ID: 65776
Title: Accelerating cropping intensity to feed ever-growing population in India
Author: Arbind K. Choudhary and Kumari Shubha
Editor: S.K.Satheesh
Year: 2024
Publisher: Current Science Association and Indian Academy of Sciences.
Reference: Current Science Vol. 126 (7) 756-758 10 April (2024)
Subject: Accelerating cropping intensity to feed ever-growing population in India
Keywords: None
Abstract: To ensure the food and nutritional security of the rapidly growing population in India, the advancement of cropping system productivity needs to be prioritized, as there is no option for horizontal growth of food production. Accelerating cropping intensity is visualized as the most viable option to enhance the crop’s total system productivity. With fast-maturing crop varieties, suitable crop husbandry and cropping systems, better soil and water management, farm mechanization and farmer-friendly policy support, cropping intensity can be increased substantially in both irrigated and rainfed ecologies of India.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1:
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ID: 65775
Title: Water management for peace and harmony
Author: Sharad K. Jain
Editor: S.K.Satheesh
Year: 2024
Publisher: Current Science Association and Indian Academy of Sciences.
Reference: Current Science Vol. 126 (7) 747-748 10 April (2024)
Subject: Water management for peace and harmony
Keywords: None
Abstract: Every year, 22 March is observed as World Water Day across the globe. Events are organized on this day to highlight the importance of fresh water and spread awareness about its sustainable management. Each year, a relevant theme is chosen by UN-Water (; the theme for 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’. The availability of water varies by place and time. Water is most beneficial when good quality water is present, at various times, in nearly the same quantity as needed. However, the distribution of water resources across the globe and the variability in their occurrence rarely matches the demands. Infrastructure is constructed and managed to match water availability with demands, subject to various constraints.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1:
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ID: 65774
Title: Last interglacial Arctic sea ice simulated by the latest generation of climate models
Author: Marie Sicard, A.M. de Boer and L.C. Sime
Editor: Matthew Chadwick, Karen E.Kohfeld, Amy Leventer, Anna Pienkowski, Heike Zimmermann and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Oct . 2022 Vol. 30 (2) 70- 71 (2022)
Subject: Last interglacial Arctic sea ice simulated by the latest generation of climate models
Keywords: Arctc sea, latest generation of climate models
Abstract: The Last interglacial (LIG,129-116 kyr before present (BP) is charcterized by a strong isolation forcing leading to an Arctic land summer warming of 4-5°C relative to the pre-industrial period 9Pl; Guarino et al.2020). The increase in surface temperatures has been associated with changes in Arctic sea ice potentially comparable in magnitude to those projected for the near future (Guarino et al 2020).
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Diamond R et al (2021) Cryosphere 15: 5099-5114. Eyring V et al. (2016) Geosci Model Dev9: 1937-1958.
Literature cited 2: Guarino M.V. et al. (2020) Nat Clim Chang 10: 928-932 Kageyama M et al (2021) Clim Past 17:37-62.

ID: 65773
Title: Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) as a new paleo proxy to investiagate organismal responses to past environemntal changes in Antarctica
Author: Linda Armbrecht
Editor: Matthew Chadwick, Karen E.Kohfeld, Amy Leventer, Anna Pienkowski, Heike Zimmermann and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Oct . 2022 Vol. 30 (2) 78- 79 (2022)
Subject: Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) as a new paleo proxy to investiagate organismal responses to past environemntal changes in Antarctica
Keywords: Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) , Antarctica
Abstract: Marine sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) is DNA from dead organism that have sunk from the ocean to the seafloor and been preserved there. Over time, layers of sedaDNA accumulate, forming a record of "who" has inhabited the ocean in the past, sedaDNA analysis is an interesting new paleo proxy because the genetic traces of organisms that do not fossilize can be detected.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Ambredcht L et al (2019) Earth-Sci Rev 196:102887 Ambredcht L et al (2022) Nat Commun 13:5787.
Literature cited 2: Barnes DKA et al (2006) Glob Ecol Biogeogr 15: 121-142. Bensi M et al (2022). Earth SystSci Data 14: 65-78.

