Foragers of Common Herb Justicia simplex (PDF)
Sameer Ali

Justicia simplex is a Creeping and ascending herb belonging to the family Acanthaceae. Commonly found on bunds of cultivated fields, irrigation canals, along road-cuts and in open places. Flowering in all seasons. Leaves subsessile, 1-4x 0.5-1.8 cm, ovate-linear, with cystoliths (intracellular calcified bodies) irregularly oriented. Spikes many-flowered, bracts broad, scarious along margin; bracteoles similar but narrower. Calyx lobes 4, bracteoles-like, strongly nerved; nerves and margin hairy. Corolla 0.6 cm long, usually pink, sometimes white. The plant is distributed in E. Africa, India and Malaysia.

Fig. 1. Apis cerana indica & Apis dorsata foraging on Justicia simplex


Fig. 2. Spotted Small Flat and Chestnut Bob foraging on Justicia simplex


Fig. 3. Blue Pansy & Pea Blue butterfly foraging on Justicia simplex



Photographs and Text
Sameer Ali
Energy and Wetlands Research Group,
Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012.