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The visitor's programme is one of the highlights of our activity. The Centre receives about 50 visitor's every year, about 40 from India and about 10 from abroad. A part of our budget is reserved for inviting visitors and meeting their travel expenses and providing them local hospitality. Visitors may undertake collaborative work with faculty of the Centre or may simply come here to use the facilities of the Centre. The Centre wishes to extend this facility as widely as possible. Interested persons may apply to the Chairman, CES.
                                   No. of Visitors

Year                From India                  From Abroad

1983-86               82                             2

1987-88               70                            14

1988-89               46                             6

1989-90              111                            14

1990-91               61                            28

1991-92               54                            14

1992-93               13                            14

1993-94               14                             2
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