What is an Energy and Environment Office ?

Ann Vikkelso, Copenhagen Environment and Energy Office Anders N. Andersen, chairman of Associated Energy and Environment Offices

An energy and environment office is a local association, which provides free, impartial information and guidance on energy conservation and utilization of renewable energy sources. At the same time the energy offices initiate many energy and environment activities in their local areas. Today there are 19 energy and environment offices in Denmark. 12 of these are subsidized by the Danish Energy Agency for their educational work on energy. Most of the offices employ one or more energy advisers, who are responsible for the daily work.

Figure 2.1 There exist 19 Danish energy and environment offices spread all over the country. The figures on the map refer to the address list in appendix 1.

The size of the local energy and environment offices ranges from 20 to 500 members. The members are, in addition to households, wind turbine cooperatives, cooperative building societies, firms, farms, folk high schools, etc. A smaller fraction of these are more closely connected to the office, and participate to some extent in the office activities.

The activities of the local energy and environment offices also depend very much on the location. The city offices are often involved in city ecology projects, as well as water saving and traffic planning are natural tasks. In the country a main work field is utilization of biomass. - And in West Jutland one of the more common tasks is establishment of wind turbine cooperatives, but also the rest of Denmark is catching up in that field.


An energy and environment office is usually started by a group of people in the local area, who gather and form an association with the common aim to promote environmentally friendly energy solutions. The initiators are mostly enthusiastic people who are already involved in energy and environment activities; but in this way they strengthen their work. The first energy and environment offices are more than 15 years old, while the newest has existed less than a year.

In the beginning the offices worked mainly with technical questions in connection with utilization of wind and solar energy. This was before fully developed products existed on the market, and every job was almost a small development project. But concurrently with the development of wind turbines, solar heaters, biogas plants, etc., the tasks of the offices have changed during the last years. The offices now work more with the interaction between all the different things that influence the energy consumption: domestic heat consumption, possibilities for electricity conservation, waste management, water savings, transport structure, etc. Put shortly Green Planning.

Therefore many of the offices have changed their name from Energy Office to Energy and Environment Office. The main task is still to inform on, and initiate renewable energy, which is the part of the work that gains subsidy for the time being. But this work is now connected to all the other factors in the planning that must follow, if it shall make any sense to aim at covering a larger part of the energy consumption by renewable energy.

The energy and environment offices have taken on a large task: to make the society function environmentally sustainable. A lot of resources are needed to make it happen - much more than are available today. Thus the Danish energy and environment offices work on establishing several Green Offices together with other Danish organizations dealing with energy and environment.

Local Connection

It is common for the energy and environment offices to have a local association with a board standing behind them. One of the most important tasks for the board is to give inspiration to, and initiate, local work. The energy advisers, who are easily buried in the extensive day-to-day work, need visionary partners. Furthermore the board has some more formal tasks, which are described in chapter 3.

Many offices have a background group or activists who support the daily work. They may give technical assistance to solve different problems, be responsible for the newsletter from the energy and environment office, etc. If this high degree of local involvement did not exist, it would be difficult to keep the energy and environment offices alive.

The energy and environment offices are strongly connected to other activities on energy and environment in their local area. For example West Zealand E;nvironment and Energy Office is located nearby an experimental Green City area. The area contains different buildings and other initiatives in the field of green planning, and shows how building and energy designs can be made with regard to future generations. The office has been involved in some of the projects in the area. Another office is neighbouring the Folkecenter for Renewable Energy. This location enables them to show demonstration plants and test plants, that are built at the place.

The energy and environment offices cooperate with other environmental groups in the neighbourhood. Likewise cooperation with local firms and tradesmen (e.g. plumbers who install solar heaters) is a natural part of the offices' work. Another important task is the cooperation with local politicians and authorities; and of course political work at local level to promote environmentally friendly energy solutions. - It is unfortunately not always the case that local politicians agree with us.

Energy and Environment Office Activities

The energy and environment offices use many methods in their work to promote renewable energy, energy savings, and other green solutions.

Free educational, information, and consultancy activities

Everybody is welcome to contact the offices, either personally or by phone during opening hours, with questions about everything related to renewable energy and energy savings. The energy adviser is often able to give an answer immediately, or has written material that is sent to people who apply.

The opening hours and staff at the individual offices depend on, if the office receives financial support, or the activities solely are based on subscriptions and voluntary work. The energy and environment offices that receive core funding from the Danish E;nergy Agency, employ an energy adviser and have fixed opening hours.

The offices answer all inquiries. If the individual office can not answer on the spot, it is in contact with other energy and environment offices and other competent persons it can lean on. So in most cases the answer can be found within a few days.


The energy and environment offices often organize exhibitions in the local area. Most energy and environment offices have carried out solar energy campaigns together with local plumbers.


Public lectures, debates, conferences, and meetings, are other methods the energy and environment offices use to disseminate information. They can either take place at the office, or a representative from the office visits a school or a meeting hall, and gives a lecture; for example on solar heating, wind power, or low energy building. These meetings are advertised in the daily newspapers.

Publication of a newsletter, books, magazines, booklets, etc. The energy and environment offices stay in contact with their members through a local newsletter, that is issued four to six times a year.

