
Flora and Fauna : Methods and Results
Developmental Activities

Preamble :

    In response to a letter dated 7th November 2007, from the President, Yekkaru Grama Panchayat, Mangalore taluk, inventory and mapping of biodiversity was undertaken on 12-14th November 2007 in Permude, Tenka Yekkaru, Delanthabettu and Kuttethuru villages, to understand the ecological importance of the region considering its proximity to the Western Ghats, one of the eight hottest biodiversity hotspots of the world ( Opportunistic and all out search methods of flora and fauna were carried out for this study. Local residents were also consulted for mammal inventory, apart from our study. Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems with various landscapes viz., wetlands, rivers, streams, paddy fields, forests, soppina betta (haadi), scrub jungle and sacred grooves were considered in this study.

Site Latitude (N°) Longitude (E°)
Kulur ( Gurupura River )

12. 92542 74.82718
Maravur ( Gurupura River ) 12. 94060 74.86509
Kuthethur 13. 00731 74.85004


13. 01762 74.85221
Delanthabettu 13.03321 74.84847
Yekkaru 13.02478 74.86582

Yekkaru temple



Table 1: Sampling sites

Figure 1: Google earth scene of the study locality
(Source: , accessed on 20th November 2007)

    Landscape elements are depicted in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Figure 2:View of diverse landscape in Permude Grama Panchayat


Figure 3: Valley near Tenka Yekkaru, with mixed vegetation.


Figure 4: Biologically productive wetlands

Figure 5: Landcover with diverse and lush green vegetation – a repository for biodiversity


Flora and Fauna : Methods and Results

Vegetation : All out search method was carried out in all landscape elements of the region enlisting grass, sedges, herbs, climbers, lianas, shrubs and trees. Species were identified on the spot. Table 2 lists 187 species observed during the survey. Table 3 lists 81 species of wetlands plants in the region. Figure 6 depicts a few flower plants of the region.

Table 2. Plant species recorded from selected localities

Abrus precatorius

Caralia antegerima

Euphorbia hirta

Acacia auriculiformis

Careya arborea

Ficus asperima

Acacia concinna

Carissa carandas

Ficus hispida

Acacia mangium

Caryota urens

Ficus racemosa

Acampe sp.

Cassia alata

Ficus religiosa

Achyranthes aspera

Cassia tora

Flacourtia montana

Adathoda vasica

Casuarina equisetifolia

Garcinia indica

Ageratum conyzoides

Chasalia curviflora

Garcinia xanthochymus

Aglaia eleginoides

Chloris barbata

Geissaspis cristata

Alstonia scholaris

Cinnamom malabaricum

Gloriosa superba

Alternanthera sessilis

Clerodendron paniculatum

Gliricidia maculata

Anacardium occidentale

Clerodendron viscosum

Grewia microcosm

Anamirta cocculus

Colocasia esculentum

Gymnostachium febrifugum

Antidesma menasu

Corchorus capsularis

Hemidesmus indicus

Aporosa lindleyana

Costus speciosus

Heteropogon contortus

Aristida cetacea

Chromolina odorata

Hibiscus furcatus

Artabotrys sp.

Crotalaria juncea

Holigarna arnottiana

Artocarpus hirsutus

Crotalaria labernifolia

Hopea parviflora

Artocarpus integrifolius

Crotalaria leptostachya

Hopea ponga

Artocarpus lakoocha

Crotalaria striata

Hugonia mastax

Atlantia racemosa

Cryptolepis buchanani

Hyptis suaveolens

Aurundinella metzii

Curculigo orchioides

Ichnocarpus frutescens

Arundinella purpurea

Curcuma oligantha

Ipomoea pentaphylla

Bambusa arundinacea

Cyclea peltata

Ipomoea prescapre

Borassus flabellifer

Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum

Ipomoea sp.

