Slovakia Precipitation data Data set provided by: Helena Mitasova Jaro Hofierka 2004 Updated: 1/2006 ----------------------------------------------------------- Quick tour: The map 'dem500' is used for a DEM. There is a 3D file 'precip3d.500z50' that can be used for isosurfaces and cross-sections. Start: a) nviz el=dem500 Then load the volume (Panel -> Volumes -> New). b) simplified: nviz el=dem500 vol=precip3d.500z50 Visualization: You can visualize the volume as - one or many isosurfaces representing identical values within the volume; or - one or many profiles. To see the isosurfaces, use values between 600 and 1300 (e.g. 700 and 1000 with transparency of approx. 100 and a third isosurface 1300 with no transparency). Select "Add" in the "Volumes" menu, then "700" as "New constant", the same for "1000" and "1300" (mm/year). Now set the polygon resolution to 3 or less (note that for resolution 1 you may need to wait a little depending on your machine's speed) to render the volume. Finally click on "Draw" or move the puck. You should get something like this: Last changed: $Date: 2006/01/24 12:52:06 $