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The following students from our Centre have been awarded Ph.D. degree:
   NAME                 SUPERVISOR            THESIS TOPIC

Ranjit Daniels, R.J.   Madhav Gadgil    A  conservation  strategy           
                                        for the birds of the 
                                        Uttara Kannada District.

Chandrashekara, K.     Raghavendra      Social Biology of the tropical
                       Gadagkar         primitively eusocial wasp
                                        Ropalidia marginata (lep.) 

Arun B. Venkataraman   Raghavendra      Studies on the mechanism of 
                       Gadagkar         nestmate   discrimination   in    a 
                                        primitively     eusocial      wasp: 
                                        implications  for the evolution  of 

Murali, K.S.           R Sukumar        Vegetative     and     reproductive 
                                        phenology   of   a   tropical   dry 
                                        deciduous forest in Southern India.


The  following  students have submitted thesis for the  award  of 
Ph.D. degree:

Silanjan Bhattacharyya Madhav Gadgil    Ecological organization of  
                                        Indian Rural Populations.             

Milind Watve           R Sukumar        Ecology of host-parasite inter-
                                        actions in a wild mammalian host
                                        community in Mudumalai, Southern

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