


Reports on Environmental Education

 Call No.:  CES RPT BHA 208
Author: Bhatia , S.C. ( 1980)
Title: Environmental consciousness and adult education
Reference: Delhi University Adult Education & Continuing Education Cell, Delhi .
 Call No.:  CES RPT BEA 247
Author: BEAG; Bombay Environmental Action Group II ( 0)
Title: Activities of Bombay Environmental Action Group II
Reference: Bombay Environmental Action Group(II)
 Call No.:  CES RPT CEI 353
Author: CEI; Centre for Education in International Management ( 0)
Title: Tentative five day environmental seminar outline
Reference: Centre for Education in International Management
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 360
Author: Shailaja,R.; Ravindranath,N.H. ( 1989)
Title: Grameena shalagalli parisara shikshana: shishkara kaipidi part 2
Reference: ASTRA, IISc, Bangalore , Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 372
Author: Shailaja,R.; Ravindranath,N.H. ( 1989)
Title: Grameena shalagalli parisara shikshana: shishkara kaipidi part 1
Reference: ASTRA, IISc, Bangalore , Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 373
Author: Shailaja,R.; Ravindranath,N.H. ( 1990)
Title: Grameena shalagalli parisara shikshana: shishkara kaipidi part 1
Reference: ASTRA, IISc, Bangalore , Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 374
Author: Shailaja,R.; Ravindranath,N.H. ( 1990)
Title: Grameena shalagalli parisara shikshana: shishkara kaipidi part 2
Reference: ASTRA, IISc, Bangalore , Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT CEE 404
Author: CEEV; Centre for Environment Education and Viksat, Ahmedabad , India ( 1986)
Title: Educational programmes for forestry
Reference: Centre for Environment Education and Viksat, Ahmedabad , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SAR 410
Author: Sarabhai,Kartikeya V. ( 1988)
Title: Towards local specific environmental education development of an EE bank
Reference: Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT CHA 459
Author: Chapekar,S.B. ( 0)
Title: Sound education basis for a healthy environment
 Call No.:  CES RPT FIE 484
Author: Field,Hermann H. ( 1981)
Title: Teaching world environmental strategies: one university's experience
Reference: IUCN
 Call No.:  CES RPT CIE 551
Author: CIET; Central Institute of Educational Technology (NCERT), New Delhi ( 1989)
Title: Prakruthi: workshop on environmental films: a report January 4-7, 1989
Reference: Central Institute of Educational Technology (NCERT), New Delhi
 Call No.:  CES RPT DOE 731
Author: DOE ( 1982)
Title: National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination 1972-81: Recommendations & Activities
Reference: Department of Environment, Government of India , New Delhi , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT HEG 755
Author: Hegde,R.S. ( 0)
Title: Chithra keerthana
Reference: Bhairumbe High School , Bhairumbe, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT DOE 767
Author: DOE ( 1984)
Title: Report of the working group set up by the planning commission for the seventh five year plan of the Department of Environment
Reference: Department of Environment, Government of India , New Delhi
 Call No.:  CES RPT VIK 837
Author: Raju,G. ( 1994)
Title: People's Institutions in forest management: a training report December 1994
Reference: Viksat and Taleem (Centre for Environment Education), Ahmedabad
 Call No.:  CES RPT DEE 934
Author: DEE ; Department of Ecology and Environment, Karnataka ( 1984)
Title: Approaches to environmental education: formal nonformal 16th, 17th & 18th April 1984
Reference: Department of Ecology and Environment, Karnataka, Educator-Manufacturer Associa
 Call No.:  CES RPT KFB 1038
Author: KFB; Kerala Forestry Board, Kerala ( 1984)
Title: Proposal for mass contact and extension of a new approach on the conservation and restoration of human environment in connection with the World Environment Day
Reference: Kerala Forestry Board, Kerala
 Call No.:  CES RPT SEE 1084
Author: SEEK ( 1983)
Title: Experiences of a voluntary organization in taking environmental education to the rural children
Reference: Society for Environmental Education in Kerala, Edat, Kerala , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT GAD 1097
Author: Gadgil,Madhav ( 1984)
Title: Approach to ecodevelopment of Western Ghats : discussion paper for the workshop on ecodevelopment of Western Ghats
Reference: Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT ANO 1322
Author: ANO ( 0)
Title: International programme in environmental management education: film resources
Reference: ANO
 Call No.:  CES RPT MEF 1348
Author: CPREEC; MEF (1993 )
Title: Annual report 1992-93: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, The C.P.Ramaswamy Aiyar Foundation
Reference: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, C.P.ramaswamy Aiyar Foundation; Ministry;
 Call No.:  CES RPT IEP 1359
Author: EPCO; Institute of Environment ; Environmental Planning and Coordination Organisation ( 1982)
Title: Syllabus for M.Phil. environmental sciences Bhopal university, Bhopal