Presentation of plants and demonstration houses Many energy and environment offices arrange open house days once or several times a year, where it is possible to visit wind turbine cooperatives, biogas plants, a family with a solar collector on the roof, plants for collection of rainwater, etc.

Resource audit of the house

Members of the association can have a visit from an energy adviser, who examines the house. Based on the audit, the energy adviser will recommend electricity, heat, and water saving measures, e.g. installation of renewable energy plants, recycling, etc. See also chapter 4.


The energy and environment offices also spend some time on teaching in primary schools, adult education centres, day classes, etc. The education can be either on a specific topic, or in general on renewable energy and various environmental conditions.

Demonstration plants, plus research and development projects

The energy and environment offices act as initiators and consultants in larger projects. But the extent of these activities is very dependent on which skills the active members of the individual association have.


Some energy and environment offices undertake paid consultancy, by virtue of specially qualified staff, either employees or in the background group. They take part in realizing different types of renewable energy projects - e.g. large wind turbine projecs, biogas plants, or building renovation. But in the majority of cases, the role of the energy and environment offices is to promote and bring the ideas into effect. The practical implementation is thereafter done by local tradesmen, or for larger projects by a consulting engineer.

The Energy Adviser

Most energy and environment offices have a permanently employed energy adviser. She is responsible for the daily management of the office. In addition her work is to give free and unbiased advice - mainly to private people - on supply of renewable energy sources, and energy saving measures, etc. But also institutions can of course approach the office.

The energy adviser has usually acquired her knowledge through active involvement in development and implementation of renewable energy plants. She is experienced in information search and hearing of authorities, and has often a technical, trades, or other similar background. In addition the energy advisers have completed some courses on renewable energy, and they currently follow in-service courses and other technical cooperation organized by Associated Energy and Environment Offices.

An energy adviser can not be expert in all fields. But the expertice at the individual energy and environment office does not only depend on her, but also on the background group. If there are special requirements that can not be met by the energy adviser or the background group, contact can be made to another energy and environment office with expertice in the specific field.


1. Energi ska' der til, energikontorsavisen (Energy is a must, the energy office paper). Information paper published by Associated Energy and Environment Offices, 1992.

3. Organizational structure of an energy and environment office

Anders N. Andersen, chairman of Associated Energy and Environment Offices.

Regulations of the Association

There are good reasons to remember that articles are not made to regulate the cooperation between the members of the association during good times. As long as everybody gets along, the need for regulations is very limited. The right solutions can be found through discussions. But when problems appear, e.g. in a situation that a staff member has to be fired, one of the members harms the good name of the association, or there are economical problems, then it is important to have thoroughly made articles that precisely describe how to solve the problems. Beneath is described what needs to be in the articles.

It is fine to start a local energy and environment office without precise articles. But as long as the articles do not bother the daily work, there may be good reasons to prepare for bad times where it is relevant to have clear and precise articles.

The Purpose of the Association

The purpose of the association must be that precise, that people who join the association are sure they meet others who are working toward the same goal.

In the articles for the energy and environment offices it is stressed; to promote the change-over of energy supply to renewable energy? and to promote the change-over to a sustainable development that considers the ecological balance.

Another main purpose is that the association's work must be impartial. For example when renewable energy is promoted, it will often involve installation of energy plants. But an energy and environment office is not only a sales office for a certain manufacture. The local citizens must be sure that advice from their energy and environment office are not caloured by money from manufacturers. The activities of the energy and environment offices will of course often result in extra work to manufacturers of energy and environment devices, but it must never be doubted that the energy and environment office is the consumers' advocate in cases with possible conflicts of interests.


In the article on members it is pointed out that the annual subscription must be paid in time, before one is considered to be valid member with rights, e.g. to vote at general meetings.


In one of the first articles it is stated that members of the association are not personally liable for any debt of the association. This statement is important, as it may keep many away from taking part in the activities of the association, if there is a risk, that they personally can loose a considerable amount of money through their participation in the activities.

General Meeting

The general meeting is the highest authority of the association.

There is one ordinary general meeting every year. There may be a need for additional general meetings. The articles clarify who is entitled to call a general meeting, and which time limits that hold good the call.

The general meeting can not make decisions on matters, that are not on the written agenda, which has been sent out. This is a good rule, that enables the members to assess, if the items on the agenda are that important, that they want to participate. It also gives the members a chance to prepare for the general meeting.

Proposals on changing the article and not be carried with a small majority. To change the articles at least 2/3 of the attending members must vote for it. The articles of the association must be difficult to change, so they form a steady basis for the daily work in the association.

Day-to-day Management

It is stated in the articles, that the general meeting elects the board, and the day-to-day head is employed by the board. It is a good idea, that only half of the board members come up for election every year, in order to establish continuity in management. To some degree, this also secures against coupe. E.g. if a non-representative minority of the association turns out in strength at a general meeting, this minority can in principle take over the association at the general meeting. When only half of the board is changed, it secures against a total takeover.

The day-to-day head must follow the guidelines and recommendations given by the board. And the day-to-day head can not make decisions, that are extraordinary or of great importance for the association.

