
to share their perspectives and develop new, collaborative relationships.
Already more than 600 people from 59 countries have registered to attend.

For additional details on the conference, please refer to the web page,
Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge.
Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge will bring together
representatives from universities, governments, foundations, businesses,
conservation organizations, and indigenous peoples from around the world.
Sponsored by the University of Hawaii, Society for Economic Botany, and the
International Society for Ethnopharmacology with financial support from
several organizations, the conference is designed to:

*    Explore approaches to economic development within a framework of
environmental and cultural conservation;
*    Encourage and facilitate dialogue among groups who have or use
traditional knowledge and those who are involved in research, conservation
and development;
*    Facilitate the development of new business based on traditional
knowledge; and,
*    Develop and disseminate recommendations about conservation
priorities, intellectual property rights, education and other issues related
to economic development.

Conference Format and Speakers
To provide the maximum opportunity for participants to learn from each
other, presentations will be offered in a variety of formats and topics.

*    Mornings are devoted primarily to concurrent sessions organized by
themes.  These include; Business Development; Traditional Knowledge in
"Modern" and "Sustainable" Societies; Issues in Hawaiian Culture;
Ethnopharmacology and Traditional Medicine; Agriculture; Education; Politics
and Knowledge; and, Economic Botany and Ethnobotany Research.

*    Working groups will also be held in the mornings and will address
several critical issues with the goal of developing specific
recommendations.  The focus of these sessions will be Intellectual Property
Rights, Indigenous Perspectives on Ethnobiological Research; Higher
Education; Ethics; and Conservation Priorities from Traditional

*    Afternoon Plenary Sessions will focus on specific
geographical/cultural regions with each afternoon devoted to a specific
region.  Sessions will feature indigenous leaders, scientists, and
traditional knowledge experts expressing their experiences with and
aspirations for traditional knowledge.

*    Each evening of the summit, major global leaders will address themes
related to the roles of traditional knowledge in politics, the global
community, education, conservation, cultural identity, and the future. Each
will draw from their own experiences and those of their cultures.

Opportunities to Participate

Attend the Conference: We would be honored to have you attend the conference
and participate with the other attendees in exploring positive solutions to
the challenges of conservation and economic development.  You can register
online directly by going to the link, Registration.

Make a Presentation: You are invited to make a presentation on any of the
Summit Themes.  We are especially interested in learning about successful
approaches to sustainable development and working with local communities in
launching initiatives based on traditional knowledge.  You can submit your
abstract directly online by going to the link, Abstract Summary.

Sponsor a Session: The major costs associated with this conference are
related to bringing in speakers - especially cultural representatives --
from South America, Africa, Europe and other distant or remote locations.
Altogether, more than 100 cultural representatives have been invited from
cultures and countries spanning from island states such as Solomon Islands,
Samoa, Fiji, Madagascar, Indonesia to continental countries like Tajikistan,
Thailand, India and China. Speakers will also be joining the conference from
Venezuala, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria, Germany Sweden, Denmark,
Japan, Nepal, Australia and several other countries.

Display an Exhibit: Organizational, commercial, and informational exhibit
booths are an integral component of the conference.  They provide an
opportunity for you to share your work with a large audience and they
provide the attendees a chance to learn from you.  The minimum cost for
exhibitor space is $2200, which entitles you to a space that is
approximately ten feet by eight feet.  The cost for larger space will be
determined based on size.

If you would like more information about sponsorship opportunities please
feel free to contact me directly, by clicking, James O'Brien.  The
conference organizer, Professor Will McClatchey, can be reached directly at

Thank you for your interest.

James O'Brien
Director, Foundation Relations
University of Hawaii Foundation
Phone:     (808) 956-9743
Fax:    (808) 956-5115


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 13:02:47 -1000
From:    Jarrett Jacinto <Jarrett.Jacinto@UHF.HAWAII.EDU>
Subject: Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge-International Summit

University of Hawaii

An International Summit Meeting on Issues involving
Indigenous Peoples, Conservation, Sustainable Development and Ethnoscience

With this letter, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the
conference, Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge, which will be held
from May 28 to June 3, 2001 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

More than 1200 persons - representing universities, business, governments,
conservation organizations, and indigenous peoples - will convene in Hawaii
to share their perspectives and develop new, collaborative relationships.
Already more than 600 people from 59 countries have registered to attend.

