4. Design approach

The design of the regional energy system involves finding the quantities of various energy resources required per year and the capacities of devices that minimise the total cost per year.

Let ‘M’ be the number of resources used/considered to perform ‘N’ tasks and ‘D’ be the number of devices.

X1 = quantity of fuel wood/year
X2 = quantity of biogas/year
X3 = quantity of wind
X4 = quantity of solar energy (thermal + PV module)
X5 = quantity of hydroelectric energy (micro/mini/small and dam option at Unchalli of Aghnashini and Magod of Bedthi river)
X6 = electricity from Karnataka Electricity Board
X7 = quantity of kerosene distributed in the district per year
X8 = quantity of petroleum products

Each of the resources listed above may be used for more than one task, through various devices.
Thus, Xijk is the portion of Xi required for jth task through kth devices.

Energy equivalents: The energy equivalents of the various resources computed are denoted by ‘‘Ri’’:

For e:g:; Ei Ό RiXi                                 (2)

and Ei jk Ό RiXi jk                                 (3)

i = 1, R1 is the energy equivalent of fuel wood per tonne (5112.8 kWh/t),

i = 2, R2 is the energy equivalent of biogas in kWh per cubic meter (5.55 kWh/m3),

i = 3, R3 is the annual rotating mechanical energy output of wind turbines in kWh/m2 of swept area,

i = 4, R4 is the annual thermal energy collected by solar thermal collector in kWh/m2,

i = 5, R5 is the potential energy stored in water in kWh/m3,

i = 6, R6 is the energy equivalent of electricity supplied through grid (=1),

i = 7, R7 is the energy equivalent of kerosene (8690.717 kWh/kl),

i = 8, R8 is the energy equivalent of petroleum products (9585.35 kWh/kl).

     The regional energy planning design problem involves means to meet the increasing demand for energy of the region from various resources, with the objective of minimisation of total cost and the constraints associated with various resources and loads to be supplied. Thus, this involves design of total annual cost function and the constraint equations.