conservation-ecology List


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Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

This is an automated response to your email to This email contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the journal. Should you have further questions and wish to speak to us you can email the address

. If you are interested and available to assist us with the Beta testing of our submission software please read the instructions at the end of this message.

Welcome to Conservation Ecology, a publication of the Ecological Society of America

Conservation Ecology is a new electronic peer-reviewed scientific journal which is still in the development stage. We anticipate that our initial call for papers will be in early 1996 and that publication will commence in the spring of 1996. As a subscriber you will be automatically notified of these events.

The journal's mandate reads: "Conservation Ecology is an electronic, peer-reviewed, scientific journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research. Content of the journal ranges from the applied to the theoretical. Topics covered include the ecological bases for (1) the conservation of ecosystems, landscapes, species, populations and genetic diversity; (2) the restoration of ecosystems and habitats; and (3) the management of resources. We encourage papers on the above topics that also integrate the biological and physical sciences, the natural and social sciences, science and policy, and across space and time scales. The papers considered for publication should present original research, novel synthesis, or judicious review of current theory, method, policy or practice. Article submission, review and publication are accomplished entirely electronically.

Conservation Ecology is intended to meet a critical need for timely and cost-effective delivery of information in its field. Our aim is to supplement, rather than supplant, the suite of journals that already exist in this field. Conservation Ecology is the newest journal of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) and will be the first ESA journal to be available electronically. The journal will be peer-reviewed; support text, figures and equations; and will permit searching of all issues by keyword, author or issue number. It will be available free of charge. Subscription information is available at the end of this document.

Articles will be published in a publicly accessible "issue-in-progress" as they are accepted. The issue-in-progress will be converted automatically to an official issue on a regular schedule (quarterly to begin) at which time the table of contents will be sent to all subscribers. At this time Conservation Ecology is considering accepting articles up to fifty pages in length. While articles for our journal need not be as brief as those submitted to other journals they should still be clearly organized and well written. Copyright of published articles will be retained by the Ecological Society of America.

On-line access to the journal will be via World-Wide-Web (WWW) and Electronic mail (e-mail) over the INTERNET--a world-wide network of computers. Published manuscripts will also be available through anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) with our server. Virtually all universities, many government offices and other public institutions, as well as many private corporations are connected to this network. Conservation Ecology is an international journal. Our list of subscribers already includes representation from countries as diverse as the Philippines, Norway and Australia. Please feel free to circulate this information package to others who would be interested in our journal. This will help publicize the journal and encourage our development as a truly international forum for conservation biology research.

Conservation Ecology can be found by browsing the WWW and searching under "Electronic Journals" or by connecting directly to URL-- . When we are up and running you will also be able to obtain published manuscripts by anonymous FTP at . Finally, we plan to support email access to the journal, but this service has not yet been constructed.

To subscribe to Conservation Ecology, send an e-mail message to: that contains the following line in the body of the text: subscribe conservation-ecology This will add you to our list of subscribers.

To unsubscribe from Conservation Ecology, send an e-mail message to: that contains the following line in the body of the text: unsubscribe conservation-ecology This will delete you from our list of subscribers.

If your email address has changed since you subscribed to Conservation Ecology you can update it with us by sending an e-mail message to: that contains the following lines in the body of the text: unsubscribe conservation-ecology subscribe conservation-ecology

Help us Test our Software

Our submission software is still under development. Conservation Ecology is looking for individuals to help us test the Beta version of our submission software and accompanying instructions. THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR PAPERS. If you are available to help test our software please subscribe to our Beta test list.

Send an email message to that contains the following line in the body of the text: subscribe beta if you would like to be added to our Beta test list.

Last Updated: December 21, 1995

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