For additional details on the conference, please refer to the web page,
Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge

Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge will bring together
representatives from universities, governments, foundations, businesses,
conservation organizations, and indigenous peoples from around the world.
Sponsored by the University of Hawaii, Society for Economic Botany, and the
International Society for Ethnopharmacology with financial support from
several organizations, the conference is designed to:

 Explore approaches to economic development within a framework of
environmental and cultural conservation;

 Encourage and facilitate dialogue among groups who have or use
traditional knowledge and those who are involved in research, conservation
and development;

 Facilitate the development of new business based on traditional
knowledge; and,

 Develop and disseminate recommendations about conservation
priorities, intellectual property rights, education and other issues related
to economic development.

Conference Format and Speakers
To provide the maximum opportunity for participants to learn from each
other, presentations will be offered in a variety of formats and topics.

 Mornings are devoted primarily to concurrent sessions organized by
themes.  These include; Business Development; Traditional Knowledge in
"Modern" and "Sustainable" Societies; Issues in Hawaiian Culture;
Ethnopharmacology and Traditional Medicine; Agriculture; Education; Politics
and Knowledge; and, Economic Botany and Ethnobotany Research.

 Working groups will also be held in the mornings and will address
several critical issues with the goal of developing specific
recommendations.  The focus of these sessions will be Intellectual Property
Rights, Indigenous Perspectives on Ethnobiological Research; Higher
Education; Ethics; and Conservation Priorities from Traditional

 Afternoon Plenary Sessions will focus on specific
geographical/cultural regions with each afternoon devoted to a specific
region.  Sessions will feature indigenous leaders, scientists, and
traditional knowledge experts expressing their experiences with and
aspirations for traditional knowledge.

 Each evening of the summit, major global leaders will address
themes related to the roles of traditional knowledge in politics, the global
community, education, conservation, cultural identity, and the future. Each
will draw from their own experiences and those of their cultures.

Opportunities to Participate

Attend the Conference: We would be honored to have you attend the conference
and participate with the other attendees in exploring positive solutions to
the challenges of conservation and economic development.  You can register
online directly by going to the link, Registration

Make a Presentation: You are invited to make a presentation on any of the
Summit Themes.  We are especially interested in learning about successful
approaches to sustainable development and working with local communities in
launching initiatives based on traditional knowledge.  You can submit your
abstract directly online by going to the link, Abstract Summary

Sponsor a Session: The major costs associated with this conference are
related to bringing in speakers - especially cultural representatives --
from South America, Africa, Europe and other distant or remote locations.
Altogether, more than 100 cultural representatives have been invited from
cultures and countries spanning from island states such as Solomon Islands,
Samoa, Fiji, Madagascar, Indonesia to continental countries like Tajikistan,
Thailand, India and China. Speakers will also be joining the conference from
Venezuala, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria, Germany Sweden, Denmark,
Japan, Nepal, Australia and several other countries.

Display an Exhibit: Organizational, commercial, and informational exhibit
booths are an integral component of the conference.  They provide an
opportunity for you to share your work with a large audience and they
provide the attendees a chance to learn from you.  The minimum cost for
exhibitor space is $2200, which entitles you to a space that is
approximately ten feet by eight feet.  The cost for larger space will be
determined based on size.

If you would like more information about sponsorship opportunities please
feel free to contact me directly, by clicking, James O'Brien
(  The conference organizer, Professor Will
McClatchey, can be reached directly at

Thank you for your interest.

James O'Brien
Director, Foundation Relations
University of Hawaii Foundation
Phone:     (808) 956-9743
Fax:    (808) 956-5115


Date:    Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:24:52 -0500
From:    Andrea Grottoli <grottoli@SAS.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: PhD Graduate Student Opportunity

Please post and distribute: Immediate response required


PhD student sought to study stable carbon isotopes in coral reef
skeletons.  Intensive fieldwork in the Gulf of Panama or other regions of
the South Pacific required.  Four years of support will be offered.

