M. Lucotte, A. Mucci, C. Hillaire-Marcel, P. Pichet and A. Grondin

Chaire de recherche en environnement Hydro-QuE9bec-CRSNG-UQAM ,Univ. du QuE9bec E0
MontrE9al, C.P. 8888, succursale Centre Ville, MontrE9al (QuE9bec) H3 C
3P8 Canada

     Extract from an article published in Water, Air and Soil Pollution,
     1995, 80: 467-476. Please refer to this article for graphs.
     The present study was undertaken to evaluate the level of mercury
     contamination of the QuE9bec boreal forest domain. Sediments were
     collected in the deepest part of ten remote lakes, distributed along
     a 10o of latitude transect on the Canadian Shield, extending from
     southwestern QuE9bec to eastern Hudson Bay. To complement the
     pristine environments, we collected cores from four lakes whose
     respective water levels were raised through impoundment of
     hydroelectric reservoirs (LG-2 and Cabonga, impounded 14 and 65
     years ago, respectively). For all sampled lakes, sedimentation rates
     fall within a narrow range of 0.1 to 0.3 cm/yr. Bioturbation by
     chironomids is responsible for sediment mixing in the top 2 to 6 cm.
     All Hg and Pb profiles are characterized by constant concentrations
     at depth. In the top 10-20 cm, Hg and Pb profiles follow the same
     trend and clearly show a dramatic increase in the flux of these
     metals to the sediment. Both Hg and Pb are only weakly susceptible
     to diagenetic remobilization in lake sediments, being strongly bound
     to refractory organic matter1, 2, 3, 4. Thus, the departure in Hg
     and Pb concentrations above background values may be interpreted as
     the record of the airborne contamination of the pristine lacustrine
     systems. In each sedimentary profiles, the age of the onset of
     contamination was calculated after subtracting the time required for
     the deposition of one mixed layer. We estimate that the uncertainty
     in the historical reconstructions of local contamination does not
     exceed ten years. Variations in absolute Hg and Pb baseline
     concentrations between lakes reflect dissimilar pre-industrial
     inputs of these metals from their respective drainage basins. The
     ratios of the surface to baseline Hg concentrations (Anthropogenic
     Sedimentary Enrichment Factor, ASEF) average 2.3 for all sampled
     lakes and are independent of latitude. In contrast, variations in
     the organic carbon content in any given lake sediment core are
     negligible, indicating that fairly stable sedimentary conditions
     prevailed over the period represented by the sampled interval.
     The sharp rise in the Hg deposition rate above background levels
     occurred, for all lakes situated north of 470 latitude, in the early
     1940's irrespective of latitude. This observation is consistent with
     what was reported for Hg and other metals in the sediments of
     undisturbed lakes of southern QuE9bec5, and for one headwater lake in
     Newfoundland1. The only exception to our recorded mid-1940's
     increase in Hg concentration was observed in the southernmost lake,
     Lake Lusignan. It corresponds to a change initiated ca. 1910 and may
     be attributed to the local influence of a small copper mine. In
     comparison, Hg accumulation records from the industrialized regions
     of Minnesota and Wisconsin show that the increased fluxes of Hg date
     back nearly 140 years6. Mercury concentrations in Finnish lake
     sediments2 and peat bogs of southern Sweden7 also started to rise
     dramatically at the turn of this century, as opposed to the 1960's
     for peat bogs of northwestern Norway7. Thus, anthropogenic Hg seems
     to have reached northern sites of North America and Europe at a
     later date. The reason for this variation may be attributed to their
     remoteness from industrial centers and their lack of exposure to
     short range fallout of particulate Hg.
     Although surface sediments in the two latitudinally extreme lakes
     contain the lowest and highest recorded Hg concentrations, neither
     the absolute Hg maximum surface concentrations, nor the Hg ASEF
     appear to be correlated with latitude. The influence of large
     regional inputs, such as from the mining area of Abitibi, between 48
     and 49 oN, could not be resolved either. The most noticeable
     difference between the sampled lake sediments is their organic
     matter content, Corg, which ranges from 3 to 25 % dry weight. Our
     13C measurements indicate that the Corg in the sampled lake
     sediments of southwestern QuE9bec is composed mainly of terrestrial
     material8,9. This observation attests to the oligotrophic nature of
     the 10 sampled lakes.
