Sustainable Development - Listservs

This list of electronic mailings related to sustainable development.

List of Listservs

Listservs Details CSF (Communications for a Sustainable Future) is a server at the University of Colorado (USA) dedicated to the sustainability issue through web sites and discussion lists. CSDGEN was set up by the NGO Steering Committee for the Commission on Sustainable Development to strengthen communications in preparation for the Five Year Review of the CSD that will take place in 1997. There are plans to set up lists for various working groups in the near future to focus on specific substantive issues. BIOREGIONAL is an unmoderated list hosted by Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF) at the University of Colorado (USA). The purpose of this list is to provide a forum to exchange ideas and suggestions about bioregionalism across bioregional boundaries -- a place for "global to meet local." ECOFEM is an unmoderated list hosted by Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF) at the University of Colorado (USA). It is forum in which a variety of viewpoints concerning women and the environment may be discussed. TRADEDEV is a mailing list for the distribution of BRIDGES, a new publication of the International Centre on Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) ( providing a weekly digest of trade-related press articles and information relevant to the environment and development communities. BALLERINA-L is a forum for announcements, inquiries and discussions on questions of environment, natural resources, and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. BIOSPH-L is a moderated list concerned with anything relating to the biosphere, pollution, CO-2 effect, ecology, habitats, climate, or any other factors exerting an influence of some kind on the biosphere. The Community Economic Development Centre ( at Simon Fraser University administers ced-network, an unmoderated discussion list for anyone interested in trends, opportunities and changes in community economic development This list is intended to provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and future direction of alternative energy sources that are renewable and sustainable. The list will serve as a forum for discussion of the multidisciplinary aspects of conservation biology and sustainable development. The purpose of the CONSGIS list is to foster communication among persons interested in using GIS technology for the conservation of biodiversity. This list covers a wide range of issues and topics related to technology transfer in international development. Revelent topics such as sustainable agriculture, women in development, the environment, etc. DNN-L (Develop Net News) offers services related to sustainable agriculture, food processing, renewable energy applications, water sanitation and supply, small enterprise development, and information management. Earth Council initiatives the Rio+5 and Earth Charter Consultation processes and to support and empower people in building a more secure, equitable and sustainable future. The discussion topics include: sustainability, the role of economic growth, free trade and the environment, and the role of multilateral economic institutions in the sustainability of the development process. ECO-MAN will serve as a forum to exchange facts, announcements, information sources, ideas, critique and advocacy related to Manitoba ecosystems, environmental quality and sustainable development. Coverage areas include: Air Quality, Biotechnology, Conservation, Ecotourism, Energy, Financial Reports & Contracts, Forest Management, Green Marketing, Hazardous Materials, Health, Land Use, New Technology, Pollution, Public Utilities, Recycling, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Wildlife Protection. Florida Center for Understanding Sustainability (FICUS) is to produce a quality multimedia educational resource and communication forum that integrates issues relating to development, ecosystems, and conservation under a common theme of sustainability. The Global Knowledge for Development (GKD) List, moderated by the Education Development Centre, provides an ongoing forum for discussion of a range of issues related to the role of knowledge and information as tools of sustainable development. GREEN-TRAVEL is a moderated list dedicated to the sharing of information about sustainable (culturally and environmentally responsible) travel and tourism worldwide, including eco-tourism and adventure travel. The discussion topics include, the role of community involvement in using indigenous knowledge for sustainable development, the use of indigenous knowledge in sustainable development and related topics. INVEST-SD is a listserv catering to those with a basic knowledge of investment law and sustainable development issues. Experts will also find the listserv valuable as a source of news, articles and analysis. The purpose of listserv is to share ideas and information about networking sustainable agriculture information. The list also includes recent issues of APIS; Sustainable Agriculture News; PANUPS, the newsletter from the Pesticide Action Network; the AOSA Network Electronic Digest; and a list of AFSIC publications. It is a forum aimed at those with an interest in sustainable development issues in the Middle East, with special reference to Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) ( hosts SUSAG-NEWS, which includes bi-weekly news bulletins, Sustainable Agriculture Week and Food Safety Week. SUSTAG-L is a moderated discussion group whose purpose is to provide a forum for calm and courteous discussion of the scientific, economic, social, and spiritual principles needed as a basis for sustainable agricultural systems. It is a forum for discussion and the exchange of information, ideas, expertise, and insights on how to work together to build strong Northwest communities, sustain the economy, ecology and culture. TOES (The Other Economic Summit) promotes "an economics as if people mattered".... economics which incorporate the sustainable use of natural resources and the productive engagement of all people in the development of their communities and societies. The list is intended to assist governments, NGOs, environmentalists and scientists in the acquisition of waste-related information as well as serving as an informative arena on the many different worldwide techniques of conditioning, recycling and reusing wastes. This list, maintained by the International Coalition for Development Action (ICDA) broadcasts daily, reprinting news items and notices relevant to the WTO and sustainable development.

If you are new to electronic mailing lists:

Most electronic mailing lists are interactive discussion groups conducted by electronic mail, although some are announcements only. Anyone who has access to e-mail can use this system, which is a convenient way to exchange ideas and information globally. Any member of a list can send e-mail messages addressed to the list, which the server will forward to all other members of the list. Some lists are moderated, which means that a person reviews each message before it is sent to all other members to ensure that the message is on topic and to prevent junk e-mail (spams) and personal attacks (flames). There are thousands of different lists, each containing users who share particular interests.

Since there are several different types of mailing list software (listserv; majordomo; listproc; mailbase; and almanac) specific commands for subscription, etc. may differ. However, in every case, a list of available commands can be obtained using the command "help". To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to the address (Listserv) given in the table below. Leave subject line blank and write: 'subscribe list-name [Your Name]' (without quotes or square parentheses) in your message; eg. subscribe ae jane doe
