Satellite Images of the World


Satellite images of much of the world are available from:

although translating the data back to graphics sometimes may be cumbersome...

Good luck.



                            Luis A. Ruedas
                    Museum of Southwestern Biology
                         Department of Biology
                       University of New Mexico
                  Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131-1091

voice: 505/277-5340                               fax: 505/277-0304


Subject: GIS summary

Thanks to all who found time to reply to my request of info about a simple GIS for wildlife management.

Here I resume the suggestions given:

IDRISI ( has been suggested as the right choice by 3 researchers (although "It does take some time to learn")

PC Raster ( ("simple but not limited in its applications and capabilities); 3 suggestions

GRASS (; available for DOS, Win & (with some complication) Unix); 2 suggestions

Arc-Info 2 suggestions

The following have received 1 suggestion each:

MapMaker (rather a cartographic browser than a GIS) REGIS ERMAPPER (that turned out to be rather an image analyzer than a GIS) TNTlite (; free+commercial version; available for practically any platform an OS)

One researcher suggested to try asking in comp.infosystems.gis.

Again, many thanks!

Dr Paolo Cavallini


*home snail-mail:
via Mazzini 64
56025 Pontedera (PI)

*department snail-mail:

Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica "Leo Pardi"
Universita' degli Studi di Firenze
via Romana, 17/19
50125 Firenze

Tel: (+39)348-3801953
FAX: (+39)55-222565

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