Characteristics: 49 tree species  from central Western Ghats (Sirsi and Yellapur forests); Survival rate: 100%, Current number of tree species: 54

Prominent  Species:  Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth., Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss., Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb. ex DC.) Walp., Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy, Holigarna grahamii (Wight) Kurz, Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. and Syzygium laetum (Buch.-Ham.) Gandhi


About 1.65 – 1.75 hectares

Landscape characteristics before planting

Scrub vegetation infested with invasive weeds

Number of saplings

480 (belonging to 49 species)

Initial investment

Land preparation: Rs 12000
Transport of saplings from Uttara Kannada: Rs. 2400
Daily maintenance (regular watering, de-weeding, etc.) for the initial 36-40 months: Rs. 1,00,000 per year: Total Rs. 4,00,000
Fencing of miniforest region (to minimize external pressure): Rs 24500


  • Micro climate moderation (temperature at least 2 0C lower than the rest of the campus;
  • Rain water infiltration and groundwater recharge;
  • Improvement in groundwater table: The water table at this location was in the range of 60- 70 m depth before. The current level of water is at about 3 to 3.5 m below the ground. This indicates that land cover dynamics play a decisive role in recharging the groundwater sources. Other ecological benefits have resulted from creating the mini forest in the urban ecosystem are;


  • Improved campus microclimate with the reduced SO4 and Suspended Particulate Matter  (emissions of vehicles).
  • Carbon sequestration, fruit, fodder etc. to dependent biota;
  • Reduced surface water runoff
  • Temperature in the vicinity at least 2 ºC and mitigation of urban heat islands
  • Improved air quality
  • Aesthetic value, reduction of storm water runoff, energy saving
  • Infiltration of rainwater, groundwater recharge, flood control
  • Wide array of micro habitats;
  • Habitat for diverse fauna.
  • Recreation and oxygen rich regions for urban population.

Individuals responsible for implementing Mini Forest Project at IISc

Dr. T.V. Ramachandra, CES, IISc
Dr. Madhav Gadgil, CES, IISc
Dr. C J Saldanha, CES, IISc

Staff involved in the development of mini forest

Regular watering (40 months), weed removal at initial stages – Mr.Venkatiah, Mrs. Venkatalakshmi
Fencing, etc.: Raghavendra Rao, Manjunath B M, Venkatappa, Murugeshachar 

Land Allocation and Support

Dr. C N R Rao,  Director (1984-1994), IISc