Borreria hispida

Cyrtococcum patens

Ischaemum indicum

Borreria stricta

Dalbergia sympathetica

Ixora brachiata

Brachiaria milliformis

Derris uliginosa

Ixora coccinea

Bridelia stipularis

Desmodium triquetrum

Justicia simplex

Breynia rhamnoides

Desmodium triflorum

Lantana camara

Bryophyllum pinnatum

Diospyros embryopteris

Leea indica

Buchanania lanzan

Dioscorea triphylla

Leucas linifolia

Caesalpinia mimosoides

Duranta plumeri

Ludwigia perennis

Caesaria sp.

Elephantopus scaber

Macaranga peltata

Calycopteris floribunda

Ensettia superba

Madhuca latifolia

Calophyllum inophyllum

Eragrostis unioloides

Mammea suriga

Canthium parviflora

Eragrostis viscosa

Mangifera indica

Canthium sp.

Ervatamia heyneana

Merremia hastata

Melastoma malabathricum

Ricinus communis

Terminalia bellirica

Memecylon malabaricum

Saccharum spontaneum

Terminalia catappa

Memecylon talbotii

Santalum album

Terminalia paniculata

Memecylon umbellatum

Sapium insigne

Themeda tremula

Michelia champaca

Saraca asoka

Toddalia asiatica

Mimosa pudica

Scleria lithosperma

Tragia involucrate

Mimusops elengi

Sida acuta

Triumfetta rhomboidea

Naregamia alata

Sida rhombifolia

Tylophora asthmatica

Ocimum canum

Smilax zeylanica

Urena sinuata

Odina wodier

Solanum torvum

Uvaria narum

Olea dioica

Sophubia delphinifolia

Vangueria spinosa

Ophiorrhiza harrisiana

Spilanthus acmella

Vateria indica

Oplismenus compositus

Sphaeranthus americanus

Vernonia cinerea

Pandanus furcatus

Spondias pinnata

Vitex altissima

Passiflora foetida

Streblus asper

Vitex negundo

Pennisetum polystachyon

Strychnos nuxvomica

Wagatea spicata

Phoenix sylvestre

Symplocos racemosa

Wattakaka volubilis

Phyllanthus amarus

Synedrella nodiflora

Wrightia tinctoria

Phyllanthus urinaria

Syzygium caryophyllata

Zanthoxylum ovalifolium

Plumeria alba

Syzygium cumini

Zizyphus oenoplia

Pothos scandens

Tacca pinnatifida

Zizyphus rugosa

Psychotria flavida

Tamarindus indica

Zizyphus jujuba

Randia dumetorum

Tectona grandis

Zornia diphylla

Rauwolfia serpentina

Urena lobata

Zingiber zerumbett




Table 3: Wetland plants of the region

Aeschenomene aspera

Eleocharis retroflexa

Microcarpaea minima

Ageratum conizoides

Eleocharis spiralis

Murdannia nudiflora

Alternantera sessilis

Eragrostis unioloides

Murdannia semiteres

Ammannia baccifera

Eriocaulon cinereum

Nymphaea nouchali

Arundinella leptochloa

Eriocaulon cuspidatum

Nymphoides hydrophylla

Bergia capensis

Eriocaulon richardianum

Nymphoides indica

Centella asiatica

Eriocaulon sexangulare

Nyphoides parviflora

Colocasia esculenta

Fimbristylis acuminata

Oryza rufipogon

Commelina diffusa

Fimbristylis bisembellata

Oryza sativa

Corchorus capsularis

Fimbristylis ferruginea

Oryza sativa var.nivara

Crinum viviparum

Fimbristylis littoralis

Pandanus fascicularis

Crotalaria gorrensis

Fimbristylis shoenoides

Panicum repens

Crotalaria retusa

Fuirena ciliaris

Paspalidium flavidum

Cryptocoryne spiralis

Fuirena umbellata

paspalidium punctatum

Cynodon dactylon


Paspalidum scrobiculatum

Cyperus compressus

Hydrolea zeylanica

Pycreus flavidus

Cyperus difformis

Hygrophilla ringens

Pycreus polystachyos

Cyperus halpan

Hygrophilla schulli

Pyreus stramineus

Cyperus pilosus

Ipomoea fistulosa

Rotala macrandra

Cyperus tenuispicata

Isachne miliacea

Rotala rotundifolia

Desmodium heterophllum

Ischaemum indicum

Shoenoplectus articulatus

Desmodium triflorum

Ischaemum mangaluricum

Shoenoplectus subulatus

Eclipta prostrata

Lerrsia hexandra

Smithia sensistiva

Eleocharis acutangula

Lindernia sp.

