3. Materials and Methods

Sampling : Lingadakai, Hasaramakki, Holebagilu, Madenur, Muppane and Hallibylu are the six sampling points selected in the reservoir for fish sampling. These sampling points were distributed over the entire reservoir. Sampling for hill stream fishes was carried out in these streams. Almost all these streams are excellent perennial streams and are distributed in the western Zone. Since the streams along eastern side dry up during summer season, samples were collected during post monsoon period. Apart from systematic sampling, opportunistic sampling was also carried out in many places so as to cover as many localities as possible.

Net sampling : Fish sampling was carried with the help of gill nets, cast nets and dragnets wherever applicable. The density and time duration of gill nets were standardised as far as possible. The nets of varying mesh sizes (linch x 2 no., 2 inch x 2 no., and 5 inch x 1 no). were chosen and laid in an approximate area of 200 x 200 sq m. The length of the net was maintained to 100 metres. In case of cast net sampling, transects with an approximate length of 100 meters along the banks were laid with 20 castings in each location. Benthic habitats were sampled using hooks. Properly labeled samples were preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution. For identification of the specimens, standard keys (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991; Jayaram 1981; Jayaram, 1996; Day 1978) were used.

In the absence of historical data regarding fish species of the reservoir, fishermen supplemented the information. Their continous association with fishing over a long period was clearly reflected by their command over the information. Fishermen with fishing history of more than 30 years were contacted to get the historical as well as present aspects of fishing. Most of the fishermen participated enthusiastically in discussions and shared their views and experiences in fishing and the social aspects. Market information such as location, channels, seasonal demand etc., was collected from the fish merchants. The fisheries department has provided all the the available statistical data regarding seeding methods, annual income to the department licensing pattern, etc.