Distance Education


"Distance education is a planned learning that normally occurs in a different place from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course design, instructional techniques, methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as organizational and administrative arrangements"

With the advance and affordability of communication technology, buzz words like distance education web based learning have become reality. At CCE we are aware that higher education process will have to adopt the new communication mode to facilitate efficient exchange of knowledge in the virtual classroom.

All distance education courses at CCE involve an on-line component - moderate, intermediate, full and may include the following learning tools and course materials in their delivery: CDs, course notes, reading packages, course texts, a course syllabus and schedule, an on-line calendar, quizzes/tests, learning activities, assignments, midterms/finals, companion Web sites, labs, live chat sessions, asynchronous bulletin board exchanges, and miscellaneous materials.

Distance Education: Environmental Engineering Courses

Rapid industrialisation of developing countries has led to a shortage of engineering personnel at all levels. This shortage is felt both in the industrial sector and in the provision of infrastructure. Recognising this need, the Commonwealth of learning, Canada, examined new methods for the teaching of Engineers in Collaboration with the Centre for Ecological sciences, Indian Institute of Science. This resulted in the launching of a project (in 2000) to prepare a COL-IISC Series of learning Materials in Engineering Sciences.

Furthermore, several UN conferences, including the 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development, have stressed the need for sustainable development. Since engineers playa key role in the process of development, the World Federation of Engineering Organisations came up with its proposal for the World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development. This necessitated the development of Environmental engineering Courses in Self learning Format, so that Courses could be thought taking advantages of recent developments in Information Technologies (in DE Mode)

Target Groups:

These courses are directed at practising professionals (in service professionals), engineers and technologists, in India, South Asia and the developing countries in the Commonwealth, who are all involved in environmental management in some form. The treatment therefore is not deeply technical or mathematical. In other words, building on their exisiting repertoire of skills base, through this project the target groups will be exposed to the new knowledge that is available in the field.

Courses Offered:

The courses developed in self-learning materials (SLM) for continuous professional development of engineers and the institutions are:

  • Environmental Management

These courses in self-learning materials will enable learners to develop an understanding of:

    (1) The need for assessment and control of environmental impacts from development and production, the history of such procedures, and the multi-disciplinary approaches required.

    (2) Basic assessment techniques, and their application in life cycle analyses, environmental impact statements, environmental audits and economic assessments; and

    (3) specialised aspects of studies such as risk analysis and public participation and the techniques of environmental design.

Each of the SLM version of the courses comply with high quality standards and include a tutor's guide. A comprehensive list of references (and suggested reading) is provided at the end of each course to enable the learners to pursue relevant further reading. The methodology involved thorough course packaging (i.e., development, design and materials production).

Course Authors:

Environmental management

Dr. T. V. Ramachandra

Entrance Requirements:

Working professionals with BSc/ BE/ MSc background.

Programme Flow:

Two/three days face to face discussion during the course and last two/three days field visit (depends on the course) and an on campus final examination, and in between only online study through internet and interaction with course faculty by chat sessions or internet dissucussion forms.

Course Overview:

    Environmental Management

    Overview: Environmental management is the most common word heard in recent times (in the 21st century) but a logical and comprehensive discussion and implementation is often hampered by the methods adopted by different individuals who belong to different disciplines and hence it has become very difficult to divide the real from the imaginary. In this Course, Environmental Management, we will discuss various issues related to environmental management, with special emphasis on the Indian scenario. In Unit 1, you will learn the fundamentals of ecosystem and environmental management. The various environmental policies, legislations and international treaties that have been formulated till date are discussed in Unit 2. In Units 3 and 4, you will learn concepts of environmental impact assessment and the preparation of environmental impact assessment report respectively. This is followed by a discussion on methodology and processes of environmental auditing in Unit 5. In Unit 6, we will introduce you to life cycle assessment, which is used as an environmental management tool. You will learn the various environmental management system standards in Unit 7 of the Course. Unit 8 will deal with related issues and techniques in environmental management. In Units 9 and 10, we will discuss environmental design and economics respectively.

Duration of the course:

4 months

CCE Plans to offer these internet based courses (Distance Education, Web Based Education & Competence Based Education) shortly.

Keep watching this space for a sample course and for more information on internet based courses.

Contact Information:

Mailling Address Centre for Contiuning Education
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012, INDIA