Reference: Institute of Environment , Environmental Planning And Coordination Organisation,
 Call No.:  CES RPT IES 1368
Author: IES; Indian Environmental Society ( 1981)
Title: International conference on environmental education December 16-20, 1981
Reference: Indian Environmental Society
 Call No.:  CES RPT IES 1369
Author: IES; Ramanathan,N.L.; Bandu,Desh ( 1981)
Title: International conference on environmental education New Delhi , 16-20 December 1981: declaration and recommendations
Reference: Indian Environmental Society, New Delhi
 Call No.:  CES RPT IIF 1423
Author: IIFM; Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal ( 1988)
Title: Bulletin of information 1988: Indian Institute of Forest Management , Bhopal
Reference: Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal
 Call No.:  CES RPT UAS 1443
Author: RCWD, UAS ( 1993)
Title: Evolution report of M/s C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, Madras regarding communication package for programme on women in wastelands development
Reference: University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT IUC 1486
Author: IUCN; International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resource , England ( 1976)
Title: International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation
Reference: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, England
 Call No.:  CES RPT JAC 1545
Author: Jacob,J.C. ( 0)
Title: Environmental education; experiences of a youth movement
Reference: ANO
 Call No.:  CES RPT KVP 1803
Author: KRVP; Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishat, Bangalore, Karnataka, India ( 1987)
Title: Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishthina chatuvatikegala sameekshe 1980-1986 (in Kannada)
Reference: Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parisht, Bangalore , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT MIS 1893
Author: Misra,R. ( 1985)
Title: University education in environmental science
 Call No.:  CES RPT KSH 1924
Author: Kshirasagar,S.R.; AFARM-CSRD, Ahmednagar College , Ahmednagar, Maharashtra , India ( 1984)
Title: Appropriate strategy for environmental education and action: conference
Reference: AFARM-CSRD, Ahmednagar College , Ahmednagar, Maharashtra , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT MAT 1945
Author: Matthews,William H.; Perkowski,Joseph C.; So,Kee Siu; Curtis,Frederick A.; Martin,William F. ( 0)
Title: Resource materials for environmental management and education
Reference: The MIT Press , England
 Call No.:  CES RPT UOP 2433
Author: University of Poona ( 0)
Title: Research and development: a multidisciplinary approach with rural bias
Reference: University of Poona , Pune, Maharashtra , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT RAS 2536
Author: Rashid,M.A. ( 0)
Title: Gujarat 's nature education programme
 Call No.:  CES RPT SWA 2538
Author: Swamy,Ratna R. ( 0)
Title: Non-Governmental Organisations and Environmental Education
 Call No.:  CES RPT SAR 2664
Author: Sarabhai,Kartikeya V. ( 1985)
Title: Strategy for environmental education an approach for India
Reference: Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 2668
Author: Shailaja,R.; Ravindranath,N.H. ( 0)
Title: Parisara parichaya (Kannda Version)
Reference: ASTRA, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore , Karnataka , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SAN 2683
Author: Santhi,D. ( 0)
Title: Roject proposal for fund from the Ashoka foundation, New Delhi
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHA 2684
Author: Sharma,Lingesha ( 0)
Title: Parisara shikshana: ondu drishtikona (Kannada Version)
 Call No.:  CES RPT SIN 2765
Author: Sinha,Shailendra K. ( 1989)
Title: Green kiss: the story of nature education camps in Gujarat
Reference: Gujarat Forest Department, Gujarat , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SIN 2832
Author: Singh,Man Mohan; Rao,Prahlad L.S. ( 1981)
Title: MEA handbook for the measure of environment awareness: form A & B
Reference: Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre, Ahmedabad , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT SUB 2913
Author: Subramanayan,V.S. ( 1984)
Title: Environmental education and awareness in the western ghats region
Reference: Cards, Rnau, Coimbatore
 Call No.:  CES RPT UNE 2943
Author: UNESCO ( 1977)
Title: Inter-Governmental conference on environmental education, report by Indian delegation
Reference: Enited Nations Educational Social Cultural Organization,
 Call No.:  CES RPT UNE 3030
Author: UNEP ( 1980)
Title: South Asian co-operative environment programme
Reference: United Nations Environment Programme, Bangalore
 Call No.:  CES RPT UNE 3072
Author: UNESCO ( 1976)
Title: Regional meeting of experts on environmental education in Asia , Bangkok , Thailand , 15-20 November 1976: final report
Reference: United Nations Educational
 Call No.:  CES RPT VAR 3120
Author: Variava,Dilnavaz ( 1983)
Title: Silent valley: a case study in environmental education: BNHS centuary seminar On 8th December 1983