ID: 65772
Title: Sea-ice An extraordinary and unique , yet fragile, biome
Author: Letizia Tedesco and Eric Post
Editor: Matthew Chadwick, Karen E.Kohfeld, Amy Leventer, Anna Pienkowski, Heike Zimmermann and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Oct . 2022 Vol. 30 (2) 76- 77 (2022)
Subject: Sea-ice An extraordinary and unique , yet fragile, biome
Keywords: Sea-ice, fragile, biome
Abstract: Sea ice is one of the largest biomes on our planet, covering an area up to 14 million km2 in the Arctic Ocean in March 2022 and up to 17 million km2 in the Southern Ocean last September. While Arctic and Antarctic Sea ice are similar in many facets, fundamental differences also affect in the type of sea-ice biome they are associated with.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Atkinson A . et al. (2019) Nat Clim Chang 9: 142-147. Biluhm BA et al (2017). In: Thomas DN (Ed) sea ice. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 394-414.
Literature cited 2: Fauchald P. et al. (2017). Sci Adv. 3, e 1601365 Forbes BC et al (2015) Bio Lett 12: 20160466.

ID: 65771
Title: Sea ice in the satellite era
Author: Walter N. Meier
Editor: Matthew Chadwick, Karen E.Kohfeld, Amy Leventer, Anna Pienkowski, Heike Zimmermann and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Oct . 2022 Vol. 30 (2) 70- 71 (2022)
Subject: Sea ice in the satellite era
Keywords: Sea ice, satellite era
Abstract: Indigenous populations have been exploring the Arctic environment since they arrived in the region thousands of years ago. Recorded observations of sea ice date to the time of the first European exploration of the polar regions, taken rom on the ice or from ships, as early as the 1600s.Antarctic observations are more recent, with little data before the early 1900s.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Cavalleri D. et al. (1984).Geophys Res89:5355-5369. Comiso JC et al (2017).Geophys Res 122:6883-6900.
Literature cited 2: Fetterer F et al (2017). Sea ice index, Version 3, National Snow and ice Data Center, Accessed 14 July 2022. Kacimi s, Kwok R (2022) Geophys Res Lett 49: e2021GL097448

ID: 65770
Title: Sea ice in the satellite era
Author: Walter N. Meier
Editor: Matthew Chadwick, Karen E.Kohfeld, Amy Leventer,Anna Pienkowski, Heike Zimmermann and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Oct . 2022 Vol. 30 (2) 70- 71 (2022)
Subject: Sea ice in the satellite era
Keywords: Sea ice, satellite era
Abstract: Indigenous populations have been exploring the Arctic environment since they arrived in the region thousands of years ago. Recorded observations of sea ice date to the time of the first European exploration of the polar regions, taken from on the ice or from ships, as early as the 1600s.Antarctic observations are more recent, with little data before the early 1900s.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Cavalleri DJ et al (1984) J Geophys Res 89: 5355-5369. Comiso JC et al (2017) J . Geophys Res 122 6883-6900
Literature cited 2: Fetterer F et al. (2017) Sea ice index, Version 3, National Snow and ice Data Center, Accessed 14 July 2022. Kacimi S, Kwok R (2022) Geophys Res Lett 49: e2021GL097448.

ID: 65769
Title: Challenges to forest restoration in an era of unprecedented climate and wildfire activity in Rocky mountain subalpine forests
Author: Phillip E.Higuera,S.Crausbay, B.Shuman and K.Wolf.
Editor: Daniele Colombaroli and Evan Larson
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes April . 2022 Vol. 30 (1) 30- 31 (2022)
Subject: Challenges to forest restoration in an era of unprecedented climate and wildfire activity in Rocky mountain subalpine forests
Keywords: forest restoration,unprecedented climate, wildfire activity,Rocky mountain subalpine forests
Abstract: Anthropogenic climate change is enabling increased fore activity across western North American forests by increasing fuel aridity (Abatzoglou and Williams 2016). Fire intensity and spread in dry fuels is more extreme, especially in high-wind conditions, evading fire control and often resulting in greater human and ecological impacts.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Abatzoglou JT, Williams AP (2016) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113: 11770-11775. Alizadeh MR et al (2021) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118: e2009717118.
Literature cited 2: Calder WJ et al (2015) Sci USA 112: 13261-13266. Calder W.J. Shuman B (2017) Ecology 8: 2585-2600