Sphaeranthus africanus

Eleocharis atropurpurea

Lobelia alsinoides

Sphenoclea zeylanica

Eleocharis dulcis

Ludwigia hyssopifolia

Utricularia aurea

Eleocharis geniculata

Melochia corchorifolia

Wisneria triandra

Figure 6: Diversity of flowering plants


Butterflies and Odonates: Different species of butterflies and dragon flies were recorded by all out search method in all landscape elements of the region. Table 4 lists 59 butterfly species from the region, of which two are endangered (Crimson Rose and Daniad Eggfly) and two are endemic (Malabar Raven and South Indian Blue Oak Leaf) to the Western Ghats. Eleven species of dragon and damselflies (odonates) were also recorded from the region (Table 5). Figure 7depicts a few odanates from the region.

Table 4. Butterfly species recorded with their ecological status.

Table 5. Odonates species recorded from selected localities.


Common Name

Ecological Status

Pachliopta aristolochiae Fabricius

Common Rose

Pachliopta hector L.,

Crimson Rose


Graphium sarpedon L.,

Common Bluebottle

Graphium doson C&R Felder

Common Jay

Graphium agamemnon L.,

Tailed Jay

Papilio demoleus L.,

Lime Butterfly

Papilio dravidarum Wood-Mason

Malabar Raven


Papilio polytes L.,

Common Mormon

Papilio paris L.,

Paris Peacock

Catopsilia pomona Fabricius

Common Emigrant

Catopsilia pyranthe L.,

Mottled Emigrant

Eurema brigitta Cramer

Small Grass Yellow

Eurema hecabe L.,

Common Grass Yellow

Delias eucharis Drury

Common Jezebel

Schedule I

Leptosia nina Fabricius


Ixias pyrene L.,

Yellow Orange Tip

Pareronia valeria Cramer

Common wanderer

Melanitis leda L.,

Common Evening Brown

Elymnias hypermenstra L.,

Common Palmfly

Mycalesis perseus Fabricius

Common Bushbrown

Orsotrioena medus Fabricius

The Nigger

Ypthima asterope Klug

Common Three-ring

Acraea violae Fabricius

Tawny Coster

Cupha erymanthis Drury


Phalanta phalantha Drury

Common Leopard

Cirrochroa thais Fabricius

Tamil Yeoman

Argyreus hyperbius L.,

Indian Fritillary

Neptis hylas Moore

Common Sailer

Pantoporia hordonia Stoll

Common Lascar

Ariadne merione Cramer

Common Castor

Junonia orithya L.,

Blue Pansy

Junonia lemonias L.,

Lemon Pansy

Junonia atlites L.,

Grey Pansy

Junonia iphita Cramer

Chocolate Pansy

Hypolimnas misippus L.,

Danaid Eggfly

Endangered, Schedule I

Kallima horsfieldi Kollar

South Indian Blue Oak Leaf


Tirumala limniace Cramer

Blue Tiger

Danaus chrysippus L.,

Plain Tiger

Euploea core Cramer

Common Indian Crow

Castalius rosimon Fabricius

Common Pierrot

Schedule I

Caleta caleta Hewitson

Angled Pierrot

Everes lacturnus Godart

Indian Cupid

Neopithecops zalmora Butler


Pseudozizeeria maha Kollar

Pale Grass Blue

Zizula hylax Fabricius

Tiny Grass Blue

Chilades laius Stoll

Lime Blue

Freyeria trochylus Freyer

Grass Jewel

Lampides boeticus L.,

Pea Blue

Schedule II

Jamides celeno Cramer

Common Cerulean

