Government Departments

Indian Government Ministries



The Ministry of Environment & Forests is the nodal agency in the administrative structure of the Central Government, for the planning, promotion, co-ordination and overseeing the implementation of environmental and forestry programmes. The Ministry is also the Nodal agency in the country for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries , set up in July 1988, is the main central agency of the Government responsible for developing a strong and vibrant food processing sector; with a view to create increased job opportunities in rural areas, enable the farmers to reap benefit from modern technology, create surplus for exports and stimulating demand for processed food.

Government of India established Department of Ocean Development in 1981 with an aim of creating a deeper understanding of the oceanic regime of the northern and central Indian ocean and also development of technology and technological aids for harnessing of resources and understanding of various physical, chemical and biological processes.

The Ministry of Rural development implies both the economic betterment of people as well as greater social transformation. In order to provide the rural people with better prospects for economic development, increased participation of people in the rural development programmes, decentralization of planning, better enforcement of land reforms and greater access to credit are envisaged.

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the Nodal Ministry for overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes of development for Scheduled Tribes.

The Ministry of Urban Development putting sustained effort towards sustainable urban development.

The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region was set up in September 2001 to act as the nodal Department of the Central Government to deal with matters pertaining to socio-economic development of the eight States of North East i.e. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim.

The Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources involve in developing renewable energy sources for clean and sustainable development.

The Ministry of Power is concerned with perspective planning, policy formulation, processing of projects for investment decision, monitoring of the implementation of power projects, training and manpower development and the administration and enactment of legislation in regard to thermal, hydro power generation, transmission and distribution.

The Ministry of Water Resources is responsible for laying down policy guidelines and programmes for the development and regulation of country's water resources.

The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation is responsible for the formulation and implementation of National policies and programmes aimed at achieving rapid agricultural growth through optimum utilization of the country's land, water. Soil and plant resources.

Indian State Government Departments

The Department of Environment & Forests is the nodal department in the administrative structure of Andaman & Nicobar Administration for planning, formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for conservation, protection, and management of the forests and wildlife in the territory.
The mission of Andhra Pradesh Forest Department is poverty alleviation through sustainable forestry.
The Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration was established in the year 1990 for eco-regeneration protection and conservation of natural resources and to prevent environment degradation in the union Territory of Chandigarh.
The principal activities undertaken by the department Forest Department of Chhattisgarh consists of conservation of flora, fauna, forest and wildlife, afforestation of degraded forests, natural regeneration of forests, management of forest products in the framework of current policy and legislative environment.
The Department of Environment, Delhi has been assigned responsibility of improving the overall Environmental Quality in Delhi. The Department is actively engaged in overall environmental assessment, monitoring, protection and awareness raising among the people of Delhi.
The survival of human race depends on sustainable usage of natural resources. Delhi Forest Department shares the concern of people over increasing pressure of urbanization on the forest cover of Delhi and seeks to educate and sensitize and bring the masses close to the vision of bringing back the glory of past.
Goa Forest Department , manage the forests including wildlife of the State scientifically, afforestation of degraded forest areas including soil conservation measures, socio-economic development of villages in and around forests, employment generation especially in rural and remote areas.
Gujarat Forest Department is entrusted with the prime responsibility of protection, conservation and development of the forests and wildlife of the state.
The Forests & Environment Department in the Government of Gujarat has environment wing and forest wing. The main mandate of the Department is to achieve the sustainable development in the State and introducing the sound environmental management practices.
Himachal Pradesh Forest Department looks forward to a sustainable future.
The main activities of the Karnataka Forests Department are, t o protect, conserve and promote sustainable development of the forests of the State and to promote tree based farming in support of soil and water conservation on agricultural lands.
Department of Forest & Wild Life of Kerala promoting conservation of bio-diversity and arrest the degradation of forest land, improve productivity of wood and non timber forest produces from Forest and non-forest lands, and improve the living condition of local people residing in and around forest area.
The Lakshadweep, Department of Environment and Forest , ever since its establishment has been striving to preserve the ecology and educate the populace through different schemes like Environment Protection and Awareness, Scientific Management of Bio-degradable and Non bio-degradable wastes and Corals, Wildlife & Lagoon Conservation.
Forest Department of Madhya Pradesh, protect and conserve the forest resources in Madhya Pradesh through sustainable forest management, enhance biodiversity, conserve soil and water resources, enhance forest productivity using modern scientific tools, etc.
The mission of Maharashtra State Forest Department is “to activate the sector by catalyzing the positive involvement of all the resources by being a responsive and transparent learning organization.”
Environment and Ecology Wing acts as a nodal agency to achieve the socio economic objectives of the State and for advancing mass awareness and protection of the fragile environment in order to maintain a consistent balance between the development programmes and restoration of  natural environment of Manipur.
The Soil & Water Conservation Department, Meghalaya is a major Department of the State, the Department has been striving towards the conservation of the three most vital natural resources - soil, water and vegetation by implementing various conservation measures.
Department of Forests, Ecology, Environment and Wildlife of Nagaland , vision is conservation, inventorisation, documentation and development of biodiversity in the state etc.
Forest and Environment Department of Orissa are responsible for conservation and sustainable management of forests and wildlife, afforestation and regeneration of degraded forest lands, control and abatement of pollution and administration of environmental laws and promotion of environmental awareness among the public.
Department of Forest, Environment and Wildlife of Sikkim promote conservation and management of forest resources of the State. Conservation includes preservation, maintenance, sustainable utilization, restoration and enhancement of natural environment.
Tamil Nadu Forest Department mission is increase green cover, biological upgradation and ecological restoration, management of National Parks and Sanctuaries, catchment area management, forest protection, etc.
The Uttaranchal Forest Corporation functions as a corporate body involved in the scientific management of forest resources in a manner that will ensure a sustainable resource for future generations.
The vision of Uttar Pradesh Forest Department is to meet the long-term requirements of the country and to ensure more economic and efficient utilization of the valuable forest product.
The official site for the Wildlife Department, Government of West Bengal , has three clear objectives: Focus world attention on wildlife protection and conservation projects. Develop eco-tourism as a means of raising valuable resource to fund conservation initiatives. To offer a platform to attract and share innovative ideas to lessen human-animal conflict.
The Department of Environment, West Bengal vision is the rural environmental management, biodiversity management and natural resource conservation, conservation of East Calcutta wetlands, management of hazardous chemicals & off-site emergency planning for hazardous industries, waste management, coastal zone management, study of traditional/indigenous practices for searching ecologically balanced opportunities.