BIODIDAC: a repository of images for teaching biology


Is the home site for the BIODIDAC image collection. All material is freely available for teaching, non-profit purposes. Currently it contains material that roughly covers an introduction to zoology at the undergraduate level. Plant material is being developed.

More information below, and at the web site.

Le projet BIODIDAC                     The BIODIDAC project

 Finance par Patrimoine Canada par      Funded by Heritage Canada,
 l'entremise du Regroupement des        through the Regroupement
 universites de la francophonie hors-   des universites de la francophonie
 Quebec, le projet vise a produire du   hors-Quebec, the project aims at
 materiel numerique pour                producing digital material to
 l'enseignement de la biologie en       support the teaching of biology in
 francais.                              french.

 Ce materiel, pour l'instant des        This material, either digitised
 diagrammes et photographies            line drawings or photographs with
 interpretees et numerises, est mis a   labels and descriptions, is made
 la disposition des interesses. Il      available to all interested
 peut etre copie, modifie, integre      parties for copying and use in
 dans des notes de cours ou du          lecture notes, class presentations
 materiel multimedia a la condition     or development of multimedia
 que ce soit a des fins educatives et   material, as long as it is for
 non-commerciales. BIODIDAC possede     teaching purposes and that there
 les droits a ce materiel (ou a obtenu  is  no profit involved. The key
 des detenteurs des droits la           point is that BIODIDAC owns all
 permission de reproduire, modifier,    rights to the material (or has
 et distribuer)et permet son            obtained from the owner permission
 utilisation et sa distribution a des   to reproduce, modify, and
 fins educatives.                       distribute) and allow duplication
                                        and use for teaching.

 Le materiel verse a BIODIDAC est       Although the material placed in
 developpe en francais sur un           the database is developped in
 microordinateur MSDOS. cependant le    french on an MSDOS machine, the
 format choisi permet l'utilisation a   digital format will allow
 partir d'autres types d'ordinateurs.   conversion and translation to
                                        other languages. The material is
                                        usable on both MAC and MSDOS


 Au 8 janvier 1996, plus de 2200        As of Jan 8th, 1996, more
 elements ont ete verses a la banque    than 2200 elements have been posted
 et son accessible par le serveur ftp.  to the biodidac server. These
 ces elements peuvent etre regroupes    element fall in 4 categories:
 en 4 categories: des diagrammes noir   black and white line drawings,
 et blanc, des diagrammes couleur, des  coloured drawings, color photos,
 photographies, et des diagrammes et    and annotated photos and diagrams.
 photos annotes.

 Les diagrammes noir et blanc           Black and white diagrams are in
 respectent le standard GIF89a. Chaque  GIF files. Their size range from 5
 fichier occupe de 5 a 50k et contient  to 50k and their resolution is up
 des images ayant jusqu'a 1200x1200     to 1200x1200 pixels.
 pixels.                                Coloured diagrams use a maximum of
                                        16 colors from the standard
 Les diagrammes couleur sont aussi de   Microsoft Windows palette.
 format GIF89a et ne contiennets que
 16 couleurs de la palette standard de  Colour photos were digitized to
 Microsoft Windows.                     allow projection and have beed
                                        coulour reduced by optimizing a
 Les photographies ont ete numerisees   256 colour palette. They are also
 de maniere a permettre leur            in GIF files with resolutions of
 projection et contiennent jusqu'a 256  approximately 400x400 pixels.
 couleurs d'une palette optimisee.
 Elles sont dans des fichiers GIF       Interpreted and annotated diagrams
 egalement. leur resolution est de      and photos are Microsoft
 l'ordre de 400x400 pixels.             Powerpoint files. these are usable
                                        from both MSDOS and MacIntosh
 Les diagrammes et photos annotes       versions of PowerPoint. These
 respectent le format PPT de MicroSoft  files have been compressed using
 PowerPoint et peuvent etre utilises a  PKZIP to reduce disk space
 partir des versions Windows et         occupied and transfer times.
 MacIntosh de PowerPoint. les fichiers
 ont ete compresses et respectent le
 format PKZIP.

 Contactez Antoine Morin                Contact Antoine Morin
 ( si vous       ( for
 desirez des details supplementaires.   details.


Antoine Morin
Biologie, Universite d'Ottawa
30 Marie Curie, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1N 6N5
Visitez BIODIDAC (


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