
River basin based studies provide insights on species distribution and diversity as catchments are topographically and hydrologically well defined. Among five rivers, Venkatapura is least rich in terms of amphibians, which could be attributed to its smaller catchment. Among the other four river basins, Sharavathi is species rich and also endemics. One of the sampling site, Kathalekan, a very well known Myristica swamp, harbours 34 species, attributed to the vegetation and seasonality of stream. This site certainly needs immediate attention from decision makers as surrounding areas are used for agriculture purpose and there are instances of human activities inside the region. Muppane also has higher richness, but is already inside Sharavathi valley wildlife sanctuary. As one proceeds further north in Uttara Kannada district, the vegetation also changes to semi-evergreen to deciduous, which could be the reason of less diversity in Kali and Bedti river (29 species each). Kathagal in Aghanashini river basin is relatively closer to coast among the sites is an example for ‘refugia’ concept, where in amphibian species were found despite a small area surrounded by agricultural activities. Bailalli and Sapurthi also harbor higher species in Aghanashini. In Bedthi, Makkigadde and Kelginkeri are the sites with high amphibian richness and endemism. Similarly, Castlerock, Virnolli, Ulvi and Gowliwad are in Kali with amphibian richness and endemism. However, all these sites with high richness and endemism in all the river basin face the threat, directly are indirectly from human activities such as diversion of streams, encroachment for agriculture, illegal felling and collection of forest yields. Kathalekan in Uttara Kannada district is an ideal heritage sites from Biodiversity perspective. The other sites mentioned needs the attention of forest managers for better conservation and management of biodiversity in Uttara