Talicada nyseus Guerin-Meneville

Red Pierrot

Rapala manea Hewitson

Slate Flash

Hasora chromus Cramer

Common Banded Awl

Hasora badra Moore

Common Awl

Tagiades litigiosa Moschler

Water Snow Flat

Sarangesa dasahara Moore

Common Small Flat

Lambrix salsala Moore

Chestnut Bob

Taractrocera maevius Fabricius

Common Gras Dart

Talicota colon Fabricius

Pale Palm Dart

Borbo cinnara Wallace

Rice Swift

Scientific Name

Common Name

Pseudagrion microcephalum

Blue Grass Dartlet

Ceriagrion cerinorubellum

Orange tailed Marsh dart

Brachythemis contaminate

Ditch Jewel

Diplocodes trivialis

Ground Skimmer

Ictinogomphus rapax

Common Clubtail

Neurothemis tullia

Pied Paddy Skimmer

Orthetrum Sabina

Green Marsh Hawk

Trithemis aurora

Crimson Marsh Glider

Rhyothemis variegate

Common picture wing

Pantala flavescens

Wandering glider

Crocothemis servilia

Ruddy marsh skimmer

  * Endemic to Western Ghats region

Figure 7: Glimpse of biodiversity - odonate species from the study region


Amphibians and Reptiles: Nocturnal searches were carried along streams and wetlands of the region for amphibians. Six species recorded are given in Table 6 and Figure 8. Among these, two are endemic to the Western ghats (Sylvirana aurantiaca and Philautus wynaadensis) and one endangered species (Philautus wynaadensis). Table 7 details three species of reptiles encountered during the study.

Table 6: Amphibians found in streams and wetlands near Tenka Yekkaru

Table 7: Reptiles observed in the study area.


Common name



Family: Dicroglossidae .

Fejervarya sp

Fejervarya limnocharis

Cricket frog

Least concerned

Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis

Skitter frog

Least concerned

Hoplobatrachus tigerinus

Indian bull frog

Least concerned

Family: Ranidae

Sylvirana aurantiaca

Golden frog

Vulnerable (Schedule IV)

Western Ghats

Family: Rhacophoridae

Philautus wynaadensis

Wynaad shrub frog


Western Ghats

Common name

Scientific name


Mobuya carinata

Checkered Keelback

Xenochrophis piscatar (Schedule II)

Lizard sp.

Calotes sp.

Figure 8. Amphibians recorded from the study region


Birds and Mammals : Hour count method in the morning hours was followed for bird sampling. Samplings were carried out in wetlands, paddy fields, scrub jungles, sacred grooves and forests. 55 species observed during the study are listed in Table 8 and Figure 9 depicts a few bird species recorded from the region. Indian peafowl is a Schedule I bird species. Seven species of mammals listed in Table 9 is based on opportunistic survey and interaction with knowledgeable residents of the region. Among these mammals, Gaur is Schedule I animal.

Table 8. Check list of birds recorded from the region

Common name

Scientific name

Ashy wood swallow

Artamus fuscus

Black-hooded oriole

Oriolus xanthornus

Black-headed munia

Lonchura Malacca

Rock pigeon

Columba livia (Schedule IV)