Desired qualifications:
- MSc in Biology, Geology or any other physical science
- Experience in stable isotope biogeochemistry
- Tropical fieldwork experience
- Scuba certified
- The successful candidate must be accepted into the graduate program in
the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of

The position starts September 1, 2001 and includes four years of
support.  Send cover letter, resume, GRE scores, copy of college
transcript(s) (official copies not necessary) and contact information for
three references to:

Dr. Andrea G. Grottoli, Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
240 South 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6313

Review of applications will begin February 26,  2001.  UPenn is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Andrea G. Grottoli, Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
240 South 33rd Street, #162 Hayden Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6316
tel: 215-898-9269  fax: 215-898-0964


Subject: ECOLOG-L Digest - 9 Feb 2001 to 11 Feb 2001

There are 3 messages totalling 145 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Hawaii YCC program
  2. Conservation IT Position
  3. WANTED:  Plant ecophys simulator software


Date:    Sun, 11 Feb 2001 02:18:23 -0500
From:    John Leong <john98@MAIL.COM>
Subject: Hawaii YCC program

The State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources and Pono
Pacific Land Management would like to introduce:

Youth Conservation Corps 2001

Do you want to make a positive difference for our environment?  Want to
learn about conservation and Hawaii=92s natural resources?

What is this?

The Youth Conservation Corps or YCC is a summer internship that engages hig=
school thru college students in hands-on conservation service learning.=20
Members learn the importance of our natural resources and are trained in ho=
to care for them.  They also gain invaluable experience in teamwork,
leadership, and stewardship.

How can I get involved?

The YCC has open positions for both prospective members and team leaders on
the islands of Maui and Kauai.  Members must be between the grades of
incoming high school juniors to incoming college juniors.  If you are open
minded, hard working, willing to get dirty, work well in team conditions,
and love the outdoors=85this might be the perfect opportunity for you!  Tea=
Leaders must have completed your sophomore year in college.  This position
requires responsibility, an environmental background, and strong leadership
skills.  If you=92ve got what it takes, we look forward to hearing from you=

When are the program dates?

Members: June 18th-August 10th, 2001
Team Leaders: June 11th-August 10th, 2001

Who can I contact to find out more?

If you are interested in the program and want to learn more, please check
out the YCC website: (should be up by
Friday, Feb 16).  If you have any questions or would like to be involved in
the program, or would like an application packet sent to you, please e-mail
Matt and John at

FREE Personalized Email at
Sign up at


Date:    Sat, 10 Feb 2001 12:18:51 -0700
From:    "Crispin, Sue" <scrispin@STATE.MT.US>
Subject: Conservation IT Position


The Montana Natural Heritage Program is seeking a natural resource
professional with extensive IT experience to manage our Information Systems
and Services.  S/he will lead the development and maintenance of effective,
innovative management and delivery systems for information on species of
concern, high quality habitats, conservation areas, and landscapes of
ecological significance.  The Systems & Services Manager is responsible for
planning, developing, integrating and administering a complex of spatial and
relational databases, associated electronic and manual files, and web-based
delivery applications.  S/he also designs/develops advanced
tools/applications for resource management, conducts complex data analyses,
works with agencies and organizations to establish data sharing and service
agreements, secures funds for services and projects, oversees data
dissemination and access, develops data use policies and security measures,
identifies user patterns and trends, and administers projects and budgets.
S/he collaborates closely with staff biologists and with IT managers and
staff of the Montana State Library.  The Systems & Services Manager is
supervised by the Program Director, and directly supervises the GIS/Database
Coordinator and the Web Developer/Database Specialist.
The Montana Natural Heritage Program is part of the Natural Resource
Information System (NRIS), a nationally-recognized leader in using emerging
GIS and Web technologies to integrate and distribute spatially referenced
data on natural resources. (,
This position is located in Helena, which lies on the Rocky Mountain Front,
mid-way between Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks.  With a population
of just under 50,000, Helena offers a small-town atmosphere with diverse
cultural and recreational opportunities.  It is immediately adjacent to the
Helena National Forest, and 10 Federal Wilderness areas lie within a
three-hour drive.

Requirements:  Bachelor's degree and at four years of progressively
responsible experience in natural resources, biological science, or computer
science, (or equivalent education and experience), including program/project
management and experience applying information technologies to biological
resource documentation, analysis and management.   Working knowledge of GIS,
relational databases, and Web development, with expertise in at least one of
these areas and programming skills; experience with graphics and image
processing software desirable.  Excellent organizational, planning,
speaking, writing and partner-building skills; experience in
marketing/communications and customer support/training highly desirable.

Salary: $38,000 - $42,000 dependent on qualifications.  Excellent benefits,
including relocation assistance.  Position will remain open until filled,
and application review will begin on February 23; anticipated start date no
later than May 1.

