Reports - Mollusca


•  Nicol,D.; 1977 Geographic Relationship of Benthic Marine Molluscs of Florida The Nautilus. 1977. 91(1), 4-7

•  Nicol,D.; 1969 Number of Living Species of Molluscs Systematic zoology. 1969. 18(2), 251-254

•  Read,K.R.H.; 1964 Temperature Co-effecients of Ribonucleases from Two Species of Gastropod Molluscs from Different Thermal Environments Biological Bulletin. 1964. 127, 489-498

•  Read,K.R.H.; 1963 Thermal Inactivation of Preparations of Aspartic/Glutamic Tarnsaminase from Species of Bivalved Molluscs from the Sublittoral and Intertidal Zones Comp. Bichem. Physiol. 1963. 9, 161-180

•  Sundararaja,V.; Krishnamurthy,K.; 1972 Distribution of Copper in Porto Novo Waters Curr. Sci. 1972. 41(9), 315-317