The association is bound by agreements entered by the day-to-day head or the chairman together with another member of the board.


The auditor must not be dependent on the people, that are regularly at the energy and environment office.

Expulsion of Members

It is very seldom necessary to expel a member from the association. But there ought to be rules for, how to manage the situation, if it appears. One way, is to have rules on that members, who to considerable extent act against the purpose of the association, can be expelled by the general meeting.

It is natural that the day-to-day head or the board can not expel a member, the expulsion can solely be effected by the general meeting. If the board was allowed to have expulsion right, the theoretical situation could be, that the board expelled its general meeting, which is contradicting that the general meeting is the highest authority of the association.

Closure of the Association

There must be a considerable majority, to close down the association. But if it is finally decided to close down the association, there ought to be rules stating, that any property of the association does not just go to the last members, but goes to organizations that are working for the same goals as the association on a non-commercial basis. This also removes a possible reason for new members to wish to take over the association.

Generally on Change of Articles

As mentioned before, it takes a vast majority to change the articles. But there is in general, according to Danish practice of rules for associations, a tradition to give the minority of the members considerable protection, also if the protection is not directly stated in the articles. Amongst other things this means that there are some changes of articles, which can never be carried out, even if they are decided by a sufficiently large majority. A Danish lawsuit, started by an injured minority, will in many cases overrule the change of articles. Minority protection might be evident in cases, where a change of the articles was suddenly made, so that a few persons are liable of the association's debt, or some of the members lost their right to vote at the general meeting.

General Meeting

General meeting is the place, where members of the association can most directly influence the activities of the association.

General meeting is the highest authority of the association, and it is at the general meeting, the board is appointed, and through this get the legitimacy to act on behalf of the association.

It is important that as many members as possible show up at the general meeting, and the board will often arrange open house or lectures on topical energy and environment questions, to make it more interesting to participate in the general meeting.

It is important that the general meeting is carefully planned, and goes off in a way that is acceptable for the members. The chair person has a decisive role in getting through the general meeting. The chair person's tasks are described beneath. Written votes are used to make decisions, when there is no consensus.

The Chair Person's Task

It is crucial that the chair person is the general meeting's man. The chair person is considerably responsible for, that the decisions supported by the majority, also are the decisions that are finally adopted.

The chair person has considerable influence on how the general meeting goes off, and it is therefore decisive that a qualified chair person is chosen. The demands to a chair person include amongst other things:

  1. Knowledge on the association's regulations and any rules of procedure.

  2. Best possible knowledge on the topics, that will be discussed.

  3. Impartiality in all decisions. Even though the chair person is chosen by the majority, he is also the protector of the minority.

  4. Best possible knowledge of the association's members.

After the chair person is chosen he must:

  1. 1. State that the general meeting is legally called. If there are shortcomings, he will announce them, and the consequences of carrying the general meeting through under these conditions. Thereafter he will ask for the meeting's support to carry the general meeting through anyway.

  2. State that the general meeting forms a quorum. 3. Read out the agenda.


If there will be a vote on a concrete proposal, which either can be adopted or rejected, then most people will feel that, if a simple majority vote in favour of the proposal, then the proposal is adopted.

The task gets at once more difficult, when the board has to be elected. It is important that the board represents all members. The election of the board must fulfil the following claims:

  1. The candidates, which the majority of the association's members prefer, shall be elected.

  2. A minority of a certain number must have the possibility to be represented in the board.

  3. All members and substitutes of the board must be appointed in one and the same round.

  4. The voting system must be easy to explain.

It is important that the board is elected democratically and representatively. The claim on representation also of minorities will probably be met by sympathy by most members. If 5 members will be elected for the board, then 1/5 of the members of the energy and environment office should be able to have their favourite candidate elected for the board.

If the meeting is ready to vote many times, then more fair and democratic procedures for the vote can be figured out. But there are often many questions on the agenda, so it is important to limit the vote to one or two rounds.

The Board

It is an ongoing task of the board to lay down guidelines and instructions, which the day-to-day head has to follow. Furthermore the board plays an important role as initiator of activities. The day-today head can not make decisions that are extraordinary or of great importance for the association, such decisions have to be made by the board.

In general the tasks of the board can be summarized:

  1. The board must secure that the activities of the association are within the association's purpose.

  2. The board must secure that regulations of the association are respected.

  3. The board must secure that regulations of the association are currently updated.

Responsibilities of the Board

The board of a Danish energy and environment office has moral responsibility to inspect that no irregularities are committed in the daily work. Irregularities at one energy and environment office may result in bad reputation of other energy and environment offices, and thereby make their work difficult.

In addition to moral responsibility, there may also be an economic responsibility in two cases.

Fraud: The board can be held personal responsible for fraud by the day-to-day head, if it can be proved that the board has neglected its supervising duty.

Violation of existing law: When the existing law is violated, they can be fined. There are several possibilities. The association can be fined, the day-to-day head can be fined, the association can be fined, or some combination of these. In all cases the fine has to be paid by the one, who is fined. Thus the board cannot pay personal fines with money from the association, whether they have known about the violation or not.