Submit cover letter, resume, and references (via email and hard-copy) to:    Susan Crispin, Director, Montana Natural Heritage
Program,   Box 201800, Helena, MT  59620-1800

A full position description is available at


Date:    Sat, 10 Feb 2001 15:41:33 -0600
From:    Keith Wrage <wrage@SCIENCE.NORTHERN.EDU>
Subject: WANTED:  Plant ecophys simulator software

I recall seeing a "virtual IRGA" - a simulator that runs on PC or MAC that
would allow introductory botany students to manipulate environmental
conditions causing changes in gas exchange or photosynthetic/respiratory
performance. Any ideas about where I might find such an application?  I'd
also be interested in any other simulator-type apps related to basic plant
physiology.  OR...does anyone have suggestions about who I might contact -
is there some guru of plant phys education?  I'm willing to purchase a
commercial software package - it doesn't have to be free - but free would
be OK too!  :o)

Thanks for your assistance,
Keith Wrage


Subject: ECOLOG-L Digest - 12 Feb 2001 to 13 Feb 2001

There are 11 messages totalling 680 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Computer programming position
  2. subhadal ecology (2)
  3. Summer Field Botanist Jobs - Missouri Ozarks (TNC project - effects of
     fire on ground flora)
  4. A web site with archives of messages from ESA listserv lists (ECOLOG-L,
  5. Job: entomologist, Univ. of Missouri
  6. Postdoctoral position
  7. job posting for ECOLOG-L
  9. Graduate Research Assistantships available
 10. Research position in South Florida


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 10:13:16 -0700
From:    Debra Peters <debpeter@NMSU.EDU>
Subject: Computer programming position

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


POSITION TITLE: Computer Specialist
SERIES/GRADE:   GS-334-9/11
LOCATION:               USDA/ARS, Las Cruces, NM

The Jornada Experimental Range ( seeks applicants
for a
computer programming specialist to provide technical and analytical support 
the development of software systems for improving our understanding and
prediction of desertification and remediation processes in Chihuahuan desert
ecosystems. The successful applicant will synthesize and analyze ecological
data through the development, maintenance, and testing of  complex ecologica

simulation models. This work involves developing new software as well as
modifications to existing software systems. The incumbent will also manage P
and UNIX workstations used for simulation modeling development, and will be
responsible for the system management, configuration and upgrading of hardwa
and software in a multi-user laboratory. Providing technical support in file
processing, data transfer and model usage for local and remote users will al
be required.

Applications can be received starting February 20 with a closing date of Mar
20, 2001. For more information and to request a vacancy announcement
(ARS-X1S-1194), see or contact:

Dr. Debra Peters
Research scientist, Jornada Experimental Range
Voice: 505 646 2777

Debra Peters (formerly Coffin)

Research scientist
USDA-ARS, Jornada Experimental Range
Box 30003, MSC 3JER, NMSU
Las Cruces, NM  88003-0003

phone:  505 646 2777
FAX:            505 646 5889
home page:
Modeling webpage:
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

POSITION TITLE:</b><x-tab> </x-tab>Computer Specialis
<b>SERIES/GRADE:</b><x-tab>   </x-tab>
tab>        </x-tab>USDA/AR
Las Cruces, NM<br>
</b>The Jornada Experimental Range
(<a href=3D"" eudora=3D"autourl"><font=
</u><font color=3D"=
seeks applicants for a computer programming specialist to provide
technical and analytical support in the development of software systems
for improving our understanding and prediction of desertification and
remediation processes in Chihuahuan desert ecosystems. The successful
applicant will synthesize and analyze ecological data through the
development, maintenance, and testing of  complex ecological
simulation models. This work involves developing new software as well as
modifications to existing software systems. The incumbent will also
manage PCs and UNIX workstations used for simulation modeling
development, and will be responsible for the system management,
configuration and upgrading of hardware and software in a multi-user
laboratory. Providing technical support in file processing, data transfer
and model usage for local and remote users will also be required.<br>
</b>Applications can be received starting February 20 with a closing d
of March 20, 2001. For more information and to request a vacancy
announcement (ARS-X1S-1194), see
</font><a href=3D"" eudora=3D"autourl"><
<font color=3D"#000000"=
or contact:<br>
Dr. Debra Peters<br>
Research scientist, Jornada Experimental Range<br>
</font><font color=3D"#0000FF"><u><br>