ID: 65768
Title: Understanding and enabling variability in wetlands
Author: Max-Finlayson and Peter Gell
Editor: Daniele Colombaroli and Evan Larson
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes April . 2022 Vol. 30 (1) 10- 11 (2022)
Subject: Understanding and enabling variability in wetlands
Keywords: Variability in wetlands
Abstract: The Ramsar Convention on wetlands has reported that national governments are having difficulty in meeting their obligation to maintain the ecological character of internationally important wetlands (Ramsar Sites and other wetlands in their territory (Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 2018; Convention on Wetlands 2021).This indicates a need to better understand the drivers of change in wetlands to inform management decisions, and to identify the trajectories of ecological change.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Alizadeh-Choobari o Et al (2016) Int. Clim 26: 4276-4286 Boon PI et al (2016) Mar Freshw Res 67:721-737.
Literature cited 2: Brooks SJ et al (2012) J Paleolimnol 47: 631-644. Cook PLM et al (2016) Biogeosci 13:3677-3686.

ID: 65767
Title: The value of long-term history of smal and fragmented old-growth forests of restoration ecology
Author: Walter Finsinger, E.Cagliero, D. Morresi, L.Paradis, M. Curovic,M.Garbarino, N.Marchi, F.Meloni,V.Spalevic, E.Lingua and R.Motta
Editor: Daniele Colombaroli and Evan Larson
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes April . 2022 Vol. 30 (1) 8- 9 (2022)
Subject: The value of long-term history of smal and fragmented old-growth forests of restoration ecology
Keywords: Forests of restoration ecology
Abstract: Primary and old-growth forests are of great value for sustainable forest Managment and restoration. By virtue of their structural and compositional complexity, they are highly biodiverse when compared with managed forests in the same ecological region, as they offer a variety of microhabitats such as large pieces of coarse, woody debris, providing shelter toa range of taxa.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Barredo Jl et al. (2021) Mapping and assessment of primary and old-growth forests in Europe Publications Office of the European Union, 42 pp. Bradshaw RHW, Zackrisson O (1990) J Veg Sci1: 519-528.
Literature cited 2: Cagliero E et al (2021). Veg Hist Archaeobot, doi: 10.1007/s00334-021-00862-x Finsinger W et al. (2017) Quat Sci Rev. 167:63-77.

ID: 65766
Title: Mutiple baselines for restoration ecology
Author: Sandra Nogue, L de Nascimento ,W.D. Gosling, N.J.D. Loughlin, E.Montoya and J.M. Wilmshurst
Editor: Daniele Colombaroli and Evan Larson
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes April . 2022 Vol. 30 (1) 4- 5 (2022)
Subject: Mutiple baselines for restoration ecology
Keywords: Restoration ecology
Abstract: The idea of using long-term ecological data to measure changes in biodiversity and to improve the effectiveness of conservation strategies has been widely discussed (Willis et al 2010; Nogue et al 2017).Importantly , the use of baselines, or reference conditions, has already been recognized in environmental policy such as in the conceptual framework for the 2019 intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) global assessment report, and the United Nation decade on ecosystem restoration (2021-2030).
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Bellingham PJ (2010) NZJ Ecol 34: 115-136. Bush MB et al. (2014) Restor Ecol 22:296-298
Literature cited 2: Cardenes JL (1998) Medio Ambiente Canarias 11: 15-16 Cuesta F et al (2019) Reg Environ 19: 1623-1642.

