
                     WaterFowl Census and Monitoring              Status and Socio-economic Aspects of Wetlands


1.          Wetzel, R.G. and E. Likens, 1979. Limnological Analyses. Second Edition, W.B.Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

2.          APHA, 1995. Standard Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater. Sixteenth Edition.

3.          NEERI, 1988. Water and Wastewater analysis – Manual. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

4.          Ramachandra, T.V., Rajasekara Murthy, C. and Ahalya, N., 2001. Restoration of Lakes and Wetlands – Proceedings of Lake 2000, CES Technical Report 87, CES, Bangalore.

WaterFowl Census and Monitoring                                                                                        Status and Socio-economic Aspects of Wetlands