</font></u><font color=3D"#000000">Voice: 505 646 2777<
<div>Debra Peters (formerly Coffin)</div>
<div>Research scientist</div>
<div>USDA-ARS, Jornada Experimental Range</div>
<div>Box 30003, MSC 3JER, NMSU</div>
<div>Las Cruces, NM  88003-0003</div>
<div>email:<x-tab>  </x-tab><x-tab> &
bsp;   &=
nbsp;  </x-tab></div>
<div>phone:<x-tab>  </x-tab>505 646 2777</div>

<div>FAX:<x-tab>    </x-tab><x-tab>
sp;    </x-tab>505
646 5889</div>
page:<x-tab>      </x-tab><a=
<div>Modeling webpage: </div>
<x-tab>        </x-tab><
x-tab> =



Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 12:49:03 -0600
From:    "J. M. Aguiar" <steelshard@TAMU.EDU>
Subject: subhadal ecology

    Some years ago a theorist (perhaps Thomas Gold?) suggested that
deep-sea vents might represent the uppermost level of a vast, unexplored
chemical biosphere underlying the oceans of the world, in which
archaeobacteria throve within the cracks and fissures of the hot upper
crust.  He suggested their total biomass might far exceed the combined
total of all species known from our conventional, sun-based ecosystems.

    Has this idea been explored or substantiated?  Commentary welcome,
references ideal.


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 12:45:06 -0600
From:    Jenny Grabner <grabnj@MAIL.CONSERVATION.STATE.MO.US>
Subject: Summer Field Botanist Jobs - Missouri Ozarks (TNC project - effects
         fire on ground flora)

** Low Priority **

Please post the following announcement and share with students and/or =
colleagues as appropriate.

Do not reply to me.  Please see contact name and addresses below to apply =
or to receive additional information about the jobs.


Deadline for Application:  March 15, 2001
Agency Name:  Missouri Department of Conservation - Forestry

Contact Name:  George Hartman, Fire Ecologist
Mailing Address: 1110 S. College Ave., Columbia MO 65201
Phone Number:   573/882-9880 ext. 3304   =20
Fax: 573/882-4517  =20

Job Title:   Field Botanist (6)

Forms Necessary for Application:      -  MDC Application for Employment
            - Resume or curriculum vitae
            - 3 references

Pay Rate: $9.10/hr. 4-10hr. days/week.  Housing provided
Starting and Ending Dates: May 21 until mid to late August

Brief Description of Job Duties and Qualifications:   Collect botanical =
(understory) data on Chilton Creek Management Area in Shannon and Carter =
Counties.  Extensive outdoor work in all weather in one of the most =
isolated (and beautiful) parts of Missouri's Ozarks.  Basic understanding =
of botanical keys and terminology a must.  Applicant should have completed =
coursework in one or more of the following: field botany, plant ecology, =
plant taxonomy, and dendrology.  First two weeks of employment will be =
intensive training on identifying flora of the vicinity.  Work with and =
under the supervision of local staff of The Nature Conservancy.  Study =
area will have been prescribed burned the spring before sampling.  =
Successful applicants will identify flora, keep accurate records, prepare =
specimen mounts and enter data into ongoing database.

Other Necessary Information:  Must be physically capable of working in =
rough terrain.  Applicants who have previous field experience, good map =
reading skills and are able to operate a 4-wheel drive, manual transmission=
 vehicle will have preference.  Successful candidates must submit to a =
drug test following offer of employment.  The Missouri Department of =
Conservation is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F.


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:03:05 -0500
From:    "David W. Inouye" <>
Subject: A web site with archives of messages from ESA listserv lists (ECOLO

I get occasional requests from people asking about how to retrieve copies
of messages that have been posted on ECOLOG-L or ESANEWS.  Although it is
possible to do this by requesting archival files from the listserv computer
at the University of Maryland, which hosts these lists, another web-based
option is to look at the files on  In the search
window, enter ECOLOG-L or ESANEWS.  You'll see a list of recent messages, a
search option, and can choose from a calendar.