     The surficial sediment Hg anthropogenic enrichment concentrations
     (EHg, surface minus baseline concentrations) are directly
     proportional to their Corg (EHg 3D 12.3xC -23.8, r2 3D 0.932). These
     variables and the residuals from the least squares fits (7% of EHg)
     are strongly dependent of latitude. It is well documented that Hg
     forms stable complexes with organic matter10. As a matter of fact,
     several authors hypothesized that most Hg present in the water
     column11,12,13,14,15 or buried in the sediments16,14,6 of various
     natural lakes could be transported by surface runoff along with the
     outwash of terrestrial organic matter, in both dissolved and
     particulate forms. The strong relationship reported here between the
     allochthonous Corg concentration and the sediment EHg concentrations
     of the 10 oligotrophic lakes confirm the latter hypothesis. Sediment
     focussing in the deeper parts of a lake, however, would only help to
     amplify this relationship. The external loading of fine grained
     particles, including organic matter, to a lake is dependent upon the
     physiography (slope, drainage area : lake surface ratio) and the
     composition of the catchment (vegetation type, acidity of
     runoff)14,17,18. The local flux of carbon is then modulated by
     in-lake depositional processes.
     Our data reinforce previous findings6 from which it was postulated
     that the quantity of Hg brought to a lake is directly proportional
     to the amount of carbon leached from the surrounding soils,
     regardless of soil type. Calculated sedimentary fluxes of Hg range
     from 35 to 76 B5g/m2/yr, for all cored sites, which is systematically
     3 to 5 times higher than the direct atmospheric Hg deposition rates
     presently proposed for central North America19, 12, 20, 6. As
     indicated above, our estimated sedimentary fluxes may be
     overestimated because of particle focussing in the deeper parts of
     the lake where we sampled. Nevertheless, these high values
     corroborate our conclusions that most Hg found in these lake
     sediments must have been brought by the outwash of terrestrial
     organic matter.
     The relationship between EHg and Corg also holds true for sediment
     samples of lakes presently incorporated into the LG-2 and Cabonga
     hydroelectric reservoirs, where, respectively, 2-3 cm and approx 20
     cm of sediment has accumulated since impoundment. Thus, Hg inputs
     are directly related to the accumulation of organic matter, even if
     the latter has varied through time in response to a major change in
     the sedimentary regime following impoundment.
     In contrast to the Hg distribution patterns reported for the central
     U.S.21, southern Ontario22 and southern Scandinavia23, 24 , our data
     display no clear regional gradient in Hg ASEF or in sedimentary Hg
     concentrations once they are normalized to Corg. We can assume that,
     unlike previously cited reports of local or regional contamination,
     most of the anthropogenic Hg burden in sediments of our study area
     must have accumulated from gaseous Hgo or submicron aerosols which
     remain in the atmosphere for long periods of time, since it was
     deposited far from the direct influence of heavily industrialized
     regions. Thus, we propose that, away from major emission sources, Hg
     is deposited evenly over large continental expanses. Our results
     concur, but on a much wider latitudinal scale, with previous
     observations by Swain et al.6 who reported nearly uniform Hg
     atmospheric deposition over northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. They
     also imply that the anthropic origin of the airborne Hg in remote
     regions of northern QuE9bec cannot be clearly traced.
     As suggested by previous observations in QuE9bec and Ontario25, and
     like for Hg, most of the Pb found in lake sediments should also have
     been transported with the leaching of the terrestrial organic
     matter. The EPb values in the sampled lake sediments are indeed
     linearly correlated to the Corg content yet more poorly than for EHg
     values, particularly when data from the hydroelectric reservoirs are
     included (r2 3D 0.897). In contrast to Hg, the EPb concentrations
     normalized with respect to Corg decrease linearly with increasing
     latitude. Likewise, Pb-ASEF values decrease by more than one order
     of magnitude from the southernmost stations northward. This suggests
     that, in contrast to Hg, the atmospheric transport of anthropogenic
     Pb over remote areas of northern QuE9bec involves a particulate phase
     which is preferentially deposited close to the heavily
     industrialized regions south of the 46th parallel in North America.
