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Sl.         Title               Funding Agency      Amount Sanctioned   
No.                                                    (in lakhs)

1.  Mutualistic Interaction     Department of          11.54
    in a primitively eusocial   Science and
    wasp                        Technology

2.  Multivariate statistical    Anthropological        12.00
    analysis of data            Survey of
    generated in the People     India
    of India Project    

3.  A programme of conservation The John D. and        48.00
    research, education and     Catherine T. 
    training in the Western     MacArthur foundation
    Ghats focused on 
    Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve  

4.  Structure and dynamics      Ministry of            Block Grant
    of a deciduous forest       Environment
                                & Forests,
                                of India.                      
5.  Insect species diversity      -do-                 -do-
6.  Monitoring populations        -do-                 -do-
    of large mammals                                   
7.  Host Parasite inter-          -do-                 -do-
    actions in wild mammals                            
8.  Palaeoecology of the          -do-                 -do-
    Shola forest and grass-                            
    lands in the upper                                 
    Nilgiri Plateau                                    
9.  Long  term  population        -do-                 -do-
    dynamics of  Asian                                 
10. Plant reproductive stra-      -do-                 -do-
    tegies (1H  Development                            
    of software for on-line                            
    entry of ecological and                            
    behavioral data                                    
11. Ecological correlates of      -do-                 -do-
    sociality in insects                               

12. Vertebrate diversity in       -do-                 -do-
    the upper Nilgiris                                 
13. Studies in the Nilgiri        -do-                 -do-
    Biosphere Reserve area                             

14. Plant diversity in two        Ministry of          Block Grant
    Western Ghat village          Environment and      
    ecosystems                    Forests, Govt.      
                                  of India                     

15. Flowering plant diver-        -do-                 -do-
    sity in Nilgiri Bio-                               
    sphere Reserve                                     
16. Soppina Betta forests         -do-                 -do-
    of Uttara Kannada                                  
17. Estimates of the levels       -do-                 -do-
    of Biodiversity                                    
18. Study of Forest Dynamics      -do-                 -do-
    of Western Ghat Region                             
19. Geographical Information      -do-                 -do-
20. Production and use of         -do-                 -do-
    crop residues in India                             
21. Cultural diversity in         -do-                 -do-
    the Indian Populations                             
22. Economic analysis  of         -do-                 -do-
    forestry options  for                              
    Carbon sequestration                               
    in India                                           
23. Vegetation status of          -do-                 -do-
    community forest and                               
    soppina betta Forest                               
24. The problem of village-       -do-                 -do-
    level forest management                            
25. Dependence  of  people        -do-                 -do-
    of India on biological                             

26. Propagation methods and       -do-                 -do-
    performance  of  plant                             
    species in Western Ghat                            
    region  of   Uttara                                
    Kannada district                                   
27. Propagation methods of        -do-                 -do-
    tree species of Western                            
    Ghats region                                                   

28. Partitioning of photo-      Ministry of            Block Grant
    synthetic & performance     Environment and        
    of some tropical seed-      Forests, Govt.
    lings                       of India                       
29. Propagation methods for       -do-                 -do-
    shrubs, climbers, lianas                           
    & stranglers of Western                            
    Ghat region                                        
30. Revegetation of betta-        -do-                 -do-
    lands in Uttara Kannada                            

II. ACTION RESEARCH                                    
31. Enhancing forest            The Ford Foundation    14.07
    productivity through        USA
    national regeneration
    enrichment-planting of
    non wood species and
    active community

32. Evaluation of on-going      Ministry of             2.89 
    activities in the           Environment and 
    biosphere reserves in       Forests
    India                       Govt. of India                         

33. Mapping and monitoring      -do-                    4.62
    of vegetation and land
    use in Nilgiris Biosphere

34. Monitoring ecodevelop-       -do-                  Block Grant
    ment programmes in two                             
    Western Ghat village                               

35. Effect of lopping on          -do-                 -do-
    tropical tree species                              
36. Study of cattle system        -do-                 -do-
    in a Western Ghat                                  
37. Efficient and environ-        -do-                 -do-
    mentally sound cooking                             
    & water heating systems                                          
38. Study of tree planta-         -do-                 -do-
    tions in Sirsi Taluk of                            
    Western Ghats                                      
39. Fodder   Balance  for       Ministry of            Block Grant
    India                       Environment and Forests                        
                                Govt. of India                                 

40. Community - based             -do-                 -do-
    resource management                                
41. Reviving traditions  of       -do-                 -do-
    nature conservation                                

III. NETWORKING                                        
42. Conserving the              Pew Research           46.5
    biodiversity                Foundation
    of the Western Ghats :      USA
    A participatory approach

43. Interaction with  state       -do-                 -do-
    science & technology                               
44. Networking with               -do-                 -do-
    voluntary agencies 
    involved in ecodevelop-
    ment efforts     
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