David Inouye, list owner and moderator


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 13:39:26 -0600
From:    David McNeely <mcneely@UTB1.UTB.EDU>
Subject: Re: subhadal ecology

I don't have references handy, but the idea has been explored and
elaborated.  A whole community of microbial ecologists works on
"extremophiles," microbes that inhabit extreme environments, and I am sure
that a search would turn up lots of publications.  A great deal of interests
was generated once the PCR was commercialized, because the enzymes came from
extremophiles from Yellowstone National Park.  A couple of Scientific
American articles have summarized the then known status of these "bacteria
from Hell."  I am sure you can do the search as well as I can.

"J. M. Aguiar" wrote:

>     Some years ago a theorist (perhaps Thomas Gold?) suggested that
> deep-sea vents might represent the uppermost level of a vast, unexplore

> chemical biosphere underlying the oceans of the world, in which
> archaeobacteria throve within the cracks and fissures of the hot upper
> crust.  He suggested their total biomass might far exceed the combined
> total of all species known from our conventional, sun-based ecosystems.
>     Has this idea been explored or substantiated?  Commentary welcome,
> references ideal.

"Are we there yet?"  Source unknown

See my web page at
David L. McNeely (Dave)
Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Biological Sciences
The University of Texas at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, TX 78520
Telephone (956) 544-8289 or 983-7578
FAX  (956) 983-7115


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:04:57 -0500
From:    "David W. Inouye" <>
Subject: Job: entomologist, Univ. of Missouri

Assistant Professor of Entomology, Agroecosystem Insect Ecology   Full-time
track position avail. Sept. 1, 2001 to establish a nationally competitive
research program
in quantitative insect community ecology in an agroecosystem setting. Teachi
expectations include graduate courses in Insect Population Ecology and Insec

Community Ecology. Send C.V., copies of major pubs., statement of research a
teaching goals, transcripts, and have three letters of recommendation sent
to: Chair,
Community Ecologist Search Committee, Plant Sciences Unit, 1-41 Agric.
Bldg., Univ.
Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211.  Screening will begin May 1.  See for details.  EEO/ADA/AA employer


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 13:39:23 -0600
From:    "Kimberly A. With" <kwith@KSU.EDU>
Subject: Postdoctoral position

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


ECOLOGICAL MODELER.  Computer simulation modeling of extinction risk for
species in landscapes undergoing chronic habitat loss and
fragmentation.   Expertise in C/C++ programming in a UNIX environment
preferred.  Must have Ph.D. by start date and a demonstrated record of
productivity, including publication and presentation of past
research.  Start date is flexible, but on or before July 1, 2001
preferred.  Review of applications will begin March 15, 2001 and continue
until position is filled. Initial appointment is for 1 year, with extension
to a second year contingent on performance and availability of
funding.  Send cover letter outlining background and experience, CV,
selected reprints, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Kimberly A.
With, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.

Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer.  KSU actively
seeks diversity among its employees.

Dr. Kimberly A. With                            Phone:  (785) 532-5040
Division of Biology                             Fax: (785) 532-6653
232 Ackert Hall                         Lab Phone:  (785) 532-5652
Kansas State University                 Division Phone: (785) 532-6615
Manhattan, KS  66506                            E-mail:

Laboratory for Landscape and Conservation Ecology:

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<div align="center">
ECOLOGICAL MODELER.  Computer simulation modeling of extinction risk
for species in landscapes undergoing chronic habitat loss and
fragmentation.   Expertise in C/C++ programming in a UNIX
environment preferred.  Must have Ph.D. by start date and a
demonstrated record of productivity, including publication and
presentation of past research.  Start date is flexible, but on or
before July 1, 2001 preferred.  Review of applications will begin
March 15, 2001 and continue until position is filled. Initial appointment
is for 1 year, with extension to a second year contingent on performance
and availability of funding.  Send cover letter outlining background
and experience, CV, selected reprints, and three letters of
recommendation to <b>Dr. Kimberly A. With</b>, Division of Biolo
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.  <br>
Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer.  KSU
actively seeks diversity among its employees.<br>
======================================================= <br>
Dr. Kimberly A.
With<x-tab>    </x-tab><x-tab> &n
nbsp; &nbs
 p;</x-tab><x-tab>       &nbs
(785) 532-5040 <br>
Division of
Biology<x-tab>     </x-tab><x-tab>
 sp;    </x-tab><x-tab>   &nb
p;  &
 nbsp; </x-tab><x-tab>      &
bsp; </x-t
(785) 532-6653 <br>
232 Ackert
Hall<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>    &n
 </x-tab><x-tab>        <
 nbsp;       </x-tab>Lab
Phone:  (785) 532-5652 <br>
Kansas State
University<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>   &n
Phone: (785) 532-6615 <br>
Manhattan, KS 
66506<x-tab>    </x-tab><x-tab> &
 ;   </x-tab><x-tab>     
 sp;</x-tab><x-tab>       &nb
 l: <br>
Laboratory for Landscape and Conservation Ecology: 
<a href="" eudora="autourl">http</a>:/<a
 href="" eudora="autourl">withlab<br>



Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:58:09 -0500
From:    Jude Hall <hall@DENISON.EDU>
Subject: job posting for ECOLOG-L

Please post the following job posting on the listserve:

ECOLOGIST:  Denison University, a selective liberal arts college,
invites applications for a 1-year leave replacement position to begin in
August, 2001. Teaching responsibilities include a sophomore course in
Ecology and Evolution, an introductory course in either Plant Biology or
General Zoology, and a non-majors course in biology.  All classes have
an enrollment of 25 or less and a lab component. The teaching load is
two classes each semester.  Demonstrated ability in undergraduate
teaching is expected.  Ph.D. preferred.  The Department of Biology
offers a greenhouse, herbarium, insect collection, a 350-acre Biological
Reserve with field station, and strong ties to Denison's Environmental
Studies program. for a more detailed description of the Biology
Department see the website at Candidates
should send letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of
teaching philosophy, transcripts (graduate and undergraduate), and the
names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of three references to:
Chair, Ecologist Search Committee, Biology Department, Denison
University, Granville, OH 43023 by March 31st.  Denison is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.

Thank you
Jude Hall
Department of Biology
Denison University
Granville, OH 43001


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:51:41 -0500
From:    Amanda Leland <Amanda_Leland@UMIT.MAINE.EDU>

Darling Marine Center
Marine Laboratory for the University of Maine

A position is available in Dr. Robert Steneck's Lab for an individual
to assist in marine ecological research on the American lobster and
the green sea urchin.  The research focus is on recruitment processes
for both species.  It will involve plankton sampling, experiments on
benthic-pelagic coupling of setting individuals and large-scale
demographic studies.  Responsibilities also include logistical
coordination of field and laboratory research, management and
statistical analyses of data.  Preferred qualifications include B. S.
or M.S. in biology or marine sciences, or equivalent experience,
ability to work independently, in a team, and under physically
demanding, cold-water conditions.   A scuba certification and
driver's license background check is required.  Experience with small
boats, experimental marine ecology, invertebrate biology, and data
management preferred.  Some evening and weekend work is likely.
Position title is:  Science Technician II.  Entry level hourly wage
$10.62 ($22,090 per annum).  Position is for one year beginning May
2001, reappointment for additional years is possible.  For further
information please contact R. Steneck or to apply, send application
letter, resume, name, address, telephone, e-mail address and at least
three reference (give e-mail addresses) by 31 March 2001 to R.
Steneck via e-mail (Steneck@Maine.EDU).  To learn more about  the
Darling Marine Center see:
Robert S. Steneck, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Marine Sciences
Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation
University of Maine

Sabbatical Address: 9/00 - 4/01

Department of Marine Biology
James Cook University
Townsville, QLD 4811

Phone:  61-747 816386
Fax:  61-07 4725 1570

e-mail:  Steneck@Maine.EDU

The School of Marine Sciences Web site:


Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:06:29 -0500
From:    Kenneth Raffa <raffa@ENTOMOLOGY.WISC.EDU>
Subject: Graduate Research Assistantships available

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Graduate Research Assistantships available at the University of Wisconsin -
Madison for students with interests in plant-insect-fungal interactions,
and basic biology of invasive root insects.  The former project has 4 years
support for a Ph.D. student, and a primarily laboratory orientation.
Experience with analytical chemistry and microbiology is desired. The
latter project has 2 years funding for a MS student, and a primarily field
approach.  Both projects are in collaboration with personnel  from the US
Forest Service.  Please contact Ken Raffa for more information:
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity employer.
Kenneth F. Raffa
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
FAX 608-262-3322
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

raduate Research
available at the University of Wisconsin - Madison for students with
interests in plant-insect-fungal interactions, and basic biology of
invasive root insects.  The former project has 4 years support for a
Ph.D. student, and a primarily laboratory orientation. Experience with
analytical chemistry and microbiology is desired. The latter project
has 2 years funding for a MS student, and a primarily field approach.=20
Both projects are in collaboration with personnel  from the US Forest
Service.  Please contact Ken Raffa for more information: 608-262-1125;;
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity employer.  </bigger></fontfamily>

