
Biodiversity Conservation Links

Friends of Nature Lebanon-based NGO focusing on a variety of environmental issues, including biodiversity, forest issues, and preservation.
The Global Environment Facility/ Small Grants Program Albania (GEF/SGP)
The Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Program embodies the very essence of sustainable development. SGP demonstrates that community action can maintain the fine balance between human needs and environmental imperatives. The GEF Small Grants Program is a corporate program of the GEF, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS. Albania joined the SGP as a participating country in 1996. The long-term goal of the GEF/SGP program in Albania is to contribute to achieving global environmental benefits through community-level action to conserve biodiversity, protect international waters, and reduce the likelihood of adverse climate change.
The Association for Intervention for Development and the Environment (AIDE) A national NGO created in 1997 to contribute to the sustainable development of Comoros through conservation actions and research on the natural environment. AIDE's specific aims are ecological and socio-economic monitoring of natural resources, environmental education, design and implementation of conservation and development projects, and environment management.

Action Comores

Action Comores is an NGO involved in conservation work, scientific research, direct conservation action, and environmental education. A primary focus is the conservation of the endemic and endangered fruit bat Livingstone's flying fox (Pteropus livingstonii) and its habitat.

Management Committee of the Marine Park of Moheli
The Marine Park of Mohéli was inaugurated officially in 2002 to become an area co-managed with the local communities, a sanctuary for biodiversity, and a tool for conserving the environment for the long-term use of the marine resources.
TEL: (269) 72 66 43

Environment Research Centre (ERC)

The Environment Research Centre carries out research relating to the environment and makes available relevant data for environmental policy, planning, and regulation. The government established the Environment Research Unit in 1990, and in 1998 the unit was upgraded to a centre.

Marine Research Centre (MRC)

The Marine Research Centre was founded in 1984 and is the research arm of the Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources. It is a semi-autonomous government institution undertaking research on living marine resources and to provides scientific advice to the government and industry on sustainable marine resource management and the state of the marine environment.


Bluepeace is an NGO founded in 1989 to protect the environment through environmental education and training, to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of the people of Maldives about global environment, and to build environmental monitoring and management skills in the Maldives . Bluepeace wishes to collaborate with all parties interested to protect the Maldivian and global environment.

The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF)

The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is a non-governmental organization in Mauritius concerned with the conservation of endemic species. The objectives of the foundation are to conserve and manage the indigenous flora and fauna of Mauritius and its territories and to inform, educate and involve the Mauritian people in this vital work. The MWF works in close cooperation with the Government with whom a Memorandum of Agreement was signed in 1994.

La Mauritius Marine Conservation Society

The Marine Mauritius Conservation Society is devoted to the conservation of the sea environment by promoting knowledge and respect of marine life to give rise an interest for the creation of sea parks and of artificial reefs that will allow the ecosystem to regenerate itself.

Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI)

The Mauritius Oceanography Institute is a an autonomous research organization involved in scientific research and modeling to characterize coastal and oceanic processes within the maritime jurisdiction of the Republic of Mauritius and the Indian Ocean. MOI is responsible for the formulation, implementation, and coordination of scientific programs related to the protection, exploration, and development of marine living and non-living resources in the Maritime Zones of the Republic of Mauritius . It was established in 2000.

The National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC)

Established in 1999, The National Oceanographic Data Centre operates as the national oceanographic data archive of Mauritius . The mission of the NODC is to enhance oceanographic services and promote further marine research by making available to policy-makers and the marine communities ocean data and products, in real and non-real time, for the efficient management and sustainable development of coastal and marine resources.
Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles (NPTS)

Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles is an NGO that promotes public awareness of the need for protection and conservation of nature for the purpose of research and study. They are working to preserve the species and environments of Seychelles through involvement in research projects, field studies, and action programs. Their conservation projects focus on ecosystems and flagship species with an aim to protect species by protecting their habitats.

Nature Seychelles

The primary objective of Nature Seychelles is to improve the conservation of biodiversity with scientific, managerial, educational, and training programs through affiliations, amongst others, with individuals as well as local, national, regional and international institutions engaged in the process of environmental conservation.

The Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS)

The Marine Conservation Society Seychelles is an NGO made up of local scientists, ecologists, and conservationists that promote public awareness and conservation of the marine environment through education, research, and implementation of various programs.

The Seychelles Centre for Marine Research and Technology-Marine Parks Authority (SCMRT-MPA)

The Seychelles Centre for Marine Research and Technology-Marine Parks Authority is a scientific and conservation organization formed in 2003 to secure a sustainable ocean through research, conservation, and management. It has been engaged in a number of projects and programs focused on marine species and habitat conservation, marine research, eco-tourism, environmental education, biodiversity, and the protection and management of the marine environment.

Wildlife Club (WCS)

Developed in 1994, The Wildlife Club of Seychelles is an NGO for young people that promotes the conservation of the natural environment and dedicates to create an environmentally conscious population in Seychelles . They provide opportunities for students and their leaders to learn about their environment, to participate in environmental action, and to be a force for positive change.

Seychelles Island Foundation (SIF)

The Seychelles Islands Foundation is a leading environmental organization that manages and protects the natural life of the two Seychelles World Heritage sites of Vallee De Mai and Aldabra. It ensures that the sites are areas where conservation, research, education, and nature appreciative and protective tourism are sustained, balanced, and financially viable. It was established by the government in 1979.