     A similar decreasing gradient of anthropogenic Pb deposition away
     from industrialized regions was reported for southeastern Canada26
     and Sweden27.
     Over time, the spatially uniform and still increasing deposition
     rates of anthropogenic Hg over the boreal forest domain may lead to
     a generalized contamination of all natural aquatic ecosystems. So
     far, Hg contamination is most acute to organisms living in newly
     impounded hydroelectric reservoirs of northern QuE9bec as mercury
     transfer to the food chain is promoted by intense microbial and
     benthic activity in the Hg-laden flooded soils28, 4. We can only
     assume that a fraction of the mercury released in this manner is
     anthropogenic, and has slowly accumulated in the soils over the last
     half century. In addition, the return to pre-impoundment Hg
     concentrations in aquatic organisms will be delayed by the
     continuous deposition of atmospheric Hg over the reservoirs and
     their watersheds.
     1 Rybak, M., Rybak, I., Scruton, D.A.: 1989, Hydrobiologia 179,
     2 Verta, M., Tolonen, K., Simola, H.: 1989, Sci. Tot. Environm.
     87/88, 1-18.
     3 Dominik, J., Loizeau, J.-L., Favarger, P.-Y., Vernet, J.-P.,
     Thomas, R.L.: 1991, Heavy metals in the Environment. Elsevier,
     4 Louchouarn, P., Lucotte, M., Mucci, A., Pichet, P.: 1993, Can. J.
     Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50, 269-281.
     5 Ouellet, M., Jones, H.G.: 1982, Eau du QuE9bec 15, 356-368.
     6.Swain, E.B., Engstrom, D.R., Brigham, M.E., Henning, T.A.,
     Brezonik, P.L.: 1992, Science 257, 784-787.
     7 Jensen, A., Jensen, A.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 769-777.
     8 LaZerte, B.D.: 1983, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40, 1658-1666.
     9 Meili, M., Fry, B., Kling, G.W.: 1993, Verh. Internat. Verein
     Limnol. 25, 501-505.
     10 Lindqvist, O.(ed.): 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 55, 1-262.
     11 Iverfeldt, A., Johansson, K.: 1988, Verh. Internat. Verein.
     Limnol. 23, 1626-1632.
     12 Mierle, G. : 1990, Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 9, 843-851.
     13 Mierle, G., R. Ingram, R.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56,
     14 Meili, M.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 719-727.
     15 Lee, Y.H., Iverfeldt, A.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 309-321.
     16 Evans, R.D.: 1986, Archives Environ. Contamin. Toxicol. 15,
     17 Nelson, W.O., Campbell, P.G.C.: 1991, Environ. Poll. 71, 91-130.
     18 Rowan, D.J., Kalff, J., Rasmussen, J.B.: 1992, Can. J. Fish.
     Aquat. Sci. 49, 1431-1438.
     19 Glass, G.E., Leonard, E.N., Chan, W.H., Orr, D.B.: 1986, J. Great
     Lakes Res. 12, 37-51.
     20 Fitzgerald, W.F., Mason, R.P., Vandal, G.M.: 1991, Water Air Soil
     Poll. 56, 745-767.
     21 Nater, E.A., Grigal, D.F.: 1992, Nature 358, 139-141.
     22 Lathrop, R.C., Rasmussen, P.W., Knauer, D.R.: 1991, Water Air
     Soil Poll. 56, 295-307.
     23 Iverfeldt, A.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 251-265.
     24 Johansson, K., Aastrup, M., Andersson, A., Bringmark, L.,
     Iverfeldt, A.: 1991, Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 267-281.
     25 Rowan, D.J., Kalff, J.: 1993, Water Air Soil Poll. 66, 145-161.
     26 Evans, R.D., Rigler, F.H.: 1985, Water Air Soil Poll. 24,
     27 Johansson, K.: 1989, Water Air Soil Poll. 47, 441-455.
     28 Verdon, R., Brouard, D., Demers, C., Lalumi8re, R., Laperle, M.,
     Schetagne, R.: 1991,Water Air Soil Poll. 56, 405-417.

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