Golden-fronted leafbird

Chloropsis aurifrons

Common myna

Acridotheres tristis

Black drongo

Dicrurus macrocercus

Eurasian golden oriole

Oriolus oriolus

Brown shrike

Lanius cristatus

Greater coucal

Centropus sinenis

Grey wagtail

Motacilla cinerea

House crow

Corvus splendens

Indian robin

Saxicoloides fulicata

Jungle babbler

Turdoides straitus

Large-billed crow

Corvus macrorhynchos

Asian koel

Eudynamys scolopacea

Common flameback

Dinopium javanense

Little egret

Egretta garzetta

Little ringed plover

Charadrius dubius

Vernal hanging parrot

Loriculus vernalis

Intermediate egret

Mesophoyx intermedia

Asian paradise-flycatcher

Terpsiphone paradise

Black kite

Milvus migrans

White-browed wagtail

Motacilla maderaspatensis

Indian pond heron

Ardeola grayii

Purple-rumped sunbird

Nectarinia zeylonica

Purple sunbird

Nectarinia asiatica

Red-whiskered bulbul

Pycnonotus jocosus

Red-wattled lapwing

Vanellus indicus

Greater Racket-tailed drongo

Dicrurus paradiseus

Rose-ringed parakeet

Psittacula krameri

Scarlet minivet

Pericrocotus flammeus

Common kingfisher

Alcedo atthis

White-cheecked barbet

Megalaima viridis

Green bee-eater

Merops orientalis

Blue-tailed bee-eater

Merops philippinus

Spotted dove

Streptopelia chinensis

Scaly-breasted munia

Lonchura punctulata

Spotted owlet

Athene brama

Common tailorbird

Orthotomus sutorius

Thick-billed flowerpecker

Dicaeum agile

Rufous treepie

Dendrocitta vegabunda

White wagtail

Motacilla alba

White-throated kingfisher

Halcyon smyrnesis

White-breasted waterhen

Amaurornis phoenicurus

Wood sandpiper

Tringa glareola

Yellow wagtail

Motacilla flava

Marsh sandpiper

Tringa stagnatilis

Common redshank

Tringa tetanus

Baya weaver

Ploceus philippinsis

Red spurfowl

Galloperdix spadicea

Indian peafowl

Pavo cristatus (Schedule I)

Unidentified-leaf warbler





Table 9: Mammals observed in the region.

Common name

Scientific name

WPA* 1972


Bos gaurus

Schedule I

Wild boar

Sus scrofa

Schedule III

Indian Hare

Lepus nigricolis

Schedule IV

Spotted deer

Axis axis

Schedule III


Hystrix indica

Schedule IV

Common mongoose

Herpestes sp.

Schedule II

Flying squirrel

Petaurista philippensis

Schedule II

Figure 9: selected bird species from the study region


    The region is rich in biodiversity evident from the occurrence of flora and fauna species. This study records 187 species of plants, 59 butterflies, 11 odonates, 6 amphibians, 3 reptiles, 55 birds and 7 species of mammals in a short duration of two days and in a few selected localities. Also many of these taxa are protected under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, amended 2006. Considering the ecological and biodiversity significance of the region we suggest the following

  1. Carrying capacity of the district has to be assessed on priority before implementing any developmental projects in the erstwhile undivided Dakshina Kannada district as per the recommendations of the committee constituted by the Government of Karnataka in 1998 under the chairmanship of Prof. Madhav Gadgil. The planning authorities should adopt holistic approaches considering various components of the system than sectoral fragmented approaches.
  2. The integrity of water quality is already impaired due to the effluent inflow from industries commissioned and functional in the region (such as MRPL). Polluter pays‘ principle as per “ Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and the Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess (Amendment) Act, 2003” to be implemented on priority. Regulatory authorities need to shed complacency in addressing the activities polluting vital ecosystems.
  3. Considering the biological richness and ecological sensitiveness of the Western Ghats, large scale developmental projects should not be planned in any part of the Western Ghats as it is likely to impair functional capabilities of the ecosystem namely hydrology, biodiversity and ecology.
  4. The current study area is in the close proximity (<30 km) to the Western Ghats and setting up megascale industrial projects including power projects in the region will lead to large scale land cover changes, which in turn lead to loss of biological diversity, natural resources and ultimately impact humans.
  5. Rabi, Kharrif and summer agriculture crops apart from perennial horticultural crops clearly demonstrate the fertility of the soil , coupled with availability of the water.
  6. The region needs to be conserved on priority as per the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (amended 2006), due to the presence of many endangered, endemic, rare and threatened species listed (Tables 2-9) under Schedules I-IV of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  7. In the event of intense industrialization, pollutants will disperse and get transported to the regions with higher wind regimes, which will affect ecologically sensitive the Western Ghats. This will influence the climate regime and the district will face serious and severe water crisis resulting in prolonged drought in the region.
  8. The EIA conducted for the region violates the September 14 2006 EIA notification of Government of India as applicable to Category A and B1 projects.
  9. The EIA report lacks detailed field investigations covering all seasons, landscapes, waterscapes, cultural, socio-economic aspects. The report fails to highlight the ecological, biological and cultural importance of the region;