ID: 65765
Title: Modeling the climate of he last Glacial maximum from PM1P1 to PM1P4
Author: Masa Kageyama, A.Abe-Ouchi, T.Obase, G.Ramstein and P.J.Valdes
Editor: Paul J.Valdes, Pascale Braconnot, Katrin J. Meissner and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Nov. 2021 Vol. 29 (2) 80- 81 (2021)
Subject: Modeling the climate of he last Glacial maximum from PM1P1 to PM1P4
Keywords: Modeling the climate, Last glacial maximum , PMIP1 to PMIP4
Abstract: The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~21,000 years ago), a period during which the global ice volume was a t a maximum and global eustatic sea level at a minimum, inspired some of the first simulations of past atmospheric circulation and climates 9Gates 1976; Manabe and Broccoli 1985a; Manabe and Broccoli 1985b; Kutzbach and Wright 1985).Because of the extreme conditions during this period, the LGM was documented quite early, notably through the CLIMAP project (e.g CLIMAP Project Members 1981.).
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Abe-Ouchi A et al. (2015).Geophys Model Dev8:3621-3637. Argus DF et al. (2014).Geophys J Int 198:537-563.
Literature cited 2: Peltier WR et al. (2015) J Geophys Res Solid Earth 120: 450-487. Gates WL (1976) Science 191:1138-1144.

ID: 65764
Title: Paleoclimatic data synthese from the terrestrial realm: History and prospects
Author: Patrick J. Bartlein and Thompson Webb III
Editor: Paul J.Valdes, Pascale Braconnot, Katrin J. Meissner and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Nov. 2021 Vol. 29 (2) 70- 71 (2021)
Subject: Paleoclimatic data synthese from the terrestrial realm: History and prospects
Keywords: Paleoclimatic data synthese,terrestrial realm, history and prospects
Abstract: One of the basic tasks of PMIP ( and its predecessor studies) is the comparison of climate-model simulations with paleoenvironmental observations. This is motivated by the dual objectives of using the observations to "benchmark" or test the models, and using the physically based models to provide mechanistic explanations for he observed patterns in the data ( Braconnot et al 2012); Harrison et al 29015).These objectives have it turn motivated by the synthesis of paleoenvironmental data from both terrestrial and marine sources and their interpretation. Here we review some of the past terrestrial syntheses, and their evolution over time.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1: Bernado JC, Webb T iii (1977) Quat Res. 8: 64-96. Braconnot p et al. (2012) Nat Clim Change 2: 417-424.
Literature cited 2: Cleator SF et al. (2020). Clim Past 16: 699-712 Data:

ID: 65763
Title: Paleocimate modelling intercomparison project
Author: Paul J.Valdes, P.Braconnot and K.J.Meissner
Editor: Paul J.Valdes, Pascale Braconnot, Katrin J. Meissner and Sarah Eggleston
Year: 2022
Publisher: PAGES
Reference: Past Global Changes Nov. 2021 Vol. 29 (2) 63- 63 (2021)
Subject: Paleocimate modelling intercomparison project
Keywords: Paleocimate modelling intercomparison project
Abstract: Thirty years is a long time in science. New data leads to revisions of old theories, and new theories challenge interpretations. Thirty years is a particularly long time in climate research, with huge advances in our understanding and ability to predict climate change and its impacts. Throughout this time, the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) has been at the forefront of testing the latest generation of climate and Earth system models against paleoclimate data, acting as an important conduit between the paleodata community and the climate modelers involved in future projections.t has also acted as an important motivator of paleo database development, which is so essential for rigorous model-data comparisons.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
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ID: 65762
Title: Assessing BIM Value Impact
Author: Titas Roy
Editor: Sanjay Kumar
Year: 2022
Publisher: Sanjay Kumar
Reference: Geospatial Artha Vol. 1 (3) Sep-Oct 2022 page No. 30-33 (22)
Subject: Assessing BIM Value Impact
Keywords: BIM Value Impact
Abstract: By 2025, India is expected to be world's third largest construction market. It stands at the cusp of immense transformation spurred by infrastructural developments. The government plans to invest US $ 1.4 trillion on infrastructure projects to ensure sustainable development through the National infrastructure pipeline (nip) till 2023.
Location: T E 15 New Biology building
Literature cited 1:
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