
The flowchart for navigating DSS is given in Figure 3. An executable file is provided for this application and by executing, a security form is displayed that allows user to enter password. Figure 4 shows the login security form. Menu options (File, Edit, GIS, Analysis, Forecast) are displayed after the successful login.

Edit menu option allows user to enter data for energy and category. Figure 5 shows energy entry and the import file option allows user to enter data form existing database. User has to specify the source and target database names. Category data entry form is shown in Figure 6.

Analysis menu option can be used to view category and energy analysis details. Figure 7 gives the energy analysis at district, division, taluk, substation and feeder levels. Figure 8 shows category wise analysis details such as number of installations, total connected load and energy consumption details. Electricity distribution data compiled for Kolar district is used for implementation and validation of DSS.

Figure 9 shows the calculations of energy consumption for district, division, taluk, substation and feeder wise for selected category and year. Graphical representation of energy consumption for selected year and month is illustrated in Figure 10.

GIS menu option allows user to find the shortest route between two selected nodes. Figure 11 shows the shortest route for selected nodes. Figure 12 illustrates the shortest route for Chintamani taluk.

Forecast menu option allows user for computing future consumption for selected years district, division and taluk wise. Figure 13 shows the predicted value. Figure 14 shows the graphical representation of electricity consumption for selected years.

Figure 3. Navigation of DSS

Figure 4. Login screen

Figure 5. Energy data entry with import database option

Figure 6. Category data entries in edit option

Figure 7. Energy analysis screen

Figure 8. Category analysis details

Figure 9. Calculations of energy consumption

Figure 10. Graphical representation of energy consumption

Figure 11. Shortest route for selected nodes


Figure 12. Shortest route for Chintamani taluk


Figure 13. Forecast menu option

Figure 14. Graphical representation of electricity consumption for selected years
