From: Greg McNellySubject: WATERSHED 2000 - Call for Papers Apologies for cross-postings ---------------------------- CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS WATERSHED 2000 Hotel Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 9-12 July 2000 ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: ** 15 NOVEMBER 1999 ** The Water Environment Federation (WEF), the British Columbia Water and Waste Association, and the Western Canada Water and Wastewater Association are sponsoring the international specialty conference WATERSHED 2000, with the support of the International Joint Commission; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Environment Canada; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks; and the British Columbia Ministry of Forests. Building on the success of WEF's 1996 conference in the Mid-Atlantic, and 1998 conference in the Rocky Mountains, WATERSHED 2000--to be held in the Pacific Northwest--will explore national and international challenges of managing watersheds. The conference will bring together environmental professionals for a showcase on integrated resource management and environmental protection principles using watershed-based approaches. The Pacific Northwest exhibits many common climatic and ecological features, yet the political and jurisdictional boundaries spanned by many of its watersheds create challenges to effective watershed management. The contrasts and common approaches among Canadian and U.S. federal agencies and among the state, provincial, and tribal/band agencies will be explored. Attendees will see and hear the latest information on implementing watershed planning, protection, restoration, and education. Real-life experiences and lessons will be outlined. The conference will include oral presentations, interactive discussions, posters, exhibits, and tours. Potential speakers are asked to submit an abstract for consideration. Abstracts related to Native American/First Nations issues are encouraged. Topics to be addressed include: A. Sustainable Watershed Protection B. Multi-Use Watershed Management--Approaches and Steps C. Voluntary versus Mandatory Approaches D. Local, Regional, National, and International Jurisdictional Issues E. Total Maximum Daily Loads and Watershed Pollutant Load Trading F. Watershed Restoration Activities and Habitat Improvements G. Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) H. Regulatory, Legislative, and Institutional Issues I. Forestry, Agricultural, and Mining BMPs and Issues J. Managing Watersheds to Support Fisheries K. Coastal and Wetland Issues L. Water Resource Planning and Source Water Protection M. Urban Watershed Issues N. Land Management--Public and Private O. Geographic Information Systems, Modeling, and Monitoring P. Use of Environmental Indicators and Standards Q. Public Education and Stakeholder Involvement R. Financing BMPs and Watershed Programs S. Risk-Based Watershed Management Strategies T. Creative Watershed Programs--Case Studies U. Balancing Environmental and Economic Issues Please submit abstracts for papers on subjects A-U. Abstracts must be received no later than 15 NOVEMBER 1999. Authors will be notified of acceptance of papers in early JANUARY 2000 and must submit a manuscript by 27 MARCH 2000 for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. Speakers will be responsible for paying their own travel expenses and registration fees. (Registration fees are approximately $450 US for full conference, advance registration, WEF member.) For each proposed paper, please submit one copy of both an information sheet (below) and a typed abstract (two pages, single spaced). For registration information, please provide your complete mailing address to WEF's Member Services Center (Phone: 800.666.0206 or 703.684.2452, E-mail: ********************************************************************** INFORMATION SHEET WATERSHED 2000 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 9-12 July 2000 For consideration, please mail abstract and completed information sheet to: Technical Programs - WATERSHED 2000 Abstracts Water Environment Federation 601 Wythe Street Alexandria, VA 22314-1994 USA Phone: 703.684.2400 Fax: 703.684.2413 Copy must be received at WEF by 15 NOVEMBER 1999. Abstracts must be typed, single spaced, and fit on no more than two 8.5 x 11-inch pages. Fax submissions will be accepted but are not encouraged. Please do not duplicate mail and fax submissions. Do not send supplemental materials. E-mail submissions will NOT be accepted. Abstract for (select one): ___Oral Presentation ___Poster ___Workshop ___Panel Discussion Would you be willing to present your paper in a different format? ___YES, in the following format(s):___________________________________ ___NO Paper submitted for session topic (indicate letter):_____ Will this or similar work have been submitted for consideration, presented, or published elsewhere by July 2000? ___YES ___NO If yes, where?________________________________________________________ How did you obtain this Conference Announcement and Call for Papers? ___Mail ___E-mail ___WEF Web Site ___WEF Fax-On-Demand ___Other, please specify: ____________________________________________ Presentation Title:___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Keywords:_____________________________________________________________ Corresponding Author:_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Position/Title:_______________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________________________________ State/Province:_______________________________________________________ ZIP/Postal Code:______________________________________________________ Country:______________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________________________ Fax:__________________________________________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________________________________ Coauthors/Affiliation:________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Speaker Name and Address (if different from corresponding author):______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ All presenters agree to submit a camera-ready manuscript in requested format to WEF for the Conference Proceedings by 27 MARCH 2000. I understand that if I do not submit a manuscript by the deadline, my presentation at the conference will be canceled. Corresponding Author Signature:_______________________________________