Kenneth F. Raffa


Department of Entomology

University of Wisconsin

Madison, WI 53706


=46AX 608-262-3322



Date:    Tue, 13 Feb 2001 19:31:14 -0500
From:    "Branch, Lyn" <BranchL@WEC.UFL.EDU>
Subject: Research position in South Florida

Please send all inquiries to Dr. Frank Mazzotti


Title :                         ASSISTANT SCIENTIST

                             UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA
                             3205 COLLEGE AVENUE
                             DAVIE, FL 33314-7799


Position Open To:         FEBRUARY 28, 2001

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: This is a 2 year, non-tenure-accruing position
that will be 100% research (Florida Agricultural Experiment Station)
available in the Center for Natural Resources - South Florida, Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.  This assignment may
change in accordance with the needs of the unit.  Duties will include
applied landscape ecology and the development of computing applications for
spatial analysis. This position will (1) work with existing and new wildlife
databases at the Center to publish analyses of spatial correlates and
spatio-temporal dynamics; (2) develop models of spatial patterns in the
landscape and how these relate to sustainable wildlife communities,
maintenance of natural processes, and habitat change; (3) coordinate
landscape model integration with the WWW and other avenues of public and
policy-maker outreach; and (4) innovative application of remote sensed
imagery to wildlife and landscape analysis. The faculty member will
participate in graduate education, chair graduate committees, and supervise
thesis and dissertation research.   Implementation of the Affirmative Action
program of the University of Florida is required.

BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: A Ph.D. in geomatic engineering, geography or a
closely related field and a minimum of 4 years supervisory experience in
applied research at the master's level or above is required.  Candidates
should have demonstrated skills in verbal and written communication,
interpersonal relationships, and procurement of extramural funding.
Candidates must be supportive of the mission of the Land-Grant system.
Candidates must also have a commitment to IFAS' core values of excellence,
diversity, global involvement, and accountability. The applicant should have
skills in spatially explicit, dynamic and statistical modeling as well as
GIS and remote sensed image processing. Demonstrated knowledge and
application of Erdas Imagine, ESRI
Arc/Info, high level programming languages, scripting, spatial statistics
and supervision of students is necessary. Preference will be given to
candidates with a strong background in integration of ecology, geomatics,
and ecosystems modeling. Experience in field data collection, aerial imaging
systems, and south Florida ecosystem issues and conflicts is also desirable.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center is
a unit in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the
University of Florida and has diverse teaching, research and extension
education programs with 20 faculty members located on the Davie campus, and
26 support personnel. The University of Florida is a Land-Grant institution
with an enrollment in excess of 43,000 students on the Gainesville campus
and a member of the Association of  American Universities. IFAS includes 20
academic units, 5 interdisciplinary centers, 14 research and educational
centers throughout the state, and Cooperative Extension units in each of
Florida's  67 counties and the Seminole Tribe. IFAS, one of the nation's
largest agricultural and natural resources research and education
organizations, is administered by a Vice President and five deans: the Dean
of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Dean for Extension,
the Dean for Research, the Dean for the College of Veterinary Medicine and
the Dean for the College of Natural Resources and Environment.

HOW TO APPLY: Interested persons are requested to submit the following
items: (1) vita; (2) letter of research interests; and (3) names and contact
information for three (3) references.  All of the above items must be
postmarked by the closing date of February 28, 2001.  Nomination of
candidates is encouraged.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.



Frank Mazzotti
Chair, Search and Screen Committee
University of Florida
Center for Natural Resources - South Florida
3205 College Ave
Davie, FL 33314-7799

Phone:    (954) 577-6354
Fax:    (954) 475-4125

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative
action employer.  The "government in the sunshine" laws of Florida require
that all documents relating to the search process, including letters of
application/nomination and reference, be available for public inspection.
Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable


End of ECOLOG-L Digest - 12 Feb 2001 to 13 Feb 2001

Archive files of THIS month

Thanks to discussion with TVR, I have decided to put a link to back files of the discussion group. This months back files.

The link to complete archives is available elsewhere.

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