Proposed developmental activities in the vicinity of the Western Ghats - ecologically sensitive biodiversity hotspot violates the due recognition given to wildlife and forests, in the constitution of India.

I. Section 10 of the Constitution (Forty–second Amendment) Act 1976, Article 48 : 48 A Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife – The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country.

II. Section 11 of the Constitution (Forty–second Amendment) Act 1976, Article 51 A, Part V-A: 51 A Fundamental Duties – It shall be the duty of every citizen of India - (g) To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures.

Primary goals of conservation of the ecosystems are to:

  1. meet the ecological requirements of biodiversity conservation, wildlife preservation and ecological goods and services (soil conservation, fertility management, maintenance of hydrology, disease and storm protection, culture, recreation, etc.);
  2. meet the subsistence requirement of the forest-fringe communities for fuelwood, fodder, small timber and non-wood forest products through a system that ensures prevention of further degradation of the well stocked areas and regeneration of the degraded areas; and
  3. meet the market requirements, including the needs of forest-based industries, through increased productivity of the existing forests and expansion of forest and tree cover by encouraging investments by all stakeholders, especially on private land holdings.

III. Forest policy 1998 -

IV: Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

To check indiscriminate diversion of forestland. Under this legislation, approval of the Central Government is required before any forestland (noted as such in Government records) is diverted for non-forestry purposes.

V. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972

    This Act provides the protection of wild animals, birds and plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto with a view to ensuring the ecological and environmental security of the country. The Act has 11 Chapters and 121 Sections and has categorized animals, birds, and plants in six Schedules. Schedule I lists endangered species of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, crustaceans and insects. For the possession, transportation, translocation, etc., of these species permission from the Government of India is needed. Penalties for contravention of the Act for Schedule I species are very stringent. The Act provides for the setting of protected areas such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, conservation reserves and community reserves. It also has provisions for control of trade and taxidermy in wildlife and for the setting of wildlife advisory boards to advise Central and State Governments.

VI. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002

The Act has a reference to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity at Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which reaffirmed the sovereign rights of the States over their biological resources. The Act provides for the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for connected matters.

Specific clause applicable to this region is:

16 (1) Restriction on activities related to access to biological resources: Biodiversity Authority shall take the steps to restrict or prohibit the request for access to biological resources for the following reasons; namely :-

•  activities that will result in adverse environmental impact which may be difficult to control and mitigate;

•  the request for access is for any endangered taxa, endemic and rare species;

•  the request for access may likely to result in adverse effect on the livelihoods of the local people;

•  the request for access may cause genetic erosion or affecting the ecosystem function

VI The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

    This Act provides for the protection and improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith. India participated at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm in June 1972 and decided to take appropriate steps for the protection and improvement of environment and the prevention of hazards to human life and health, other living creatures, plants and property.

VII The National Environmental Policy 2006

    The principal Objectives of this policy are :

    District authorities and elected representatives should take cognizance of prevailing regulation as per the constitution of India and should strive for the conservation of ecologically fragile and sensitive global biodiversity hotspot – the Western Ghats . Taking sincere measures in this direction would be a befitting gift by our generation to the future generation. The governance of the region should encompass the principle of transparency, rationality, accountability, participation, and regulatory independence.


Ramachandra T.V.*, Gururaja K.V. , Harish Bhat , Sameer Ali , Subash Chandran M.D. ,
Vishnu D. Mukri , Karthick B. and Boominathan M.

*Energy & Wetlands Research Group


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