Reference: Save Silent Valley Committee, BNHS, Bombay
 Call No.:  CES RPT NMN 3150
Author: NMNH ( 0)
Title: National Museum of Natural History: a brief guide
Reference: National Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Environment, Forests & Wildlife New
 Call No.:  CES RPT SUN 3153
Author: SUNJ ( 0)
Title: Center for coastal and environmental studies
Reference: State University of New Jersey , Rutgers
 Call No.:  CES RPT WWF 3180
Author: WWF ( 1982)
Title: World Wildlife Fund India : Report July/August 1982
Reference: World Wildlife Fund , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT WHI 3190
Author: Whitaker,Zai ( 1984)
Title: Snake park as a conservation centre
Reference: Madras Snake Park , Madras
 Call No.:  CES RPT CPR 3346
Author: CPREEC ( 1996)
Title: Annual report 1994-95: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre
Reference: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, Madras
 Call No.:  CES RPT CPR 3400
Author: CPR ( 1994)
Title: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre 1993-1994
Reference: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre
 Call No.:  CES RPT GAD 3442
Author: Gadgil,Madhav ( 1986)
Title: Science as a voyage of discovery
Reference: Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore
 Call No.:  CES RPT VSC 3562
Author: VSCSC ( 0)
Title: Proposed programmes for the year 1979-1980 and onwards
Reference: Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
 Call No.:  CES RPT CEE 3586
Author: CEE; Centre for Environment Education ( 1989)
Title: Sangamitra
Reference: Centre for Environment Education
 Call No.:  CES RPT SHI 3794
Author: Shilaja,R.; Ravindranath,H.N. ( 1989)
Title: Gramina shalegalali parisara shikshana shikshakara kaipidi (Kannada) part 2
Reference: ASTRA, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore , India
 Call No.:  CES RPT CST 3843
Author: CST; Council for Science and Technology ( 1986)
Title: Report of the orientation programme on environmental sciences (OPES)
Reference: Council for Science and Technology, Government of Goa , Daman and Diu
 Call No.:  CES RPT MNS 3856
Author: MNS ( 0)
Title: Black Buck
Reference: Madras Naturalists' Society
 Call No.:  CES RPT RAS 3859
Author: Rashid,M.A. ( 1982)
Title: International conference on environemental education
Reference: Chief Conservator of Forests, Gujurat State
 Call No.:  CES RPT JUN 4087
Author: JUN; Jiwaji University , Gwalior ( 0)
Title: Indra Gandhi Academy of Environmental Education, research and ecoplanning information bulletin
Reference: Jiwaji University , Gwalior
 Call No.:  CES RPT IIM 4121
Author: IIM; Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta ( 1981)
Title: Proceedings of the workshop on environmental management held on December 11 and 12, 1981
Reference: Indian Institute of Management , Bangalore
 Call No.:  CES RPT ANO 4146
Author: ANO ( 0)
Title: Survey of educational needs in environmental management world wide analysis
Reference: ANO
 Call No.:  CES RPT UGC 4287
Author: UGC ( 1982)
Title: Agenda: University Grant Commission
Reference: University Grants Commission
 Call No.:  CES RPT SUR 4331
Author: Suri,G.S.P. ( 1981)
Title: Environmental Science and Technology
Reference: Directorate of Advertisement and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I&B, Govt. of Ind
 Call No.:  CES RPT UNE 4360
Author: UNESCO ( 1981)
Title: International environmental education network
Reference: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
 Call No.:  CES RPT GAD 4421
Author: Gadgil,M. ( 1986)
Title: Science as a voyage of discovery
Reference: Environmental Education for Science Teachers, Yadahalli, Taluk Sirsi, Uttar Kann
 Call No.:  CES RPT CPR 4458
Author: CPREEC ( 1996)
Title: Annual Report 1995-96 C.P.R.Environmental Education Centre, Madras
Reference: C.P.R.Environmental Education Centre, Madras
 Call No.:  CES RPT CPR 4549
Author: CPREEC ( 1996)
Title: Annual report 1995-96
Reference: C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre, Eldams Aiyar Foundation, Madras
 Call No.:  CES RPT CPR 4591
Author: CPRE ( 1997)
Title: Annual Report 1996-97 C.P.R.Environmental Education Centre, Chennai
Reference: C.P.R.Environmental Education Centre, Chennai
 Call No.:  CES RPT IIM 5228
Author: Mishra,Madhu S.
Title: Directory of voluntary and other organizations on environmental study
Reference: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
 Call No.:  CES RPN NAR 1390 Reprint
Author: Narayan,D.S.; 1981
Title: Role of Universities in Environmental Education
Reference: International Conference on Environmental Education. 1981. 1-8
 Call No.:  CES RPN UNE 2067 Reprint
Author: UNESCO Regional Office; 1976
Title: Environmental Education: The Belgrade Charter
Reference: Bulletin of the UNESCO Regional Office of Science and Technology for south and Central Asia . 1976. 1-2
 Call No.:  CES RPN SIN 2701 Reprint
Author: Singh,Sunil K.
Title: Environmental education: a remedy for environmental crisis
Reference: University News, 43(45), Nov 07-13, 2005